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- Efteling: El Mundo de las Maravillas
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El parque temático Efteling es una experiencia mágica para todas las edades. Con un bosque de cuento de hadas, atracciones emocionantes y espectáculos diarios, es una fantástica excursión de un día.
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- Diversión para toda la familia, desde tranquilos paseos a grandes montañas rusas
- Atracciones basadas en la folclore, cuentos de hadas y leyendas antiguas
- Disfruta de un día lleno de diversión y aventura
Todos las personas mayores de 3 años necesitan una entrada de adulto
Entrada gratuita para los niños de 0 a 3 años si van acompañados de un adulto
Lunes - Viernes: 11.00 - 18.00
Sábado - Domingo: 11.00 - 19.00
Diferentes horarios de apertura durante las vacaciones
Información sobre las entradas
La entrada incluye el acceso al parque temático y a las atracciones
La entrada no incluye el transporte al parque ni la comida y las bebidas
La entrada está disponible directamente en el móvil
Las entradas se pueden utilizar una vez y son válidas hasta el 7 de enero de 2024, las entradas no se pueden cancelar
Más información
Si tienes preguntas sobre el producto, ponte por favor en contacto con hello@toursandtickets.nl
- Adaptado a la silla de ruedas
- Acceso gratuito al baño
Transporte Público
La parada más cercana es Efteling (autobuses 136, 300 y 301).
Abrir en Google Maps
Descubre un mundo lleno de maravillas
Efteling es el parque temático más grande y bonito de los Países Bajos y definitivamente merece la pena la visita. Con sus más de 50 atracciones y millones de visitantes anuales es un plan perfecto para pasar un día en familia. Este parque de atracciones está rodeado de naturaleza y te hará sentir que estás en un cuento de hadas.
Atraviesa por el paseo oscuro (Dreamflight) lleno de hadas y animales del bosque, camina entre gigantes y trolls y alimenta a Holle Bolle Gijs, el muñeco que siempre tiene hambre. Descubre Laafland desde arriba en el monorraíl y déjate encantar por Symbolica, El Palacio de la Fantasía donde nada es lo que parece.
No todo es cuentos de hadas en el parque de Efteling. También hay muchas atracciones para los más atrevidos. Sube a bordo del Baron 1898 y desciende directamente a una mina a 90 km/h o sube a la montaña rusa de madera ”George and the Dragon” donde podrás competir en la carrera de doble vía. Tampoco querrás perderte El Python o El Holandés Volador.
Además de las atracciones, diariamente hay espectáculos por todo el parque temático. Estos increíbles espectáculos están llenos de efectos especiales y de acción que harán que toda la familia disfrute. El parque también posee varios restaurantes y puestos de comida. Si te quedas hasta el cierre, asegúrate de no perderte el espectáculo marino “Aquanura” dónde se unen música, agua, fuego y luz.
El pasado y el futuro
El parque de atracciones Efteling abrió sus puertas por primera vez el 31 de mayo de 1952. Comenzó únicamente con cuentos de hadas originales como La Bella Durmiente, Blancanieves y El Príncipe Rana. A su vez, cabe destacar que el artista holandés Anton Pieck ayudó a crear el parque temático y añadió un gran toque romántico que hace que Efteling sea distinto al resto de parques.
A medida que han ido pasando los años, el parque ha ido creciendo con más atracciones e incluso ahora cuenta con el Hotel Efteling y el Parque de Golf Efteling. Por lo tanto, este parque de atracciones nunca deja de reinventarse con nuevas atracciones. La atracción familiar Max & Moritz se añadió en 2020, esta montaña rusa doble te permite experimentar un emocionante y alocado viaje lleno de trucos. Y ya se están preparando más atracciones nuevas.
¡Reserva tus entradas para Efteling ya!
¿Estás preparado o preparada para una aventura y quieres escapar de la ajetreada ciudad? ¡Organiza tu increíble visita a Efteling ahora! El World of Wonders de Efteling es fácilmente accesible en coche o en transporte público. Consigue tus entradas para el parque temático Efteling aquí y prepárate para ser transportado a un mundo lleno de fantasía.
99 Reviews
Valoración media de
Muy recomendable.
Impresionante experiencia. Fuimos con niños de 6-15 años y lo pasaron bomba. A los mayores nos impresionó la limpieza, la decoración, el cuidado de los jardines, el personal.. Muy recomendable. Enhorabuena a los responsables
Mar 26, 2024anaaA133GI
Experiencia magica!!!
Experiencia inolvidable!!!Fuimos solo para un día y nos hubiesemos quedado un día más. Básicamente se dividía en las atracciones y montañas rusas muy emocionantes ,en especial las atracciones de "El holandés errante" y "Barón 1898", entre otras muchas. La parte infantil y la tercera parte más bonita de todas ellas que es la más antigua: La parte de los cuentos de hadas. Esta última es preciosas. Cabe destacar que el personal en general es muy amable y que la organización es genial. A pesar de la mucha gente que había generalmente en las colas, estas avanzaba fluidamente y no tenias que esperar muchos minutos. Como máximo 30-35'. Deseando volver de nuevo!!!
Aug 18, 2023anap204
Sin duda
No puedo contar con palabras, lo bien que lo pasamos en familia. Aparte de las atracciones que hay, y, que hay que decir que no habían más de 30 minutos, para subir, por eso aquí no existe el fastpass, todo lo que rodea al parque, es exquisito. Zona de juegos, espectáculos ahora bien, yo fui para ver la zona de cuentos, y, no me defraudó. No se puede comparar, con otros parques. Sin duda, volveré. ⁸
Jul 30, 2023649arturod
El lugar es muy grande los juegos estan muy padres y hay para todas las edades, el personal es muy atento y los juegos y atracciones son muy buenas tienen una app muy buena recomiendo descargarla
Apr 20, 2023s_niao123
Parque de cuento
Efteling es uno de los parques temáticos más antiguos de Europa y eso se nota en las atracciones. El parking cuesta 12,50€ se puede pagar cuando compras las entradas. Si estás alojado en los hoteles del parque puedes acceder antes, pero si no es el caso a esperarse a la hora de apertura. Las atracciones son bastantes largas pero la verdad es que vale la pena. En navidad tiene un encanto especial. Nosotros fuimos el 1 de enero y la verdad es que fue un acierto porque no habían colas.
Jan 4, 2023yancriollo
Sitio ideal para una experiencia familiar para recordar
Estuvimos 2 días al parque de viaje familiar y fue una muy grata experiencia. El parque en general esta muy bien ambientado con una decoración natural (muchos árboles y flores) y las atracciones para los niños y adultos estaban muy bien. La pena es que todo esta en holandes, y se pierde sobre todo la ambientación preliminar que hacen de las atracciones y los espectaculos en vivo, sería ideal tener una traducción simultanea porque te quedas con ganas de entender lo que dicen de lo bien que esta ambientado.
Sep 7, 2022ElisaBaldo_01
Grande cura nelle tematizzazioni
Parco estremamente esteso, non ho mai fatto così tanti passi (circa 26mila in 11/12 ore) in un parco divertimenti. Il target principale sono sicuramente le famiglie con bambini, ma ci si può divertire anche da adulti. Il parcheggio, sia in entrata che in uscita, è ben presidiato e organizzato. I 12.50€ possono essere pagati online o alle casse (automatiche o con personale). Quasi tutti acquistano online perché anche in giornate che il parco segnalava come affollate noi non abbiamo mai trovato nessuno alle casse. Il parco apre i cancelli ben prima delle 10:00 (credo alle 9:00), durante quest'ora extra i guest esterni (che non soggiornano nei loro hotel) rimangono confinati in una piccola zona del parco con possibilità di andare in bagno, acquistare souvenir o fare colazione. Alle 9:59, sempre puntualissimi, aprono i cancelli e le attrazioni. Le dark ride sono molto carine, i coaster in generale abbastanza tranquilli e semplici, ben fatte anche le attrazioni acquatiche. Pre-show e tematizzazioni (anche delle file di attesa) sono molto curati. Foresta delle favole davvero immensa, indispensabile la mappa per non perdersene una parte. Assolutamente evitabili Gondoletta e Stoomtrein, non c'è davvero nulla da vedere. Single rider fantastiche, estremamente più scorrevoli che in qualsiasi altro parco provato; molto spesso inoltre il tempo indicato è maggiore del reale (questo in generale capita anche nella coda normale). L'unica pecca è che non sono abituati a riempire a tutti i costi i posti disponibili, e questo in alcuni casi (vedesi Gondoletta con 4 file di panche riempita con solo due persone per barca) porta ad un evidente allungamento del tempo di attesa. Assolutamente da vedere Aquanura e Raveleijn. Abbastanza varia la proposta food anche per chi vuole evitare di mangiare solo hamburger, fritti e pizza (sicuramente spedendo un po' di più). Estremamente apprezzabile la chiusura serale con le file aperte fino alle 21:00/22:00.
Sep 8, 2024aliekev2020
Sprookjesachtig genieten
Met familie (jong en oud) naar de Efteling. Wel op een drukke zaterdag, maar ondanks dat echt genoten van dit mooie pretpark. Prachtig aangelegd, goed onderhouden en schoon. Lekker gegeten bij La Place.
Sep 4, 2024T1657ZQwendyb
Geweldig met 1 minpuntje
We hebben een verblijf gehad van 3 dgn in bosrijk met de familie! Het was zoals gewoonlijk weer fantastisch! Prachtig weer en vrij korte wachttijden. 1 ding is mij niet bevallen en dat is hoe ze om gaan met de single ride in de symbolical attractie. Wij zijn met 5 in ons gezin en wilden graag alleen in het wagentje vanwege de foto die wordt gemaakt. Wij maken deze elk jaar met ons gezin en het is leuk om te zien hoe dat veranderd! Maar deze keer werd er bij ons een random man bij ons ingezet terwijl we aangaven dit niet te willen vanwege de foto. Waarop de jongen van de Efteling zei dat kan mij toch niks schelen? Mijn man en ik vonden het erg brutaal. Wij zijn hier 3 dgn en kunnen dit dan nog een doen. Maar voor gezinnen die hier misschien 1 dag komen is dit bespottelijk en hoort het te wooden gevraagd of ze dit goed vinden. Helemaal als het ook nog een rustige dag is. Single ride is leuk voor de nerds die ff met hun abonnement een middag gaan, maar dat mag een dag voor gezinnen die daar eenmalig een dag komen niet verpesten. Hier slaan ze de plank even mis. Vooral het gegeven antwoord van de medewerker. Verder blijven wij wel elk jaar terugkomen.
Aug 30, 2024367maritv
Goud, altijd!
De Efteling is altijd goud. Nooit teleurstellend, elke keer weer en we gaan al jaren 1x per jaar. Het park is schoon, de attracties leuk en goed onderhouden, de sfeer magisch en het personeel is zo enorm gastvrij! Dit is wat ons betreft de absolute nummer 1 onder de parken!
Aug 24, 2024rowanm968
Best theming in a theme park
Seeming is the best theming that I’ve ever seen at a theme park I’ve definitely recommend this if you have young children. there are so many rides and it’s very thrilling. this is an amazing day out even if you are an adult as they have loads of rollercoasters is and so much stuff to do.
Aug 24, 2024CristelleV2
Au top
Attraction pour les petits comme pour les grands . Joli parc très arboré et très propre , Pour la restauration, les prix sont très raisonnable et un choix très variés.
Aug 22, 2024debbiepL860SA
Top class theme park brilliant family experience
This theme park is the best ever! Amazing themed rides as well as big coasters, best vibe of all these parks, entertainment around the park, clean, amazing food, great to walk around, droomvluct virtual queue, everything is top class and can not be faulted it is amazing for all ages
Aug 9, 2024joopv181
Weer een hele leuke ervaring als opa en oma met kleinkind
Samen met je kleinkind is een belevenis. Voor alle leeftijdsgroepen is er iets te doen. Bijna geen wachtrijen. Park is super groot geworden en wij waren er 3 dagen en dat is wel nodig met een kleinkind en attracties bezoeken. Het park is zeer schoon en voor iedereen is er wel iets.
Aug 9, 2024heatherwJ923TT
Visited during May half-term with a 7, 14, 17, and two 40-odd year olds for the second time, our first trip being back in 2019. We stayed for 2 nights/3 days and had self-catering accommodation in Loonsche Land which was fantastic. I think the package of staying onsite that includes entry to the park represents good value. We had absolute blast, the park remains an amazing experience, with something to do for everyone, whether you like rides or not. A few rides were closed for maintenance, there was quite a lot of construction work taking place when we went, and Dutch teens need to learn respect and manners (i.e. spitting on people when on rides, it didn't happen to us directly, but we saw it happen to others several times, plus queuing is not something they believe in) - but none of this really impacted on our experience. We were shattered when we headed back to the UK, but we had the most fantastic time, core memories were made, and hopefully one day we will be back again.
Jul 23, 2024Guide39212903359
a magical place
We visited Efteling with a 2.5 year old and spent two days there and even then we didn't get to cover everything in the park. To be fair that is because we really wanted to have a relaxing visit and not rush going on everything just for the sake of it, especially when we have a toddler with us. Really enjoyed our time there and there's plenty for a toddler to do and ride. The reason why we chose to go to Efteling is because a lot of the rides, especially the dark rides, don't have a minimum height so our toddler can pretty much join us on the rides rather than taking turn between parents (I'm sure a lot of parents can relate). Definitely agree with a lot of the reviewers about the food & beverages. There were plenty of options in the park and they are all not only just VERY reasonably priced (for theme park standards) but also actually pretty decent food. A good-sized hot dog was €6.50 and plenty of different generously-sized main meals are sub-€10 (as of June 2024). The coffee was €2.95 which happened to be the best coffee, and also the cheapest, we had during our whole stay in the Netherlands. I'd say if you have young kids you almost definitely need more than one day. The only downside to this is that Efteling do not offer any multi-day tickets so you don't really 'save' money if you want to go to the park for more than one day. But having said that, the entrance ticket is not massively expensive because even in recent months we've paid the similar price for a different park that is less than half the size with less than half of the attractions & 'production value'. So can't really complain there!
Jul 11, 2024jastay1
Moderner Park aber viele Attraktion geschlossen
Moderner Park aber viele Attraktion waren geschlossen. Dennoch war es ein schöner Besuch in Holland im Efteling. Parkplätze vorhanden. Am Haupt Eingang wird momentan Kräftig umgebaut Baustelle.
Jun 23, 2024Andrea_Wallette
Fantastic four days!
Stayed on the park and definitely worth it! We could walk in and explore for three full days. Lots of rides for different ages. Easy to navigate through the park with a stroller. Pack the water because there is not much shelter - too many rides! Favourites - train ride, pagoda ride, and the pancakes!
Jun 22, 2024AmberMorrice123
Efteling Theme Park
I think that the park was amazing and I want to say thank you to Elise for being the best and helping me and my friends when we needed it at the Python roller coaster. She was fantastic, thank you Elise.
Jun 21, 2024205hazell
Beautiful trip
We took our 3 children to Efteling from the UK for a five day trip, staying at Bosrijk village. The park is huge and spotlessly clean. The staff are all hardworking, approachable and tremendously polite and helpful. We visited the park three days in a row and managed to visit every ride and see every attraction that we wanted. Thanks to the very helpful Efteling app, I think the longest we ever waited for a ride was 25 mins and a lot of the time the wait was 10 mins or so, which was fantastic. We watched both the Aquanura water show and the Caro show, both were wonderful. There is a good variety of things to do for different ages. Our children are 12, 9 and 6 and they all had something "for them", and even I really enjoyed quite a few of the rides. It really is a well-run, clean and friendly place to visit. Even though it was busy when we visited (May half term week), we never felt crowded, the park is just so big!
May 31, 2024671stefanoso
Amazing experience
Amazing! Well organised and really friendly staff. Its my 5th time visiting the park and always amaze me how nice is it really good work
May 26, 2024elisek562
Mooi goed onderhouden park
Mooi en goed onderhouden park. Enige drukte door schoolreisjes .aar dat mag de pret niet drukken Vriendelijk personeel en fijn dat ze hier ook rekening houden met een niet zichtbare beperking.
May 18, 2024jans531
Unforgettable Theme park with consistent style
This themepark started in the sixties around images of fairy tales, now it has attractions for all ages. Remarkable is the efficient organisation with hundreds of staff taking care of the wellbeing of visitors and the consistency in the styling of every detail. The original designer/architect Anton Pieck left his mark to date. We spent three full days here and some kids had to cry when leaving was unevitable.
May 13, 202478Dany78
Se siete nei Paesi Bassi e vi piacciono i parchi stile Disney: imperdibile!!!
Ottimo parco giochi, i miei figli di 8 e 11 anni si sono divertiti tantissimo, noi genitori altrettanto!!! Consiglio la sosta di 2 giorni se vi trovate a visitare Amsterdam ed i Paesi Bassi, o se cercate un'alternativa a DP (Disneyland Paris) Nella recensione faccio paragoni a DP che credo sia il più famoso e visitato/conosciuto (?) in Europa, nonchè penso sia il punto di riferimento per gli altri parchi, questo per dare l'idea a chi fosse indeciso... Attrazioni (giostre) molto belle, sia le dark ride per tutta la famiglia che le montagne russe. Da segnalare l'imperdibile attrazione dell'Olandese Volante, una via di mezzo tra dark ride e montagne russe, credo sia unica. Come montagne russe imperdibile anche il Baron 1898 (è la sorella di Oblivion di Gardalan anche se un po' "meno adrenalinica" ma con una bellissima tematizzazione) e la Vogel Rock al buio, purtroppo Joris en de Draak era chiusa... le ns Dark ride preferite sono state: Symbolica e Droomvlucht. Tutto il parco è ben tematizzato anche nelle file delle attrazioni, stile Disney, anche qui diverse aree ma tutto accomunato dal tema principale sono le fiabe, infatti l'aria che si respira nel parco è da fiaba. Oltre alle giostre Fairytales Forest, una passeggiata nel bosco con le rappresentazioni delle fiabe, alcune interattive o con spettacoli di animatronics ecc... Durata delle file nettamente inferiore a DP, il max che abbiamo fatto è stato 20 minuti di fila (a Pasqua) quindi rispetto a DP siamo riusciti a fare tante attrazioni, rispetto all'attuale DP è più piccolo, in un paio di giorni si riescono a fare tutte le attrazioni e ripetere le preferite. Bella anche la camera dell'hotel, all'interno i bambini troveranno anche un giro gioco da fare in stanza scoprendo oggetti delle fiabe all'interno della stanza. Ottima l'app per la gestione dell'intero soggiorno. Rispetto all'esperienza DP qui la "burocrazia" è più snella: non serve fare check-in / out in reception ma fai tutto dall'app compresa l'apertura della porta della camera. Unica cosa un po' deludente è la ristorazione ma è un punto debole di tutta l'olanda (NB sono italiano :--) ), sarebbe stato bello se ci fossero stati un paio di ristoranti veri, ma comunque è una cosa secondaria in un parco divertimenti, anche perchè forse è meglio il fast food per dedicare più tempo alle attrazioni. Consiglio sicuramente di andarci, ne vale la pena!!!
Apr 3, 2024Fearless688182
Très bon parc à refaire !!!
Super parc pour petits et grands, très propre. Le personnel est agréable. Nous trouvons certaines attractions plus belles qu’à Disney ! L’attraction symbolica est vraiment magique. Le baby switch comme à Disney, très bonne idée. Dommage que certaines attractions et spectacles étaient fermés. On reviendra !
Apr 3, 2024Pietervhnl
Blijft een toppark!
Ik was al even niet meer geweest maar alles is geweldig goed georganiseerd hier. In combinatie met een hotelkamer in Bosrijk een paar topdagen gehad!
Apr 1, 2024Mobile00066993676
Beste pretpark in tijden ik kom er al vaker en hou van alle achtbaanen het thematisering is echt heel goed voor een pretpark
Mar 26, 2024denisevK3507TX
Traditie gaat door
Het blijft een super traditie om elk jaar te blijven gaan met ons gezin. Nu ook ter herinnering aan onze paps en mams die ons vroeger elk jaar meenamen. Ik zie ons nog lopen en picknicken. Toch jammer dat er veel dicht was maar dat was aangekondigd.
Mar 24, 2024JamesS1770
An immersive park that rivals DIsney.
Beautiful park that is up there with Disney in some areas. We visited out of season in March 2024 and as this is a year round park a few rides were down for maintenance, which is understandable but still a little disappointing. Also the front of the park was undergoing major construction (car park/new hotel) which looked a little unsightly. The park is huge and ideally you should set aside at least 2 days. However as it was pretty quiet and some rides were down we got to see most of it and get a couple of re-rides in too. The food was your usual theme park fare however we were a little disappointed with the pancake restaurant as we had heard great things. The majority of the staff were lovely but there were a couple that had a bit of an attitude problem. Overall its an incredibly immersive park with some very unique attractions and hopefully one day we'll get back to do the stuff we missed out on this time around.
Mar 23, 2024hildev891
Heerlijke dag , ook voor onze kleindochter! Magisch, steeds opnieuw. Jammer alleen dat de groene delen langzaam volledig worden volgebouwd. Ook de keuken in Witte Paard kan veel efficiënter gerund worden. Alles verloopt als een goed geoliede machine in het park, maar daar krijg je koude warme schotels, lang wachten op je frietjes. Nu toch al derde keer op rij...
Mar 9, 2024Curious09922544751
Magnifique parc
Magnifique parc 🤗🤗 Très beau et très propre. Le personnel est particulièrement agréable 👍 Files d'attentes très courtes en ce mois de mars. Nous avons pu faire plusieurs fois nos attractions préférées sur la journée. Temps d attente maximum : 15 minutes (mais souvent 5 minutes😝)Un vrai bonheur! Attractions pour tous les âges et de belles montagnes russes à sensation. La restauration est très variées, très bonne et abordable. Une magnifique journée
Mar 7, 2024Discover17433283429
Must do
It was amazing best day of my life this is a must do, it's very detailed and nice it's for the little ones but also for the daredevils but it is still really nice and detailed
Feb 21, 2024Dannyhenskens
Blijft leuk ondanks de vele werkzaamheden
Efteling, wie is er niet geweest....Wij gingen op een maandag in de vakantie. Wachtrijen waren en gewoon niet, 10 minuten maximaal. Met 2 kleine kinderen heel goed te doen. Misschien rustiger omdat de Python, Joris en de Draak, Vliegende Hollander en de Piranha dicht zijn? Maar goed hebben onze kleine kinderen toch niks aan. Hele fijne dag gehad met 2 minpuntjes....Waar wij gewend zijn dat het personeel over het algemeen altijd heel vriendelijk is hadden we toch 2 momenten waar dat niet zo was. Bij Max en Moritz werden onze kinderen opgemeten voor een bandje door een jongen/man die waarschijnlijk nog een ochtendhumeur had. Bedenk dat sommige kinderen voor het eerst in een achtbaan gaan. Maak dit magisch! Halverwege de dag stond Pardoes bij Polles keuken. Even een foto dachten we. Er stonden slechts 3 kinderen nog in de rij waaronder 2 van ons. Nee Pardoes doet alleen nog een high five want hij is moe. Kijk prima als Pardoes maar 15 minuten mag staan maar meld het dan. Nu mag je aansluiten en blij zijn met een High Five. Ik snap het best maar die teleurgestelde gezichtje zijn niet fijn. Wij komen weer terug als het nieuwe hotel er staat. Toch wat magischer zonder die bouwhekken al hebben wij dit niet al vervelend ervaren.
Feb 20, 2024Louise131313
Magical Efteling
Efteling is magical. Staff are so unbelievably nice and pleasant and the whole experience we just had woth pur family was well worth the trip from Dublin. Transport is easy and reliable and we stayed in a hotel on the site of the theme park itself which was fabulous too. Thank you for a memorable stay. The staff should be very proud of hoe they conduct themselves..
Feb 18, 2024cosmiclairea
Best European theme park! Highly recommend!
This was our first trip to De Efteling, and what a lovely magical one! Firstly the staff are ALL so very helpful and friendly, much better than UK theme parks. They go out of their way for the customer. The park itself is huge, spaced out and well themed. There is too much to see in one day, I recommend 2-3 days to get the best experience and see everything. You should make time to walk around the magical forest area Sprookjesbos, telling the story of various Fairytales. We found the Donkey that shoots Coin tokens out of it's bum very amusing! The talking bins were also very funny. How lovely to also see happy wildlife at the park, various birds and red squirrels. The Aquarena fountain show at the end of the day is definitely worth seeing too. The que times for rides were very fast, I think the most we waited for was only about 15min at most. We managed to get on 14 rides in one day! There was 5 rides we wanted to go on shut down for maintenance, but that is to be expected at this time of year, and we will go back to hopefully experience these next time. Our personal favourites were Baron 1898, Vogal Rok, and Villa Volta. Unfortunately the Baron ride photos were not working for 2 days and there was no staff at the booth to help, so we missed out on getting those, this is our only complaint. The park is helpful for disabled guests, offering free wheelchair rental, and some of the rides you can get on a separate que (using their facilities card) for those who cannot stand for long. One particular member of staff for the Symbolica ride was very kind to me helping me to download the facilities access and get on the ride easier! There is a variety of food around the park, at reasonable prices (some cheaper than the UK theme parks). We particularly recommend the Currywurst hotdogs at the hut near the Max & Moritz ride, and the Stroopwaffles near Long Neck. Pinokkios pizza was also nice, and the Venison steak at the Efteling hotel. The only suggestion we have is that the menu at the hotel restaurant was very small and limited, would be nice to see more choice. We stayed at the Efteling hotel, which was lovely and had it's own entrance to the park only 5min walk away and early access to some rides at 9.30am. The reception staff there are very friendly and helpful! They helped us many times with questions. I lost my phone charger and they found and lent me one immediately. They also helped me post some postcards. The rooms are big, clean, comfortable and well themed, with a nice hot shower. We requested a high floor room with a view facing the park, and they honoured this request. Breakfast was continental and fresh. The only thing missing I noticed was some sugar or sweetners for tea. The Bathouse swimming pool was also nice, warm and fun, although it was very busy when we went about 7-8pm. The lifeguard staff were very helpful, to lend us some towels and arrange for us a free shuttle minibus to take us back to the Efteling hotel as it was dark and cold after park closing time, and would have been a long walk. We appreciated the help! We really enjoyed our stay at Efteling and hope we can come back again soon! Highly recommend to anyone.
Feb 16, 2024Y5615AQbenv
Leuk pretpark, veel te doen, mega vriendelijk personeel. De single Rider IS ECHT TOP, zou elk pretpark moeten hebben Ik ga hier nog vaak naar toe 😃
Feb 15, 2024MichelM_Delft
Op vrijdag 12 januari 2024 hebben we de Winterefteling bezocht. We hebben een topdag gehad. Er waren een aantal attracties gesloten voor onderhoud, maar er was meer dan genoeg open. Het was erg stil waardoor we bijna nergens hoefden te wachten. Alles was nog mooi in winterse sferen versierd. Erg leuk ook was de ijsbaan met de kraampjes ernaast. Op het eind van de dag hebben we de mooie water- en lichtshow gezien. Top.
Feb 7, 2024K9859KWjenniferd
Magical Place for anyone and everyone!
This place is absolutely magical! The child stories from the Dutch and European culture was so fun and enlightening. I was amazed the entire time. Highly recommend anyone to go who has the chance to visit The Netherlands.
Feb 5, 2024737lolav
Beste park ooit!
Het is het beste park ooit! Ben met het park opgegroeid, we gaan er minstens 1 keer per jaar heen en het stelt ons nooit teleur. Genoeg attracties voor iedereen.
Feb 4, 2024Camperbeer
Top attractiepark.
Voor ons is de Efteling onveranderd de nummer een!! Geschikt voor jong en oud en helaas veel te groot voor een bezoek op een dag. Er wordt hard gewerkt aan nieuwe attracties en een nieuw hotel. Helaas is er geregeld een grote drukte.
Jan 28, 2024Carrsontheroad
Fairytales and Coasters
As lovers of UK Theme parks we were keen to give Efteling a go. The many reviews we read were all positive for this family park, with many saying they loved the atmosphere. Choosing to split our visit over two days we arrived on a wintery weekday, late morning, ready to fit in as much in as possible while the weather was dry. From the grand entrance to the welcoming staff, you feel transported to a world of make believe. We headed first to Python and Baron 1898 and enjoyed adding both to our coaster list! The park is a fair size so to get our bearings, we jumped on the train and took a trip around the different areas to plan our afternoon. Even during the quiet winter weekdays there were plenty of places to stop and grab a drink and treats. One of the biggest surprises was deciding to ‘nip through’ the Fairytale Forest only to emerge 90 mins later! The scenes were so detailed and plenty to look at wondering this whimsical little trail. Sadly the weather wasn't quite so kind as the day went on so we gave the light show a miss at the end of the evening. Armed with a plan we headed back in for day two, fitting in the many attractions we missed the day before. Without sharing to much, the dark rides were fab, there really is something for everyone at this park. It was so clean (helped Im sure by the fact everyone wants to feed their rubbish to the talking bins) plenty of places to sit and enjoy picnics in the sun and undercover in the rain and lots of facilities dotted about. One thing we really liked was the little museum with plenty of old props and drawings telling the history of the park. We loved this park and there was so much we wanted to go back to but just run out of time. We were aware of the closed rides but enjoyed the couple of days so much, even with those main attractions closed for maintenance. We will be back soon! Oh don't forget to visit Volk van Laaf, home of adorable little folk.
Jan 25, 2024sabinaz2022
We love Efteling
Magical! We LOVE the Netherlands, and Efteling adding to another amazing time there! I can't wait to take the kids there too! Some super rides for adults, as well as for children from what we could see. The theming in the Netherlands is much better than how the Brits do it!
Jan 25, 2024siegerv2023
super leuk
de Efteling is leuk voor jong en oud en is de meest magische plek op aarde. Als je honger hebt heb je overal een restaurant
Jan 15, 2024kren250
Amazing dark rides
I’ve wanted to visit Efteling for years, ever since hearing about their dark rides. We arrived right at opening, parked, and entered the park (very short line to enter). We were there over Christmas break; it was quite busy, but the park handles crowds well. Wait times for most of the rides were about an hour. We did all four of the dark rides. The Carnavale ride was decent, the pirate ride great, and Dream Flight and Symbolica were both excellent! I also really enjoyed exploring the Fairy Tale forest and Laaf land. There was a small Christmas section, with decorated trees and a Christmas market of sorts.
Jan 14, 2024Louisena
Wonderful, kooky, unique and memorable.
Magical and memorable. Knocks the socks off the standard UK theme parks. We visited in the unbelievable October rain but still had a magical, albeit soggy, family adventure. We will be back to explore some more. Thank you Efteling.
Jan 11, 2024mennos729
Hier moet je ooit zijn geweest met je gezin
Hier moet je als gezin toch eens geweest zijn. Tegenvaller was dat er meerdere attracties gesloten waren. Gelukkig ging het 1 en ander weer open in de loop van de dag. Communicatie hier omtrent was belabberd. Maar zelfs dit kan de pret niet drukken. Wat open is is mooi, Leuk, netjes, goed verzorgd.
Jan 11, 2024Y1274KXmichellew
The cosiest, most magical Christmas.
Me and my husband came over from the UK for Christmas with our 5 year old and 7 month old. Efteling has been on our bucket list a few years, but particularly over Christmas. It didn't disappoint. We stayed at the efteling hotel, a short 5 minute walk away which was very useful with small children. We had 2 days there and honestly wished I had booked longer. Everywhere you turn there's something magical or unique to look at or do. Rides were brilliant, and next to no ques. Adding in the winter wonderland, ice rink, etc it was the perfect Christmas holiday for us. Its been nearly a month and ny 5 year old talks about it everyday, and wants to see the photos and videos, particularly the carnaval festival ride ( his favourite!). If your thinking of booking it, do it! Plenty of places to stop, sit, eat ao perfect for families and children. Cannot wait to go back!
Jan 9, 20241304Rob
Fantastischer Park
Fantastischer Freizeitpark. Für Erwachsene als auch für Kinder. Preise für Eintritt und Verpflegung wirklich in Ordnung. Durch den Wald und die Grünflächen hat man nie das Gefühl in einem überfüllten Park unterwegs zu sein. Ich war schon so oft dort und komme gerne wieder.
Jan 4, 2024markdM6923AW
Zo mooi
De Efteling is zonder twijfel het mooiste attractiepark. Zelfs over de kleinste details is nagedacht. Ook het personeel is zeer vriendelijk en professioneel.
Jan 2, 2024OlafLaurs
Top, maar wellicht variëren in toegangsprijs en toegankelijkheid.
De Efteling is en blijft een prachtig park. Wat wij wel jammer vinden is dat ons jongste kind (6 jaar) eigenlijk alleen naar het sprookjesbos en een paar (voor hem toegankelijke) attracties kan bezoeken, maar wel gewoon het volle pond mag afrekenen. Hij mag - en kan - niet het hele park zien. Zou het een idee zijn om een ticket te ontwikkelen voor kindjes die de helft van het park kunnen bezoeken voor een gereduceerde prijs? Het zou een bezoek aan de Efteling voor ons een stuk aantrekkelijker maken. Just a tip.
Jan 1, 2024
Otras actividades populares en roterdam