The highlight of Dutch spring - Keukenhof, is a must-visit. The beautiful flower garden is on a lot of people’s bucket list. And what better way to share your adventure at Keukenhof with your friends than taking some photos? Read on, and we will give you some inside photography tips to create the best memories.

Arrive early in the morning

As said before, Keukenhof is on many people’s bucket list. That’s why it can be quite busy. And no one wants a lot of people in their landscape photography. That’s why early birds will be rewarded with photos without a lot of other people on it. And, of course, you have more time to spend in the gardens. Win-win!

Embrace the weather

Don’t be sad if the weather predicts clouds and some rain. These conditions are good to photograph in this environment. On a sunny day, shoot the displays indoors when the sun is high between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

Photography tips for your visit to Keukenhof

Make a plan

When you arrive early in the morning, you can discover Keukenhof at your own speed. Keep in mind that during the day it can be more crowded. That’s why we advise you to mark the spots that you would like to photograph on a Keukenhof map. Later on, you can come back to this place and photograph the flowers. Plan for tightly framed images when the crowds are present. To get the best out of Keukenhof plan for a long day, as the crowds tend to lessen after 15:00 and you’ll have beautiful evening sun.

The Windmill

Of course, you can find an iconic Dutch windmill at Keukenhof. And, the building is the perfect background when you take a shot of the flowers in front of it. Just take a glimpse at the photo from a few years ago. Focus your lens on the flowers in front, and let your camera do the magic.

If you also have some Photoshop skills you can blur the less important details, and sharpen the flowers and windmill a bit. Another nice special effect you can create with Photoshop is to darken the air and windmill and brighten the flowers in front. This way the flowers really pop out. Let your creativity sore!

Are you ready to shoot some beautiful bulbs in bloom after reading our ‘Keukenhof photography tips’? Then continue to our Keukenhof page, and find the offer that suits you.

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