Child ticket for 0-12 year olds
Monday - Sunday: 10.00 - 17.00
Ticket directly available on smartphone
Tickets can be rescheduled up to 48 hours in advance, tickets cannot be cancelled
ARTIS-Micropia has its own privacy policy, general terms and conditions and the rules for a safe visit. Please read it prior to your visit
For questions about the products, please contact [email protected]
They are invisible yet all around us: microbes. ARTIS-Micropia, the world’s first museum and only museum about microbes, uncovers the fascinating world of microorganisms and how they influence our day-to-day life. This one-of-a-kind attraction that opened in 2014 gives you a unique glimpse into the microscopic world surrounding us.
ARTIS-Micropia is a high-tech and immersive multimedia experience that will let you enter the realm of what’s usually hidden from our eyes. State-of-the-art microscopes, interactive games and modern equipment bring the world of our powerful little neighbours to life, making the award winning exhibitions an unforgettable experience for adults and children alike!
Around two-thirds of life on earth are microorganisms that you cannot see without a microscope. In fact, they are so small that one million bacteria can fit onto the tip of a pin! So while the micro-world may be invisible to us, they are crucial to our world and our bodies. Microorganism like moulds, bacteria, viruses or yeasts are essential in the circle of life, without them life on earth wouldn’t be possible.
ARTIS-Micropia introduces you to a fascinating collection of microbes. Learn more about the nonillion bacteria (that is a 1 with 30 zeros!) living on earth and how they adapted to nearly every type of environment and extreme conditions within the 3,5 billion years they’ve inhabited the earth.
Take a closer look at how microbes around you influence your life! Find out what the microorganisms have to do with your breakfast and how they protect your skin or how many of them live on your phone. Collect your favourite microbes and find all their diverse eggs during an egg hunt, create your own collection and bring them to life on the Microbe Wall.
Book your tickets for ARTIS-Micropia quickly and comfortably right here. Prepare yourself for a unique look into the world of microbes and discover life around you from a new perspective during your visit in Amsterdam. ARTIS-Micropia is conveniently located next to the ARTIS Royal Zoo. Buy combination tickets for both of these fascinating attractions.
55 Reviews
The smallest living creatures in the world are presented in a creative way. You are invited to join in, smart applications make that you can follow bacteria, fungae, virusses in a beautiful way, with pictures, videos etc. There is even a 'kiss experience' :-) I was on my own, but surrounded by teenagers who loved the expereince, also as they had do perform little experiments and tasks. Then a biology student told us, in fluent English, how they run the museum, its labs and how they keep the small world alive. It was wonderful.
On returning home, the customs agent asked our son what his favorite thing in Amsterdam was and he said this place. It far exceeded our expectations. It was very educational in a fun way (unless you are a germaphobe!) It was fun to see leaf cutter ants in action, too! I loved the glass art microbes on the first floor. Fun for all ages.
Micropia in Amsterdam is a truly fascinating museum dedicated to the world of microbes. You get the unique opportunity to see live microbes under a microscope, which is both educational and mesmerizing. The museum also features a lab where you can learn more about the science behind these tiny organisms. One of the highlights is the "Microbe of the Week," where researchers give a short and engaging presentation about a specific microbe, making the experience even more interactive and fun. It’s a must-visit for anyone curious about the unseen world around us!
Nothing like anything I've seen before! Almost everything in the museum is interactive. It's very fun and interesting for both kids and adults (no matter if you have a specific interest in the field or not). The exhibit is very diverse, and it doesn't get boring. We spent about two hours inside.
Great attraction, suitable for adults, teens and young kids with interactive exhibits and tons of microbes to learn more about. You can scan your body, analyse a kiss, and study life under a microscope. Everyone working there was super friendly and happy to help too. A fun and unique experience.
Smallish but super interesting. Right next to zoo. My teen especially likes tardigrades, and there was lots to look at; we were there for about 2 hours. Good interactive exhibits.
We visited this on our first full day in Amsterdam. There are so many interesting exhibits to look at and the interactive exhibits really add to the experience (as well as being able to collect stamps as you go round!). We have recommended this to friends and family too!
Great museum! Very interesting content displayed in an interactive and visually pleasing way. You could see live microbes under microscopes that you could operate yourself. A fun afternoon out for adults and kids alike!
as a microbiology student, this place was amazing!! i could have spent all day here. absolutely attend one of the daily talks if you can, it was fascinating. there is a ton of information and unusual microbes, plus rate opportunities to look down microscopes at microbes such as unusual algae - something i particularly enjoyed! even if you aren't particularly interested in micro you will still enjoy an hour or more visiting here. :)
This is a very interesting and educational museum about the origin of bacteria and fungi. Everything is explained very descriptive. It has plenty top try out - not only perfect for children.
Daughter was excited to visit this museum, and she loved it. Very informative, not huge but had lots to look at. Adults enjoyed it too. Only downside was the ticket doesn’t allow you access to the gift shop. Daughter wanted an Artis de Partis toy, and we weren’t allowed in to the shop to purchase one. We travelled to the station to purchase, which was a bit of a trek, so that was annoying.
Def a great alternative to the typical art museums when visiting the city. Super interesting and informative experience and great for all ages. The nerd in me loved every moment. I would highly recommend. Also next to the zoo and can combine tix for a small discount.
Who knew gross little microbes could be so fascinating? Lots of interesting exhibits & displays full of interesting facts and info. The body scan is particularly disturbing! For all ages but young ones will really enjoy it. Good fun.
This place was amazing. My science nerd of a husband really wanted to go. I have to say I am glad we did. All of the interactive exhibits are well done, educational and entertaining. We were there for almost three hours, the time just flew. I guess my inner science nerd was allowed to shine.
A wonderfully designed museum with a real sense of humor; it kept family and friends engaged for 1-2 hours.
Único en el mundo ,excelente visita, merece la pena No es caro para lo que se ofrece 17 euros entrada por persona. Excelente para visitar en familia ,los niños disfrutaran. Mucha parte interactiva.
Super fijn museum, niet te druk waardoor we alles op ons gemakje konden bekijken. Het is heel leerrijk en interactief: je kan alle microben onder de microscoop bekijken en stempels verzamelen.
Har en datter som går op i emnet. Var lidt skeptisk på hvad jeg ville synes. Blev meget positivt overrasket. Spændende på en interaktiv måde. En stor anbefaling.
Virkelig godt og spændende museum! Meget god og lærerig viden om diverse mikrobakterier, formidlet på en utrolig god måde. Man var med hele vejen igennem, og selv en der ikke interesserer sig specielt for emnet, kan være med. Kan helt klart anbefales til alle.
Super expérience dans ce musée original qui nous fait découvrir ce que nos yeux ne peuvent voir sans microscope... Très bien fait, à la fois scientifique et ludique, nous avons beaucoup aimé!
Smallish but super interesting. Right next to zoo. My teen especially likes tardigrades, and there was lots to look at; we were there for about 2 hours. Good interactive exhibits.
Smallish but super interesting. Right next to zoo. My teen especially likes tardigrades, and there was lots to look at; we were there for about 2 hours. Good interactive exhibits.
Vraiment impressionnant et éducatif, autant pour les enfants que les adultes. Le personnel est très gentil et passionné.
Sehr schöner Zoo der etwas anderen Art. An viele Stationen lässt sich mikrobilologisches Leben live beobachten. Ergänzt werden sie Stationen mit informativen Filmen in mehreren Sprache. Der Zoo erstreckt sich über zwei Etagen, dadurch ist er räumlich sehr klein aber mit hohem Informationsgehalt.
Leuk museum, dat laat zien hoe de "kleine natuur" om ons heen belangrijk is voor ons bestaan, maar ook ziekten kan veroorzaken. Zowel voor kinderen als volwassenen leuk. En men leert alles om zich heen te waarderen. Het enige minpunt is, dat er bij het naar binnengaan wordt aangegeven dat er op vastgestelde tijden ( die kenbaar worden gemaakt ) een laborant komt, die ook nog van alles kan zien, en waar je vragen aan kan stellen. Wel: deze laborant komt dus NIET....
Espacio amplio, muy limpio, muy bien decorado. Hay taquillas para dejar tus cosas antes de entrar y la experiencia muy bonita, sin duda volveria!
Das einzige Mikrobenmuseum der Welt. In der Beschreibung steht, man besichtigt es in ca. 90 Minuten. Ich habe mehr als drei Stunden hier verbracht und mich nicht gelangweilt. Einfach toll gemacht und man erfährt auch als totaler Laie, der ich war, viel Spannendes beim Einblick in die Welt der Mikroben
Vandaag een bezoek gebracht aan Micropia. De tentoonstelling is zeer aanschouwelijk en gestructureerd opgesteld. De informatie is duidelijk en eenvoudig geformuleerd om het te begrijpen. Het feit dat je doorheen de tentoonstelling stempels kan verzamelen om je eigen 'microscopisch beeld' is een leuke meerwaarde. We hebben er ongeveer een klein uurtje gespendeerd.
So ganz anders im Vergleich zu den verschiedenen Kunstmuseen in Amsterdam; hier wird Wissen auf eine sehr schöne und originelle Weise vermittelt über die kleinsten Lebewesen.
L’expérience est très chouette et ludique, pour les adultes et les enfants. Le personnel est super accueillant. Je recommande.
Super musée! Ça change de ce qu’on peut voir. Super intéressant les bactéries et microbes etc. À faire sans hésiter !!!! Se fait assez rapidement, en 1h à 1h30. Vestiaires gratuits à l’entrée
Wow!! In Micropia gaat er letterlijk een nieuwe wereld voor je open. Wat kunnen microben prachtig zijn. Echt een aanrader💕
On a adoré ! De la montée par l’ascenseur à la sortie tout était génial et très bien présenté ! Très ludique, on a en plus pu participer à l’explication d’une personne du musée / labo. Vestiaire gratuit et prix du ticket (35€ pour deux) finalement bien rentabilisé car nous y avons passé un peu plus de 2h ! Seul regret de ne pas avoir pris un billet combiné pour faire le zoo
J'ai beaucoup apprécié passer du temps dans ce musée qui m'a rappelé mes années de fac. A l'étage on y découvre la microbiologie, avec des interactions entre les êtres vivants, des cultures cellulaires, une belle collection de microorganismes en Pétri. Le rez-de-chaussée est plutôt orienté biotechnologies (fermentation, biocarburants..). Les expositions sont très ludiques, et conviennent totalement à ceux qui ne sont pas du domaine, au contraire, c'est l'assurance d'apprendre plein de chose ! Un monsieur est même présent pour donner des explications supplémentaires. Toutefois, je le trouve moins adapté aux jeunes enfants.
Ontzettend leuk dat er nu ook een dierentuin is die aandacht heeft bacteriën en schimmels. Het is mooi opgezet en ingericht. Het enige minpuntje is dat als het een beetje druk is, zoals afgelopen zaterdag, dat je staat te wachten om door een microscoop te kunnen kijken.
Il n'était pas prévu dans le planning et puis on avait un peu de temps, il était inclus dans notre pass... Et on n'a pas été déçues bien au contraire ! Ce musée est vraiment incroyable ! Une réelle expérience immersive, des tas d'infos géniales ! C'est tout ce monde qui vit avec nous que l'on ne voit pas, parfois fascinant, parfois répugnant ! Mais tellement captivant ! Allez-y sans hésiter ! (Pas de français par contre c'est mieux si vous comprenez l'anglais) Il y a aussi un jeu pour les enfants (ou grands enfants!) de collecte des microbes ;)
Fantástico museo para aprender sobre el mundo microscópico, para adultos y pequeños. Sobre todo para los pequeños puede ser una gran experiencia que les introduzca un poco más en la ciencia y el conocimiento de nuestro mundo. Muy interpretativo y textos sencillos, aunque estén en inglés lo entenderán perfectamente.
Soy microbióloga y la forma en la que presentan los microorganismos en este lugar, es hermosa! Me encantó, disfrute cada microorganismo, cada explicación. Quizá sería mejor si hubiese alguien que estuviese pendiente cuando hay personas con dudas. Por mi parte me puse a explicarle a algunas personas qué es lo que veían y la pasé genial jeje
Idea interessante, andando verso le 15 non era affollato, inserirei del personale all'interno per qualche delucidazione. Prezzo forse un po' caro, premio però l'originalità. È vicino allo zoo e ad un ampio spazio all'aperto con tavoli e sedie
Interaktivt museum med ovanligt fokus (mikroorganismer). Lite för mycket folk under besöket gjorde det svårt att testa allt, men på det hela taget välorganiserat och med tydlig besöksordning. Lagom med skyltar och intryck.
dit museum zou iedereen een keer moeten bezoeken al is het alleen al om te ervaren hoe prachtig het is ingericht
Fascinerende udstilling, der både er illustrativ og interaktiv. Det er måske ikke det oplagte for en mikrobiolog, men andre med interesse i biologi, kan passende besøge stedet. Både for voksne og for børn.
Mega interessant dat er zoveel te vertellen is over microben die zo klein zijn dat je ze niet eens met het blote oog kan zien. Ook een leuk mini college over de voortplanting van algen.
Spannend und informativ. Es war sehr interessant einige Mikroben selber durch ein professionelles Mikroskop anzusehen. Die Themengestaltung war vielfältig und wurde der Breite des Themas gerecht. Die Beiträge waren sind für alle Levels von Vorwissen verständlich und interessant und bei Fragen war immer jemand vom Museum zu finden der diese beantworten konnte. Mein Highlight waren die Leuchtbakterien und Fische
Dieses Museum hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Die Welt der Mikroorganismen wird hier sehr anschaulich und leicjht verständlich gezeigt. An jeder Station kann man selbst etwas entdecken oder bedienen. Zusätzlich kann man in einem Stempelheft bei dem Rundgang 30 Microorganismen sammeln.
Sehr informativ, muss einen jedoch interessieren. Mir hat besonders gut der Scanner für die im eigenen Körper vorhandenen Mikroben gefallen, auch die Ameisenfarm war sehr spannend. Leider etwas teuer...
Conoscere meglio il micromondo che ci circonda... consigliato da visitare con i bambini, ma interessantissimo anche senza.
Micropia es un museo dedicado a la microbiología muy bien planeado. Es un lugar que si tienes tiempo debes visitar, aunque no seas microbiologo, porque aprenderás más de los microorganismos. Fui caminando y conocí zonas de Amsterdam que no siempre son visitadas por la mayoría de los turistas. Muy recomendado!
Gratis con la museum card l'ho visitato solo per completezza, invece mi ha stupito. Un museo scientifico in chiave moderno ben impostato. 2 piani da visitare con calma e curiosità.
Udstillingerne er spændende og informative og man leger informationen ind. Personalet er søde og imødekommende og entusiasmen smitter! Absolut et besøg værd!