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- Museen in Amsterdam
- Van Gogh Museum
Das Van Gogh Museum beherbergt die weltweit größte Sammlung von Gemälden, Zeichnungen und Briefen des Künstlers. Verpassen Sie dieses einzigartige Museum bei Ihrem Besuch in Amsterdam nicht!
Mehr lesen
- Die weltweit größte Sammlung von Van Gogh-Gemälden
- Zahlreiche Werke von Van Goghs Zeitgenossen
- Lesen Sie persönliche Briefe des Künstlers
- Optional: interaktive und spannende Multimedia-Tour
Kinderticket für 0-17 Jährige
Montag - Sonntag: 9.00 - 17.00
Die optionale Multimedia-Tour ist in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Mandarin und Russisch verfügbar.
Ticket Informationen
Ticket direkt auf dem Handy verfügbar
Tickets können nicht umdisponiert oder storniert werden
Weitere Informationen
Das Van Gogh Museum hat seine eigenen Datenschutzrichtlinien, allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und die Regeln für einen sicheren Besuch. Bitte lesen Sie diese vor Ihrem Besuch.
Bei Fragen zu diesem Produkt wenden Sie sich bitte an
- Rollstuhlfreundlich
- Mit Audiobeschreibung
- Freier Zugang zu den Toiletten
Van Gogh Museum
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Die nächsten Haltestellen sind Vijzelgracht (Metro 52), Museumplein (Straßenbahn 2, 5 & 12) und Van Baerlestraat (Straßenbahn 3).
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Die Heimat von Vincent Van Goghs Kunst
Ein Besuch des Van Gogh-Museums sollte unbedingt auf Ihrer To-Do-Liste stehen, wenn Sie Amsterdam besuchen und sich für die Werke des weltberühmten Künstlers interessieren. Das Museum beherbergt die weltweit größte Sammlung von Werken Vincent van Goghs, darunter über 200 seiner Gemälde, 500 Zeichnungen und mehr als 750 Briefe.
Der einflussreiche post-impressionistische Künstler braucht kaum eine Einführung, denn sein umfangreiches Werk hat einen festen Platz in der Geschichte moderner Kunst. Ein Besuch des Museums ist daher ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil Ihres Aufenthaltes in Amsterdam.
Entdecken Sie die größte Van Gogh-Sammlung der Welt
Das Van Gogh Museum ist direkt am Museumsplatz gelegen. Hier in der Nähe finden Sie ebenfalls das Rijksmuseum, das Royal Concertgebouw und das moderne Stedelijk Museum. Das Museum ist das am zweithäufigsten besuchte Museum der Niederlande und zieht jedes Jahr zwischen einer und zwei Millionen Besucher an.
Das Museum besteht aus zwei Gebäuden, die von den renommierten Architekten Kisho Kurokawa und Gerrit Rietveld entworfen wurden. Der Kurokawa-Flügel wird für temporäre Ausstellungen genutzt und das Rietveld-Gebäude zeigt die permanenten Ausstellung. Zu den bekanntesten Ausstellungsstücken gehören die Sonnenblumen (1889), die Mandelblüten (1890) und Die Kartoffelesser (1885).
Van Goghs Zeitgenossen
Das Museum beherbergt neben der Kunst Van Goghs außerdem zahlreiche Werke von anderen Künstlern; seinen Zeitgenossen, von denen er sich inspirieren ließ und die er selbst inspirierte. Dazu gehören unter anderem Künstler wie Auguste Rodin, Claude Monet, Georges Seurat, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec und Odilon Redon und viele mehr.
Diese Kunstwerke erlauben es dem Museum, Ihnen als Besucher mehr Kontext zu bieten und Van Goghs Geschichte und Werke besser in seine Zeit einzuordnen. Sie erfahren mehr über die fesselnde Geschichte des Malers und seinen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der modernen Kunst.
Sichern Sie sich Ihre Eintrittskarten für das Van Gogh Museum
Genießen Sie einen entspannten Nachmittag, lassen Sie sich von den wunderschönen Gemälden Van Goghs und den Werken seiner Zeitgenossen in den Bann ziehen und erfahren Sie mehr über die faszinierende Geschichte des tragischen Künstlers. Kaufen Sie jetzt Ihre Tickets und gehen Sie auf Zeitreise durch das Leben des Künstlers!
Sie haben zudem die Möglichkeit, Ihren Besuch im Van Gogh Museum mit einer Multimedia Tour zu erweitern, die Ihnen einen neuen Einblick in die Arbeitsweise des Künstlers und seine Beweggründe gibt und Ihnen eine neue Seite Van Gogh zeigt. Sichern Sie sich Ihre Tickets für das Van Gogh Museum über unsere Website und krönen Sie Ihre Amsterdam-Reise mit einem Besuch in einem der berühmtesten Museen der Welt!
356 Reviews
Durchschnittliche Bewertung von
Modernes Museum mit tollem Shop
Als erstes: Hier muss man rechtzeitig die Tickets im Internet buchen - mit 22€ sind sie aber sicher nicht überteuert und bei uns hat das bestens funktioniert. Die teuren Angebote mit Führung und "ohne Wartezeit" kann man sich ersparen. Die Bilder und das Leben van Goghs sind im Museum gut beschrieben. Zweitens: Das Museum ist sehr populär und ist trotz Besucherrationierung gut gefüllt. Man muss sich also je nach Bild etwas "durchkämpfen". Und drittens: Der Shop hat uns ausnehmend gut gefallen - besser als derjenige nahbei ... Eine schöne Erfahrung also!
Aug 26, 2024134dimitrin
Van Gogh Museum
Das Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam ist sehr empfehlenswert. Man konnte sehr viele berühmte Gemälde von Van Gogh sehen und wer sich für Kunst interessiert ist hier zu 100% richtig.
Mar 15, 2024Dream05171910726
Absolut empfehlenswert
Sehr interessantes, toll gestaltetes Museum. Wurde von der Schwägerin und Neffen von Vincent van Gogh aufgebaut und diesen familiären Flair spürt man.
Feb 15, 2024chrisbu91
Großartiges Museum!
Im Van-Gogh-Museum ist die größte Sammlung der Werke des namensgebenden Künstlers weltweit zu bestaunen. Die Sonnenblumen und viele weitere bekannte Meisterwerke sind zu sehen. Ein Muss in Amsterdam!
Aug 18, 2023911thut
Van Gogh Museum. Tolles Museum, wenn Sie etwas über Kunst lernen möchten
Viele berühmte Bilder und Galerien. Der Platz ist riesig und schön. Ich wollte nur suchen "Selfie Wall" Aber ich kann es nicht finden.
Aug 7, 2023dnlion
Die Geschichte und seine Bilder
Die Tragische Geschichte und seine Bilder werden den Besuchern auf eine abwechslungsreiche Weise nahe gebracht. Man kann gut selbständig ohne oder mit Guide die Ausstellung geniessen.
Aug 3, 20234globaltravel
Die Anzahl der Bilder hat mich überrascht
In meiner Jugend in Versailles, lange bevor diese wahnsinnigen Preise für die Bilder von Vincent van Gogh geboten wurden, hatte mich dieser Maler fasziniert. Im Pariser Louvre insbesondere „Die Kirche von Auvers“. Ich wusste, dass seine frühen Bilder meist in Brauntönen und dunkel waren. Im Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam hat mich die Anzahl der Bilder überrascht und dass er zum Schluss fast täglich ein Bild gemalt hat. Sehr sehenswerte Ausstellung! Mehr Besucher sind aber nicht sinnvoll.
May 6, 2023jenmR752FL
WOW I absolutely Love Van Gogh and this has been a bucket list for a while and I absolutely loved it, but be mindful its so busy so definitely book your tickets in advance Being able to see his paintings and learn about him (through the extra audio guide) was just amazing I love everything about this museum and was one of the highlights of my time in Amsterdam
Sep 10, 2024397katalinh
Suggestions for viewing Van Gogh Museum.
Very comprehensive, good collection- though some of the most famous ones were not exhibited here- they are probably at various museums all over the world- such as no Starry nights, other sunflowers other Irises etc. Since those are so iconic, I wouldn't have minded seeing reproductions of those....I didn't think the Audio guide was necessary, unless you want to hear all the minute little details. You can go through the Museum at a comfortable pace in about 2.5-3 hrs. I suggest you hurry up the bottom 2 floors, because the best and latest works were on t top floor. Museum closes at 6 so book anytime before 3PM so you have time before closing.
Sep 10, 2024BillH629
Plan early to go - busy place.
This is a must see if you enjoy impressionist painters and Van Gogh. We bought tickets on line a couple weeks beforehand and it’s a good thing. They were turning people away since they had maxed out. So we got it and it was crowded. We enjoyed the exhibition on the top floor and most visitors must not have known about it since it was pretty empty. The level with most of Van Gogh’s works was very crowded, but if you could get around some of the small private tours that seem to enjoy camping right in front of a painting, you can have a good experience. The audio tour adds to the experience as it gives more insights and interpretations. For example, I hadn’t paid attention to how Van Gogh only used complementary colors in each painting or how he made a study of color. Interesting stuff.
Sep 9, 2024evabfrey
Amsterdam bucket list item
One of the must-do’s in Amsterdam. Always a wonderful experience and I have visited several times. Booking ahead is strongly advised. Particularly during holiday times. Amsterdam gets very busy. The museum is very well structured and modern. A joy to stroll through and linger. It is situated in the city’s museum quarter, right next to the Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk and Moco. You won’t regret either of these!
Sep 8, 2024OnAir06820258152
Met de artistiek bedoelde foto's Jeff Cowen slaat het Van Gogh Museum de plank finaal mis
Uiteraard kom je naar het Van Gogh Museum voor de kunst. De grote mensenmassa's moeten derhalve voor lief genomen worden, op zich is het ook nog eens zeer ontroerend om te zien hoe mensen kunnen stralen van geluk als ze voor een iconisch werk van de geniale artiest vereeuwigd worden. Door het hele gebouw zijn vele pareltjes te ontwaren. Felix Auerbach kijkt als man van de wereld de bezoeker aan, alsof de moeilijkheden van een gewonde Amazone hem nauwelijks deren. Het monument voor de gebroeders Van Gogh had bij mij in de woonkamer mogen staan. Zo kan ik nog even doorgaan. De tijdelijke expo's zijn vaak ook zeer boeiend. Ook na zes keer blijven de wonderlijke werken van de jong gestorven Wong bekoren. En de expo met werken van Klimt was een onverbiddelijke hit. Daarom stelt het zo teleur dat de kleine expo met foto's van de Amerikaanse Jeff Cowen zo teleur stelt. Deze fotograaf moet het vooral hebben van de enthousiaste tekstbordjes. De connectie met Van Gogh wordt is afwezig. Het feit dat ook hij gegrepen zou zijn door de Provence rechtvaardigt nog geen expo. Zijn krabbeltjes verbinden aan het handschrift en brieven van Van Gogh is eveneens lachwekkend. Eerder hingen op de plek van de foto's lichtgevoelige tekeningen van Van Gogh. Vergeleken hiermee zijn de scheppingen van Jeff Cowen bepaald armzalig. Snel doorlopen dus naar de echte parels. Een Nederlandse kunstenaar met meer raakvlakken met Van Gogh had meer voor de hand gelegen. Armando - een van Nederlands meest veelzijdige kunstenaars - heeft erg veel gewerkt met het thema Kopf. De Kopf van Armando zou wonderwel harmoniëren met de vele zelfportretten van Van Gogh.
Sep 8, 2024Coastal58401986242
A Journey Through the Artist's Life
The building is modern, and the interior is designed to feel very open. Early works depicting peasants greet visitors first. You can then view a rich collection of self-portraits, sunflowers, withered flowers, and works from his time in the hospital, all arranged chronologically. For those who may not have deep knowledge of his works, the audio guide is very helpful.
Sep 8, 2024Stephe_travels
Educational and fascinating
The exhibition is on several floors and is spread out nicely so there is a lot of space for people. I think it is good they cap the number of people visiting each day so the crowds are manageable! My friend advised booking a week in advance and I’m glad I did as when we arrived it was sold out for the day! There is loads to see and every piece has a bit about it. There is lots to read so you can learn a lot. I would recommend getting the audio guide as several of the more famous pieces are numbered and you can listen to some further more detailed info about the pieces! I also didn’t know that the museum featured some pieces by other artists (such as Monet and Munch) so I was really happy to find this! At this exhibition you can see some of the most famous pieces of artwork ever! Fascinating experience!
Sep 6, 2024Lunallenas
Imprescindible visita si vas a Ámsterdam. Apreciar las obras de arte de este gran genio ha sido maravilloso. Fuimos con una visita guiada que contratamos a través de Civitatis y lo recomiendo plenamente.
Sep 6, 2024Lindadelgiudice
Arte è vita!
La cultura e l'arte non possono mancare in ogni viaggio! Il museo ha opere bellissime che ci hanno fatto vivere emozioni incredibili!
Sep 5, 202455giog
Bellissimo Audioguida troppo cara rispetto al biglietto semplice di 24 euro l'audioguida ha portato il prezzo totale a 61!!!!!! Direi eccessivo
Sep 4, 202427stephanik
Dream come true
Before I start this review, I wanna let whoever reading this review that visiting the Van Gogh Museum was literally my dream. The museum holds the most beautiful paintings that Van Gogh painted in his lifetime. I advice you to buy tickets online and also get the audio device available. It'll make your visit a 100% better as it will allow you to delve into the most famous portraits and paintings in a very close way, looking its implication of colours and even try fun experiments. Dear reader, don't miss the letter narrations that is spread across the museum floors.They all were narrated beautifully. Moreover, bring a small bag with you cause when you terminate your visit, you can take your bag onto the first floor to get souvenirs (but the security only allow small bags.) the souvenirs aren't very expensive and cost between €3-€20, unless you wanna buy the portraits that cost €115. There is also a small bar that you can chill for a while although closing times are very early. When I visited, the bar was closing but I was able to sit infront of the glass outlook that has a beautiful view into the Amsterdam streets.
Sep 4, 2024Lylyjolie2502
Un musée à la hauteur du Peintre ! Merveilleux !
Au cœur d’Amsterdam, ce musée vous accueille au milieu des œuvres du peintre Van Gogh. Un ravissement pour les yeux. L’audio guide est très intéressant avec 2 possibilités de parcours au sein des peintures. Espace immense, clair. Personnel accueillant et aidant. Réservation obligatoire. A découvrir absolument.
Sep 4, 2024312brendenj
Great display of Van Gogh's works
A great display of Van Gogh's work. If you are into art then this is the place to go. Shows the progression of his art progress very well.
Sep 3, 2024RomanticWeekenders
Excellent exhibition, audio tour was great. Far too busy though, so you couldn’t get to see some of the paintings properly as there was too many people
Sep 3, 2024IanMcD76
Good but busy
Amazing museum, great to see such iconic paintings. Only downside was the number of visitors that are allowed in on each time slot, making it difficult to get close to some of the more popular works of art.
Sep 3, 2024Sightsee01945695003
Amazing experience. Knowing Van Gogh, way of living and his paintings created a great memories. Worth visiting.
It was an amazing experience. Knowing artist and the thoughts of his made my visit so much important. Having audio guide helped a lot.
Sep 3, 2024267stephanik
A beautiful experience
Before I start this review, I wanna let whoever reading this review that visiting the Van Gogh Museum was literally my dream. The museum holds the most beautiful paintings that Van Gogh painted in his lifetime. I advice you to buy tickets online and also get the audio device available. It’ll make your visit a 100% better as it will allow you to delve into the most famous portraits and paintings in a very close way, looking its implication of colours and even try fun experiments. Dear reader, don’t miss the letter narrations that is spread across the museum floors. They all were narrated beautifully. Moreover, bring a small bag with you cause when you terminate your visit, you can take your bag onto the first floor to get souvenirs (but the security only allow small bags.) the souvenirs aren’t very expensive and cost between €3-€20, unless you wanna buy the portraits that cost €115. There is also a small bar that you can chill for a while although closing times are very early. When I visited, the bar was closing but I was able to sit infront of the glass outlook that has a beautiful view into the Amsterdam streets.
Sep 3, 2024Jimintosa
Beyond my expectations!
I am a HUGE Van Gogh fan and have been four or five of his exhibits in New York and Chicago. To visit a museum devoted exclusively to his work is a dream come true! Of course seeing all of his paintings was an amazing experience. But the highlight of our visit was the tour we took with Wilma. It turned out that the four of us were the only people on our tour. She was exceptional. Her 90 minute tour brought life to the works of this troubled artist. She offered insights and background that I have never known. What a gift to having this lovely lady share her passion for her work!
Aug 31, 2024627cianh
Beautiful Artwork
Some beautiful artwork on display with an obvious emphasis on Van Gogh but was surprised to see some additional artwork. Very impressive and good value.
Aug 31, 2024noradavidbe
Superb Museum
Incredible experience,superb museum with so much to must book in advance the tickets to avoid the crowd.This must see.
Aug 30, 2024lauraa_lamotta
Beautiful museum
This museum truly was lovely. It was super well organised and absolutely filled with many incredibly artworks - both by Van Gogh himself and by artists that inspired, were inspired by, or had relations with Van Gogh. It was a touching tribute to his life and legacy, and I especially enjoyed the temporary Matthew Wong exhibition and the similarities in his life and style to Van Gogh. The only negative is how crowded the place was, especially with larger tour groups, as it sometimes made seeing paintings difficult; especially the famous ones.
Aug 28, 2024colbyl637
Must Visit for art Lovers
An incredible experience!! The Van Gogh museum offers a deep dive into the artist’s life and work. The exhibits are beautifully curated, providing insight into his creative process!! I definitely recommend
Aug 28, 2024109vikim
Make your reservation weeks in advance or you won’t get it! You won’t want to miss it!!!
We paid extra (I think $137 per person) for a private tour. We were in a group of 6. Our guide was outstanding! I wish I remembered his name. His knowledge and understand of everything Van Gogh was incredible. Regardless if you do a private tour or not - make your reservations weeks in advance! Or you won’t get in. You will not want to miss it!Ma
Aug 27, 2024Marietas834
Nos ha encantado este museo, muy cómodo de visitar, con el audio guía lo disfrutas porqué tienes todo tipo de explicaciones
Aug 27, 2024O3378OXlisab
Beautiful art.
So many Van Gogh's. It was wonderful to see so many in one place. The museum is bright and modern. Get a ticket before going or the line is long.
Aug 27, 2024LucianoMartelliT
Il museo dei musei ad Amsterdam
Ottima organizzazione logistica. Personale giovane e motivato. Grande lavoro per indirizzare il gran flusso di visitatori. I percorsi interni ottimamente disposti. Le opere esposte immortali
Aug 26, 2024daimiannorth
Amazing upclose insight to the mind of a genius
Amazing experience. You can get so close to his paintings and see the layers of paint and brushwork he used. Very large and open area with lots of room to explore. We got the audio tour and it explained everything and every painting as you approached it I took us around 2.5 hours inside to see all the artwork at no rush There’s also a great shop at the end of the tour. Overall. Great experience
Aug 25, 2024Seanwalshsolo25
A must for art lovers
Worth visiting but definitly need to book in advance. Really explores van goghs life as well as his art. His portrait of sun flowers are amazing to see in real life.
Aug 25, 2024R6968ZUsueh
Fantastic tour of Van Gogh with Martinas
Our tour guide Martinas was exceptional.Her communication was clear and concise and the use if silent earphone and audio speaker meant we didn't miss any information even when in crowded areas.We saw all the paintings of Vincent's life his history and developing refinement of skills through his contact with other renowned artists including Monet,Le Trec and Gaugan.Martinas further enhanced the experience yhrough use of photos on her phone to further explain painting techniques. I learnt a lot about Vincent and thoroughly enjoyed the tour Thanks so much Martinas for making the tour so interesting. 😊
Aug 25, 2024nicolajgraham
Interesting & informative
A very special experience for us for personal reasons. Sunflowers mean a lot and this was the anniversary of our Son’s passing. Couldn’t think of a better way to remember him. 🌻
Aug 25, 2024LaurenceB1748
Très beau musée
Très beau musée, on y apprend beaucoup de chose grâce à l’audioguide. Espaces spacieux, on ne ressent pas trop qu’il y a du monde dans le musée (un samedi pendant les congés scolaires). Il y a une boutique et des cafétérias. Facile d’accès grâce au parking Qpark juste à côté.
Aug 25, 2024laetitiabC3795NU
Musée coup de cœur à Amsterdam
Ce musée est absolument magnifique et les audioguides en français bien réalisés pour découvrir les œuvres et la vie de Van Gogh. Même après une multitude de musées visités pendant la semaine, nous l’avons tous apprécié ( 2 parents avec 2 ados de 15 et 12 ans) .
Aug 24, 2024isabellebG8779VK
Bel éclairage sur Van Gogh
Visite à quatre avec nos ados. Une très belle découverte de l’univers de Van Gogh, autant sa vie que ses œuvres. Cheminement bien construit et audio guides très intéressants. Nous y avons passé 2 heures sans voir passer le temps. Visite conseillée!
Aug 23, 2024eloisesimmons97
Must do
Visiting the Van Gogh Museum is a must do when you’re in Amsterdam! You need to pre book your ticket so do this online on the official website before going. Queue was quick and we opted for an audio tour and went round at our own pace. Staff are lovely and it’s easy to get to from the centre.
Aug 23, 2024lolof499
Incroyable musée. Le batiment se prete parfaitement à l'exposition des oeuvres de Van Gogh, l'agencement est parfait, les tableaux sont superbes. Le seul hic : le monde. Difficile de bien admirer les oeuvres avec autant de flux de personnes.
Aug 22, 2024giuseppecC1147UG
Bellissima visita
Con la mia famiglia abbiamo fatto la visita al museo il 17 agosto. Ottima organizzazione e spiegazioni dettagliate su ciascuna tela. Per mio figlio di 12 anni e' stata l'esperienza più affascinante della vacanza in Olanda.
Aug 22, 2024burhg2024
If you like Van Gogh you need to visit this museum
This museum is a must-visit if you enjoy Van Gogh pictures. Large collection that features a lot of his peers. This place is really busy, so arrive early.
Aug 19, 2024corfus
Un sogno che diventa realtà
Visitare il museo di Van Gogh ad Amsterdam è sempre stato il mio sogno, ora realizzato. Le opere sono fantastiche e ben distribuite. L'accesso e le audioguide sono fatte bene. Unico neo, a mio avviso, l'eccessiva calca con una miriade di bambini che purtroppo arrecano un po' di disturbo. Forese meglio scaglionare maggiormente gli ingressi. In ogni caso merita...eccome!!!
Aug 18, 2024sz2023
Modern beautiful Museum
This is a beautiful modern museum that display Van Gogh’s art. I have been here before, but once is not enough to soak everything in. It’s a beautiful airy building. I have used the ear phones with self- guided tour before. It’s very helpful to know a little bit more about some of his art. This year we booked a Family group tour for all 6 of us. We got more in depth details into some of his famous pieces and about Van Gogh’s life. Tour guide was great. I recommended both of these options. The building has a nice restaurant and two gift shops for souvenirs. Also a special section for special exhibits. There are elevators available in between floors. We had a person in our group that used a walker. We were able to pre-book a wheelchair for him for the Group Tour, through the museum. They were very accommodating. One place they need to Improve: It would have been helpful to have better signs directing where to go for handicap people From the main entrance building to the next brick building (Where the group tours started) there were no signs directing where to go. Especially on the side of the brick building while you come towards the street up to the single person elevator outside the building.
Aug 18, 2024JuanLuisP956
All Vang Gogh
Superb museum one of my favourite painters , well distribution , facilities and arrangements great information and helpful staff and audio facilities. I personally will be back thanks!
Aug 18, 2024B5273JXmichelas
Museo stupendo e ben diviso. La gestione ottima e il prezzo è giusto. Opere stupende ovviamente. Spero di poterci tornare.
Aug 17, 2024Samouche77
Incontournable à Amsterdam ! Ce musée est superbe Et les audio sont bien effectués aussi Seul petit bémol .. il y a du monde et devant les œuvres connues c est parfois un peu long … mais c est vraiment pour dire qq chose !
Aug 17, 2024Resort06410041738
"Un'Immersione nell'Universo di Van Gogh: La Magia del Museo di Amsterdam"....da non perdere
Visitare il Museo Van Gogh di Amsterdam è stata un'esperienza indimenticabile. La vasta collezione di oltre 200 dipinti e 500 disegni offre un'immersione profonda nella vita e nell'arte di Vincent van Gogh. Ogni sala racconta una parte della sua storia, dalle sue opere più celebri come "I Girasoli" a lavori meno conosciuti ma altrettanto affascinanti. Gli spazi interattivi e le audioguide arricchiscono l'esperienza, rendendo la visita coinvolgente e educativa. Consiglio vivamente di prenotare in anticipo, poiché il museo è molto affollato e merita ogni minuto della visita.
Aug 15, 2024
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