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- Heineken Experience + Crociera sul canale di Amsterdam
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Assaggia il delizioso oro liquido olandese nel più incredibile sito del patrimonio industriale di Amsterdam. L'esperienza Heineken si combina perfettamente con una crociera lungo i canali.
Vedere tutto
- Esplora la storica fabbrica di birra dell'iconico marchio di birra
- Goditi tre birre o bevande analcoliche Heineken in omaggio
- Naviga attraverso l'anello dei canali di Amsterdam del XVII secolo
Ingresso alla Heineken Experience con visita guidata in inglese
3 consumazioni gratuite (birra o bibite) al Bar Heineken
Crociera sul canale LOVERS di 1 ora
L'età minima è di 18 anni a causa dell'età legale di acquisto e/o di consumo per l'esperienza Heineken.
Orari di apertura Heineken Experience
Domenica - giovedì: 10.30 - 19.30
Venerdì e sabato: 10.30 - 21.00
Check-in presso LOVERS Canal Cruises
Check-in 15 minuti prima della partenza
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Informazioni sul biglietto
Il biglietto è disponibile direttamente su smartphone
I biglietti possono essere riprogrammati fino a 48 ore prima, ma non possono essere annullati.
Solo i cani da assistenza (che devono essere identificabili come tali) sono ammessi sulla nave
Ulteriori informazioni
Per domande relative a questo prodotto, contatta
- Accesso gratuito al bagno
- Con audiodescrizione
Heineken Experience
Trasporto Pubblico
Le fermate più vicine all'Heineken Experience sono Vijzelgracht (metro 52) e Marie Heinekenplein (tram 24). Il molo di LOVERS Canal Cruises dista solo 3 minuti a piedi dalla stazione centrale di Amsterdam.
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Storia liquida olandese
Da oltre 30 anni, il tour autoguidato nella storica fabbrica di birra Heineken è amato da persone di tutto il mondo. Ora puoi combinare la visita all'Heineken Experience con una crociera di un'ora sul canale di Amsterdam: un modo davvero economico ed efficiente per vivere due delle attrazioni più durature della capitale olandese.
Passeggia tra le sale dorate dell'originale birreria storica, prima di rilassarti su un bel battello sul canale alla scoperta delle vie d'acqua dichiarate Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall'UNESCO, o viceversa. Ci sono pochi modi migliori per completare una visita ad Amsterdam se non con una giornata di navigazione e una bella Heineken ghiacciata.
La sede di una fabbrica di birra globale
L'Heineken Experience è un tour interattivo all'avanguardia nello storico birrificio di uno dei più grandi produttori di birra al mondo. Costruito originariamente nel 1867, questo edificio cavernoso è stato convertito in museo e centro visitatori nel 1991. Da allora è diventato un'attrazione turistica molto popolare.
L'esperienza Heineken è istruttiva, pratica e deliziosa. Imparerai a conoscere le tradizioni olandesi del bere birra, assisterai in prima persona al processo di produzione della Heineken e assaporerai il sapore di nocciola dell'orzo. Durante il tour autoguidato vedrai come questo piccolo birrificio olandese è diventato il marchio di birra più importante al mondo.
Immergiti nei panorami con una crociera sui canali di Amsterdam
Una crociera sui canali di Amsterdam è l'aggiunta perfetta a un viaggio all'Heineken Experience. Durante la crociera, della durata di un'ora, scoprirai la splendida rete di canali della "Venezia del Nord". La crociera sui canali di Amsterdam è davvero uno dei punti di forza della città: non c'è da stupirsi che i 100 km di canali siano stati dichiarati Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall'UNESCO.
Ammira i tre canali più famosi della città, il Keizersgracht, il Prinsengracht e l'Herengracht, lungo i quali i ricchi mercanti di spezie costruirono grandi case durante il Secolo d'Oro olandese. Una crociera in barca sui canali è notevolmente arricchita da un'audioguida in 19 lingue, ricca di informazioni affascinanti sulla storia della città.
601 Reviews
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Da fare assolutamente anche - se come me - sei ASTEMIA!
In assoluto una delle cose da fare ad Amsterdam. A mani basse. E lo dico io che NON bevo e che proprio la birra non la sopporto. Ebbene, non importa: perché questo museo/esperienza che si trova nella prima ed originale fabbrica Heineken sul canale è STUPENDO. Lo è indipendentemente dal plus dell'esperienza bevuta che puoi fare alla fine. Lo è perché ti porta in un mondo museale industriale creato splendidamente, e poi con i sussidi della tecnologia ti manda al luna park del divertimento appena la parte "storiografica" (che è interessantissima per chi come me ama la storia) ha esaurito il suo ruolo di arricchimento culturale. Una tappa imperdibile in città. Per chiunque. PS: anche se astemia ovviamente ho vinto una spilla per la mia sapienza sulla storia della birra e della fabbrica... chi come me? LOL
Jul 2, 2024W5440QOlucap
Potrebbe essere ancora meglio!
L'esperienza in sé è veramente molto carina. Ero partito poco fiducioso a causa delle tante recensioni negative e del fatto che mi sembrava essere una "commercialata" come tante. Tuttavia, mi sono dovuto ricredere. L'esperienza non è paragonabile ad altre (come il Van Gogh museum per dirne una) ma è molto divertente. Fatto con la mia ragazza abbiamo ascoltato con piacere le spiegazioni fatte da ragazzi che avevano bene o male la nostra età, cosa che apprezziamo tantissimo. Sono state fornite tante piccole chicche e info interessanti anche se il percorso storico potrebbe essere, in effetti, arricchito maggiormente. Comunque con il biglietto classico alla fine abbiamo gustato 3 birre. 1 piccola e due pinte. La parte bar alla fine è molto bella. Ci siamo spillati la nostra birra sotto la guida di una delle ragazze. Dal mio punto di vista il prezzo alla fine è abbastanza giusto. Si potrebbe migliorare il percorso storico dando magari qualche informazione in più. Ma tirando le somme direi che ha superato le mie aspettative. P.s. all'ingresso era presente una macchina di F1 della RedBull - fantastica!
Mar 18, 2024Battigia68
Heineken Experience
Molto interessante devo dire, forse non ci tornerei una seconda volta ma è la mia opinione personale. Si inizia con una spiegazione sulla storia dello stabilimento e della birra Heineken in generale, della famiglia Heineken che è dietro questo straordinario successo. Si passa poi al reparto produzione dove si fanno vedere i vari decanter, da quelli storici a quelli attuali. Un passaggio in una stanza dove si fa vedere il processo di imbottigliamento e dove c'è anche la possibilità di acquistare delle bottiglie personalizzandole tramite un monitor touchscreen e pagando con la carta di credito. Un paio di stanze stile parco divertimenti, dove l'obiettivo è quello di far vivere un'esperienza visiva e sensoriale, la prima con degli schermi la seconda con una pedana vibrante, a mio parere niente di che. Infine si arriva al bar dove vengono offerte un paio di birre da 0,25 che diventano 3 se si conta quella che viene data subito dopo aver finito il tour. Possibile cimentarsi nella spillatura della birra, in regalo una spilletta raffigurante un boccale di birra e un altro boccale da 0,25 colmo di birra. Se riuscite ancora a stare in piedi :-) passaggio obbligato al negozio interno dove è possibile acquistare souvenir Heineken. Buona bevata !!!
Mar 4, 2024Flyer07328346278
Divertente e istruttiva
Esperienza divertente. La storia della nascita di questo famoso marchio di birra è ben raccontata. Si parte dal padre fondatore Gerard Adriaan Heineken passando di generazione in generazione fino ad oggi. Si conclude con due bicchieri di birra a testa. Consiglio vivamente di portare degli snack.
Feb 21, 2024pdav10
Esperienza istruttiva e divertente.
L'edificio storico in cui è nata la Heineken, è strutturato su tre livelli. Nella prima parte, la guida racconta le origini del famoso marchio e come si è diffuso in tutto il mondo. C'è un'esposizione degli antichi macchinari, delle bottiglie, delle botti in metallo in cui avvenivano i vari passaggi del processo. Poi, c'è la parte ludica, interattiva e non, molto divertente. In questa fase, ti fanno degustare una piccola birra, indicando il modo corretto per poter scorgere i diversi colori di giallo e l'aroma di banana. Poi, c'è la degustazione vera e propria, con due birre diverse, normale e silver, in un ambiente che sembra un disco-pub. Qui, c'è anche la possibilità di cimentarsi nel lavoro del barista, spillando birra con l'aiuto di una guida. Infine, giunti in terrazza, si può godere di Amsterdam dall'alto degustando un cocktail a base di birra. Esperienza istruttiva e ludica, allo stesso tempo.
Feb 17, 2024elenaz226
Super divertente!
Sono stata qualche giorno fa con le mie amiche, abbiamo optato per la visita con anche l'accesso al rooftop bar. Lo staff dall'inizio alla fine del tour ti spiega tutto ed è molto disponibile. Tante attività da fare e ovviamente la birra fresca buonissima! C'è il guardaroba gratuito all'ingresso. Per il prezzo che ha consiglio di provare.
Jan 7, 2024Anniversario10anni
Da fare
Tour completo ed interessante, ovviamente birra gratis ( 4 bicchieri ) foto omaggio via mail e negozio souvenir finale ma molto costoso!!!!
Jan 5, 2024acutialice
Ho ancora voglia di Heineken
Quando si parla di experience, questo è un esempio perfetto. A partire dai ragazzi che spiegano le cose nella parte iniziale, senza mai stancarti e farti distrarre, hai modo di vedere ogni parte del primo reale stabilimento di Heineken, hai modo di leggere la storia, di toccare con mano gli strumenti, poi inizia il viaggio dove tu diventi protagonista. Le installazioni audio visive ti fanno immergere nel loro mondo fatto di bollicine e birra fresca. Ogni stanza è diversa, e ogni stanza ha delle sorprese. Insomma alla fine esci che vuoi solo bere Heineken. E noi abbiamo trovato baristi simpatici che ci offrivano tante birre e alla fine abbiamo fatto chiusura lì dentro. Stupendo. Lo rifarei ancora.
Dec 12, 2023Mitoku
Ci siamo divertiti
Bella esperienza. Non si vede la vera fabbrica della famosa birra Heineken ma si vedono i vecchi impianti, ormai in disuso, ma comunque molto affascinanti. Viene spiegata la storia di questo grande gruppo, e viene spiegato il processo produttivo, il tutto corredato da qualche effetto speciale divertente e da due birre al grande bar prima di uscire. Divertente la possibilità di acquistare una bottiglia di birra personalizzata con il proprio nome. Bravissimi i ragazzi che forniscono le spiegazioni, molto coinvolgenti.
Sep 3, 2023599lucreziaf
Molto divertente e dissetante
Interessante la storia della Heineken, grazie ai ragazzi molto preparati e alla audio guida multilingua. Divertente tutta la parte interattiva. Infine puoi personalizzare la bottiglia di birra e acquistare gadget. Bellissima la prova di spillaggio della birra. Consigliatissimo!
Aug 29, 2023charlottehT2901LW
Last minute Heineken experience
Had a lovely day at the Heineken experience really enjoyed it was very interesting to hear the history of the building plus learn how the beer was brewed .. I did enjoy the interactive experience ride where you are actually the “beer” being brewed and bottled it was different and very enjoyable as you get cheeky beer after it 👍👍 And loved the journey through the champions league & the Grand Prix which Heineken sponsor was great I really enjoyed the experience and the beers at the end were chilled to perfection I must say left with a few souvenirs.. I’d recommend it’s a good 2hours + if your looking to see it all Thank you
Sep 11, 2024kak1994
Fun afternoon activity
This tour was very well done. It was a good mix of information with fun. You end in a bar where you can enjoy your beer! I would also recommend going to the rooftop where you can get different infused foams added to your beer!
Sep 10, 2024manuelpJ6443DC
Experiencia inolvidable gracias a la tuya de Jordan el mejor guía del mundo. Visita super VIP, al final conocimos a muchas personas del star, bebimos, reímos y tuvimos momentos muy agradables. Gracias Jordan y Gonzalo.
Sep 8, 2024godfreyn274
Splendid Heineken tour
Exceeded expectations. Rich history of beer making in Amsterdam. Interactive activities a plus. Visually stimulating activities and got some momentos
Sep 8, 2024Jeva23
An Amsterdam must do
As someone that doesn’t typically drink lager, I wasn’t sure if this would be the tour for me, however I was so sold after hearing the history and having samples along the way that Heineken was all I drank for the rest of the trip! The staff are friendly and enthusiastic, the tour was engaging and the souvenirs at the end were great fun. Thoroughly recommend adding on the rooftop drink at the end, the views were amazing.
Sep 5, 2024583hannyp
Amazing place, book in advance, staff super nice!! The roof top view worth 100% . I totally recommend people to go. You get 3 free paints (small ones) 2 if you do not go to the rooftop (you have to buy the ticket with the roof top included). They have cold drinks for the ones that do not like beer.
Aug 31, 2024627cianh
Good Experience, Skip Rooftop
I enjoyed my time in this experience and I don't even drink alcohol. I do recommend this but do not buy the rooftop experience. Stick to the original experience.
Aug 31, 2024noradavidbe
Heineken experience
Very nice tour about heineken.We had the best experience.learnt alot about brewery.for beer lovers this is a must. The staffs are very friendly.
Aug 30, 2024nathfia
A faire
Bonne visite qui nous explique let montre a création de la bière Heineken et son histoire il y a aussi quelques autres « stands » comme une salle sur la f1, la champions league… (les sponsors) A faire
Aug 30, 2024crazydudechief
Worth a visit!
Like a wee visit to the Heineken Experience - this is my second time. I would say the interactive "being bottled" experience was better last time I was there in 2016 but it is still good fun especially with the links to sport. I couldn't find my confirmation email so we went along to the brewery early and the staff were so so kind and helpful getting our tickets sorted out. A lovely laidback atmosphere when I was a bit stressed! Jossie (Josephine) was the manager who helped us! Thanks!!
Aug 29, 2024karolisk92
Interesting but not unforgetable experience
Starting the day with few beers is always great, however, something is missing in this experience to make it 5*. A bit of history, a bit of fun facts and a bit of audiovisuality makes a good combo but not something unforgettable. Although the guides and staff are very friendly, funny and keeping up the mood high. I would recommend visiting in the morning since it won’t be overcrowded. Rooftop terrace isn’t something that is worth paying on top.
Aug 28, 2024CarrieR534
Great day out
I'm not a beer fan myself but being in Amsterdam thought we should pay a visit. It was a fab experience with plenty of Heinekens history but lots of fun bits too, plus free drinks
Aug 27, 2024Kathrinchen0102
Richtig viel Spaß als VIP
Wir hatten die VIP-Tour und sind hellauf begeistert! Wir hatten eine bunt gemischte, sehr sympathische Truppe. Guide Stan tat sein übriges um aus der Tour ein tolles Erlebnis zu machen. Leute, macht auf jeden Fall die VIP-Tour und dann Daumen drücken, dass ihr so ne tolle Gruppe abbekommt wie wir!
Aug 22, 2024Mamaw1nch
Good fun
For the beer drinker! And partner😁 we bought our tickets online but we're able to start before our scheduled time. Self-directed with input from staff. Keep in mind tat part of your fee includes 2 beer per person. There is no food available! Well worth the time and money!
Aug 22, 2024morgantstanley
VIP tour is worth the cost!
We had a great time in the VIP tour - Jordan was an excellent guide, we had a lot of fun. It was great to see everything behind the scenes and be away from the crowds of the other tours. The private tasting room with snacks was a plus! Not too much more than the other tours cost wise so I recommend. I’ve done a lot of brewery tours and this was definitely one of the better organized experiences.
Aug 18, 2024STM0041
What a fun afternoon
Being in Amsterdam for a few days before boarding a river cruise to Bucharest, my wife and I opted to take the Heineken Experience VIP tour. What a fun day that turned out to be. We were placed in a group with about 10 other people. Our guide gave us a great tour of the old brewery and provided us the history of Heineken. After the tour we were taken to a secret room where we were able to try 5 different beverages (4 beer and a shandy) paired with foods to bring out the flavors of the beverages.
Aug 15, 2024hannav666
Tolles Erlebnis, auch wenn ich kein Bier trinke
Sehr cooles Erlebnis! Mit dabei: Tour + Wissenswertes mit super humorvollen enthusiastischen Tourbegleitern, eigenes Etikett beschriften und Bier kaufen, Beertasting, Film in einem 360° Raum mit tollen Lichteffekten. In der Bar am Ende gab es noch 2 Bier inkl. und die Möglichkeit bei einer „Zapf-Challenge“ mitzumachen. Super amüsant und sehr empfehlenswert! Ich hatte sehr viel Spaß, obwohl ich kein Bier trinke und mit meinen Freunden da war.
Aug 14, 2024harrisonlikesharribo
A must visit!
Wow!! Went as part of our trip to Amsterdam for my Birthday and the entire experience was incredible! from the moment I had my ID Checked upon entry the staff were incredible and went out of their way to ensure I had an excellent experience. I'd like to say a special thanks to the Man with mid length blonde hair who was absloutely amazing, he greeted me at the start and arranged for me to have a birthday hat, and came up to me at the end and handed me a complimentary gift bottle and was an absloute gem all throughout the tour. I'd defintitely reccommend this, and I would 100% go back.
Aug 14, 2024rose_emmaaa
Culture amstellodamoise
De passage à Amsterdam, cette expérience semble inévitable ! Les prix sont, de mon point de vue, très corrects. Le personnel est jeune et dynamique, ce qui valorise davantage la visite. Elle se fait uniquement par un(e) anglophone, mais peut être suivie de façon audio via un tas d’autres langues. L’endroit est aménagé pour les personnes à mobilité réduite, et possède de nombreux casiers pour les effets personnels En apprendre sur cette histoire amstellodamoise vieille de presque plus de 200 ans semblait être une évidence. On recommande !
Aug 11, 202411Stef
Great Fun seeing all the green glass
Great fun tour and lots of beer tasting :-) Lots of fun pictures with the green glass and beer experience on site. Even if you aren't a beer lover, the tour is fun.
Aug 11, 2024emmiesmart
Lots of beer
This is a really fantastic thing to do in Amsterdam! We booked the rooftop and it was my favourite bit. The standard tour will get you 2.5 beers and then an extra beer on the roof if you opt for that!!
Aug 8, 2024HOCK-LIFE
Probably The Best Heineken Experience in Amsterdam
Really enjoyed the Heineken experience. Perfect for a family (of adults). Some great features like personalised bottles. Recommended.
Aug 4, 2024470ruthn
A really fun experience, worth a visit
We had a really fun time here at this experience. The whole place is well put together and the staff have high energy throughout the tour. They are informative, friendly and fun. We had a lot of beer whilst there and I would highly recommend the roof top experience here too.
Aug 3, 2024O7736WUjakel
Great tour
Pretty interesting to hear about the history and all-in-all just a cool experience. Great price as well considering you basically get 3 beers during the tour. The only thing I didn't really understand was the light-show, which felt kind-of childish.
Jul 29, 2024LauraGee88
I now love Heineken!!
Absolutely brilliant experience and wonderful museum! I am not a beer lover but had so much fun on this self guided tour. Very interesting information regarding the Heineken brand and you get to sample Heineken beer at the end of the experience in the bar/nightclub area. Staff were friendly and informative and I would highly recommend.
Jul 27, 2024starksnack
Will turn beer haters into beer lovers!
I don't even like beer and I was obsessed with this place! My boyfriend and I had so much fun on the tour. I thought I wouldn't be interested learning so much about beer but the tour guides in the different rooms were funny and we loved how interactive the whole experience was. The staff are super kind and accommodating. Even before we got to the building, when we were running behind, my boyfriend and I were easily able to get our reservation time changed by just DMing the Instagram account for the experience. Everyone who worked at the experience was friendly, welcoming, and knowledgeable and we learned so much about beer that we didn't expect. I loved that there were also plenty of photo and digital souvenir opportunities. The little Formula 1 set was so adorable and I had so much fun taking tons of pictures. I just wish the lighting in this place was better, there are so many weird spots where there are lights that completely ruin photo opportunities with a weird glare. My favourite part of the trip was their underground bar which gave nightclub vibes. The music was so good I wish they had a dancefloor. My boyfriend and I tried multiple beers and the regular Heineken they have on tap is the freshest beer I have ever tried in my life. I don't normally like hoppy beers, which is why I don't drink Heineken, but the flavour of this one was just so crisp and smooth. If all beer tasted like that I would a hundred percent drink more of it. They were out of their non-alcoholic beer and were serving Pepsi instead so we didn't end up getting to try that. We ended our trip on the rooftop with more beer. It had rained in the morning so it was wet and cold out there but we were able to get some cute photos in the diffused light before heading back inside. The beer at the rooftop bar definitely wasn't as fresh as the beer in the basement. I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone visiting Amsterdam. Even if you think you don't love beer like me, it's definitely a cool experience.
Jul 26, 2024tomlD3105PE
GREAT. BUT !!!!!!
We done the tour on Sunday the 21/07. We found the staff very helpful and friendly everything was going well till the end of the tour. My problem was with the floor where the tokens are exchanged for your golden liquid. I understand that where drink and people come into contact that some may spill on the floor. But nearly every corner of the bar floor was sticky at one stage I thought I would be walking home bare foot. Is there anything you can do about this problem apart from barring me from the Experience. Yours Sincerely, Tom Lawlor
Jul 23, 2024320tarah
Great fun and vibey tour
Great fun tour which we really enjoyed. Not too overcrowded (we were worried about this while we queued) but after the introduction room people were able to wander around more freely. We visited for my husbands birthday and really enjoyed ourselves.
Jul 21, 2024mortenn554
Visiting Heineken factory and boat trip tour
We had a great time! If you’re in Amsterdam I will say it’s a place to visit. Only draw back it’s the pice. It’s a bit expensive.
Jul 18, 2024fredricksaturn
Really enjoyable.
Me and the wife did this experience whilst in Amsterdam and had pre booked it before leaving the UK. It was very enjoyable, informative, with great staff, but you go at your own pace, and there’s staff along the way to talk you through parts of the process. There’s a really cool, champions league and formula one section. The rooftop bar is really cool. With great views.
Jul 16, 2024Krusty802969
Intéressant et joyeux
Si vous êtes de passage sur Amsterdam, ce musée est une très bonne idée de visite. Le personnel est très sympathique et accueillant, on traverse l’expérience de toute la fabrication d’une bière Heineken ainsi que l’histoire de cette usine. L’accès au rooftop est un + non négligeable, avec une splendide vue sur Amsterdam !
Jul 16, 2024fordie41
The “Tour Plus Rooftop” is a nice way to learn all about Heineken, it’s history, the beer and everything they else that Heineken does and to sample the product. The first part of the Heineken Experience was essentially a guided tour (which was short) where you learned about the History of Heineken, visited the old Historical Brew room and then went on the “Brew the Ride (an audio visual simulation of what it is like to become a Heineken beer, starting out as water, being splashed around to becoming a beer and to getting bottled, etc. After the ride, we sampled our first beer (it was ice cold and hit the spot). From there we were left on our own to tour the rest of the exhibits. There was lots of interactive things to do such as design your own beer bottle, make your own picture, etc and things to see. In the room showing old Heineken commercials, I liked the James Bond (Daniel Craig) ad (sorry but I’ve never seen it before). At the end was the “Best Dam Bar” where we used our two tokens each for more beers. It was crowded and it would have been nice to have chairs to sit down. Heineken 0.0 (zero alcohol) was very good. For the Rooftop, we took an elevator to the top, where we had a great view of Amsterdam and enjoyed another drink. I really liked that we could try a beer cocktail. I found the Passion Splash” very refreshing (a spritz cocktail with Heineken original, passion fruit, orange hope cordial & mint). Too bad we couldn’t have another one. Overall a very enjoyable experience.
Jul 12, 2024cooperw387
Had a great time on the tour. Very interactive and entertaining. Shout out to the bartenders Danny and Noah. Great service!
Jul 3, 2024Svhheusden
The Heineken Experience in Amsterdam is a really fun activity to do with your family and friends. While walking through the old beer factory you are experiencing new things about beer, the Heineken family, and what Heineken still means in the world. You are also getting the opportunity to make your own beer bottle and add you initials to it. Also at the end of the tour you are getting 2 wooden coins that you can get to beers from. Also you can learn how to tap your first beer etc. Definitely a fun activity when you are sometime in Amsterdam ‼️👍🏻
Jul 3, 2024730kristjang
That was perfect and funny experient. If you want to know anything about beer Then thats right place! All our group loved IT!
Jul 2, 2024J7419QKtomh
Great Fun and Cold Beer
We had toured the brewery during a previous visit to Amsterdam 21 years ago and were glad to see that the new location was still fun and campy to visit. The staff and tour guides are fun and enthusiastic as they talk about the process which produces their wonderous brew. We looked at the exhibits, hopped on a two-person bike and pedaled around town (via the monitor screen in front of us) and enjoyed a couple very cold, very fresh glasses of Heineken. We were initially given two tokens and I used one for a regular Heineken and a non-alcoholic version for the second. They tout that the beer served at the Experience is the freshest possible and it was certainly delicious. We had a great time but were surprised that we were practically the only people over the age of 40 on the tour and in the tasting room. C’mon all you boomers, this is a fun thing and you should sign up! It’s a five-minute walk from the Rijksmuseum so wander by after your cultural art experience.
Jul 1, 2024TV2451
Very Popular Beer Experience
This is a very popular thing to do in town. Take a tour to see how the beer is made and then you get to sample the beer in a pleasant setting. Lots of people paying to do this.
Jun 22, 2024Nomad36575147289
Surprisingly fun
I really like this your my wife booked it so I wasn’t sure what to expect. The actual tour was really interesting and gave you a really good insight into how the make the lager. What I really liked about it was all the other things like once your finished how the beer was made it went into the advertising side of it which was really fun. Silly things like the Photo Booth and the bike you pedal and it makes a short advert that you can download for free and keep. Also you can write a msg into a bottle of beer very cool. At the end was nice in the bar just to have a few beers. For a beer tour I thought it was very cool.
Jun 13, 2024elesed2015
Stereotypical but great fun!
Even if you don't drink beer (I dont) this is a really great tour! Well organised and ran on time. Informative and interesting! Good value for money. The bar at the end is great and we had a lot of fun! We also purchased tickets to the rooftop bar. The view was awesome, but the bar set-up was a little confusing. We thought our tokens were for beers, but turned out they were for beer cocktails! So, no downside there for me 😊 would definitely recommend this tour!
Jun 11, 2024melissafD3541UC
Super intéressant! C’était assez cool on avait prix les ticket à l’avance donc on a attendu 5 min le temps de passer avec un groupe de personnes, les ticket sont assez cher il me semble (23€) mais des bières sont comprises dedans on nous donne 2 jetons au début qui ou permettrons d’avoir des bières gratuite et on nous fait également déguster un verre pendant la visite. La visite est guidée mais avec possibilities de faire le tour librement et de ne pas suivre le guide, assez intéressant dans l’ensemble même si ce n’est pas assez traduit donc beaucoup d’anglais, on peut avoir un fil continue français sur le téléphone mais pas intéressant. Sinon à l’intérieur c’est incroyable les effets sont très bien, des immersions dans des pièces avec des mini projections, des cuves avec possibilité de prendre des photos, des animations… puis la visite finit dans un bar! À faire.
Jun 8, 2024
Altre cose popolari da fare in amsterdam