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- Vasamuseum + Vrak - Museum van wrakken
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Combineer je bezoek aan het populairste museum van Scandinavië met een bezoek aan het nieuwste maritiem archeologisch museum in Stockholm.
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- Bekijk een van de meest iconische monumenten van Stockholm van dichtbij
- Ontdek het leven aan boord van een 17e-eeuws schip
- Word voor één dag maritiem archeoloog met een VR-ervaring
Gratis toegang voor kinderen van 0-18 jaar onder begeleiding van een betalende volwassene
In het Vasamuseum moeten kinderen van 12 jaar en jonger tijdens hun bezoek altijd worden begeleid door een volwassene
September - mei:
Donderdag - dinsdag: 10.00 - 17.00 uur
Woensdag: 10.00 - 20.00
Juni - augustus:
Maandag - zondag: 8.30 - 18.00 uur
Vrak - Museum van wrakken:
Donderdag - dinsdag: 10.00 - 20.00
Woensdag: 10.00 - 18.00
De Vasamuseum audiogids is beschikbaar in het Engels, Engels voor kinderen, Zweeds, Zweeds voor kinderen, eenvoudig Zweeds, Duits, Duits voor kinderen, Fins, Fins voor kinderen, Spaans, Frans, Italiaans, Arabisch, Pools, Oekraïens, Japans, Hindi, Koreaans, Chinees, Soomali, Sorani, Farsi, Bosnisch, Kroatisch, Servisch en Russisch
De Vrak – Museum van wrakken audiogids is beschikbaar in het Engels, Zweeds, Fins, Duits, Pools en Frans
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Vasa Museum
Openbaar Vervoer
De dichtstbijzijnde haltes zijn Nordiska museet/Vasamuseet (tram 7) en Djurgårdsbron (bus 69 & 76). De twee musea liggen op vijf minuten lopen van elkaar.
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Vasa: het enige volledig intacte 17e-eeuwse schip
Het Vasamuseum is de enige plek ter wereld waar je een bijna volledig intact 17e-eeuws schip kunt zien dat ooit geborgen is. Het 64-mijls oorlogsschip Vasa zonk op haar eerste reis in 1628 na slechts 1300 meter te hebben gevaren. Eind jaren 1950 werd het herontdekt en 333 jaar na het zinken werd de Vasa in 1961 van de havenbodem geborgen.
Bijna dertig jaar lang werd het schip tentoongesteld in een tijdelijk museum. Pas in 1990 kreeg de Vasa zijn eigen permanente museum, speciaal ontworpen met gestileerde masten op het dak die de werkelijke hoogte van het oorspronkelijke schip weergeven. Binnen kun je het schip vanaf zes verschillende niveaus bekijken, van de kiel tot de top van het achterdek.
Het schip vormt het middelpunt van het museum, maar er zijn ook andere tentoonstellingen rondom het schip in het museum. Sommige exposities richten zich op het schip zelf, met modellen die de bouw, het zinken, de locatie en de berging van de Vasa uitbeelden. Andere exposities tonen je het leven aan boord van de Vasa, zoals er 145 matrozen en 300 soldaten aan boord zouden zijn geweest.
Verken de bodem van de Oostzee in Vrak - Museum van wrakken
De Oostzee heeft meer goed bewaard gebleven houten wrakken dan waar ook ter wereld. Vrak - Museum van wrakken neemt je mee op reis om hun verhalen te ontdekken. Met behulp van digitale technologie kun je aan de oppervlakte blijven terwijl je de wrakken op de bodem van de zee ontdekt.
Met Virtual Reality (VR) duiken, hologrammen en games krijg je meer inzicht in maritieme archeologische onderzoeken die nog steeds op de bodem van de zee plaatsvinden. Je zult de sporen zien die ontdekkingsreizigers hebben achtergelaten in de Zweedse zeeën, meren en stromen. Je zult nooit meer naar het water in de Oostzee kijken zonder je te herinneren wat er onder het oppervlak ligt.
Tickets voor twee musea met korting
Met dit ene ticket kun je beide musea bezoeken, maar je hoeft ze niet op dezelfde dag te bezoeken. Je bezoek aan het tweede museum moet gewoon binnen 72 uur na je bezoek aan het eerste museum vallen. Koop vandaag nog je combinatieticket om een beroemd scheepswrak van dichtbij te zien en meer te leren over de andere schepen die nog steeds op de bodem van de Oostzee liggen.
Zowel het Vasamuseum als Vrak - Museum van wrakken hebben gratis audiogidsen die je kunt downloaden op hun websites. Bij Vrak kun je ook een gratis rondleiding krijgen, er is elke dag om 12.00 en 15.00 uur een gratis rondleiding van 20 minuten in het Engels en om 11.00 en 14.00 uur in het Zweeds.
362 Reviews
Gemiddelde waardering van
Leuk om te doen, aanrader!
Leuke tour om te doen. We hadden een leuke groep mensen en de tourguide Oscar was Engels/Zweeds. Bij ieder stuk als er iets te zien was vertelde hij er een verhaal bij, zo kreeg je een helder beeld van alles wat er met het schip is gebeurd en gedaan. Na de tour was je nog vrij om rond te lopen.
Aug 10, 2024152bennyb
Unieke ervaring
Zeer interessant museum. Als je alles wil zien kom je met 2 uur niet toe denk. Ondanks veel volk voldoende plaats om alles te bekijken
Jun 16, 2024MarcK1304
Vasa museum
Geweldig indrukwekkend. De geschiedenis wordt visueel en komt wel heel dichtbij. Mooi modern museum en veel ruimte. Prachtige ervaring rijker.
Apr 7, 2024algonb
Geborgen oorlogsschip biedt unieke kijk in kleurrijke historie.
Oorlogsschip dat in 17e eeuw in de haven van Stockholm is gezonken en in de jaren zestig vrijwel in takt is geborgen schetst een buitengewoon interessant beeld van die tijd. In zijn oorspronkelijke kleuren moet het helemaal een attractie geweest zijn, maar nog steeds is het imposant. Het houtsnijwerk is schitterend. Veel van de inhoud is eveneens bewaard gebleven. Een bezoek aan dit museum is zeer de moeite waard. Het verhaal van de schipbreuk is ongelofelijk.
Feb 11, 2024781katrienj
Dit is een must-see. Van zodra je binnenkomt, komt het grote wrak op je af. Vergeet zeker niet als eerste de film te zien, zodat je met de nodige info de rondgang kan doen. Het schip is enorm en alles wordt heel tastbaar voorgesteld. Overweldigend!
Nov 16, 2023sjoerdk749
Wat een geweldige ervaring. Verwondering alom. Een geweldig museum en zeker een must see als je in Stockholm bent. Je kunt het schip van alle kanten bekijken. Ook wordt helemaal uitgelegd hoe het schip naar boven is gehaald.
Oct 18, 2023springbok033
Zeker een aanrader
Hele mooie tentoonstelling van de Vasa en de geschiedenis van het schip. We waren enorm onder de indruk en het is met alle filmpjes die getoond worden erg leuk om te bezoeken.
Oct 12, 2023IvoS417
Geweldige ervaring om dit schip te zien
Hoogtepunt van het bezoek aan Stockholm voor een geschiedenisliefhebber om dit oude oorlogsschip in het echt te zien. De Vasa is vanaf meerdere niveau’s te bekijken en alle facetten zoals de bemanning, gevonden voorwerpen en de beelden op de romp worden verder toegelicht in een mooie expositie verdeeld over 7 etages. De film naast de hoofdingang geeft een goede indruk van de berging. Wij wachtten op de Engelse versie maar de film in andere talen bleek ook Engels ondertiteld dus die kun je ook kijken. Er is een restaurant in het museum waar je iets kunt eten of drinken. Wij brachten hier ruim 3 uur door.
Sep 27, 2023joostjochems
Zeer indrukwekkend! 🤟🏼
Prachtig museum! Zeer volledige tentoonstelling met als pronkstuk de Vasa zelf. Dot is wat mij betreft de ‘Must See’ #1 van Stockholm. 😉
Sep 6, 2023SW1954
Fantastic guided tour!
We were guided by Cedric Anthony and were fascinated by this museum! The history, the artifacts, and most of all, the reconstructed ship itself. Exhibits were well chosen, and Cedric added a LOT of details. Well worth the time and money.
Oct 9, 2024CharmaineAtur
Fantastic visit
I really enjoyed my visit here, I think the history, restoration and preservation of the boat is fascinating. There was a lot of see, many places to see the boat up close. It covered history on when the boat was from, when they found it, how they salvaged it and also about people who were on the boat and unfortunately found with the boat. I would recommend this to anyone interested in history to visit.
Oct 9, 2024634berndw
Beeindruckende Ausstellung
Super Ausstellung. Man sollte sich Zeit nehmen die Details anzuschauen. Es war sehr beeindruckend das Schiff zu sehen.
Oct 7, 2024arunanv2020
Must see at Stockholm
Good. A must visit place when you’re at Stockholm. It explains the history of Sweden and really enjoyable. Around 2hours is more than sufficient.
Oct 7, 2024Degustibusromano
suggestivo museo
Certamente è il museo che più mi ha colpito. In una enorme costruzione hangar ospita l'unico vascello realiaazto nel 1628 rimasto quasi intatto nel fondo del mar Baltico per 333 anni proprio di fronte al porto di Stoccolma.Nel 1961 è stato messo asecco con un lavoro straordinario durato anni ed ora si mostra spettacolare agli occhi dei turisti. Molto suggestivo girare attorno a diverse altezze al vascello la cui parte posteriore è ornata con statue lignee e stemmi dell'epoca. Belle anche le vele ricostruite . Completano le numerose bacheche dove ci sono i reperti ed i filmati. Costo 19 euro che li vale tutti. Consigliabile
Oct 5, 2024pezzo_da_90
Beh si, imperdibile.. 18€ circa l’ingresso li vale tutti, attenzione chiude alle 17 e bisogna dedicargli almeno 15 minuti , le riproduzioni delle aeree interne sono fantastiche, vedi foto allegate
Oct 4, 2024KemikOjstra
Magnificent maritime history, memory of the Swedish Empire
Vasa ship is really magnificent and imposing, even after so many years under the Baltic Sea. It sunk only 20 minutes after starting the maiden voyage in 1628. Even though this museum seems like a tourist trap, it is very worth visiting and not overrated. In the museum, there are like 4 different floors to see the ship from many different angles, with every floor (except the highest one) also having so many maritime artefacts and even art. Surely the best maritime museum I have ever seen.
Sep 30, 2024jamjar2004
Great unique experience
The museum is a must if you visit Stockholm. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It’s a great experience to see a 17th century ship up close. The gift shop has well priced items too.
Sep 30, 2024manon-allay
À faire !
Très beau musée certaines vidéo sont en français (horaires affichées de façon claire) et au pire en anglais. Des l’entrée ont est dans l’ambiance et ce navire vous fascine. De nombreux artefact et une exposition très bien documentée
Sep 29, 2024AdvtrTrvlr
Went to see reluctantly
We were told that this is a museum you should see even if you’re not into nautical museums so we went to this museum. It was much more interesting than I thought it would be. The ship is gigantic, and I had no idea about the history of the ship. It sank only minutes after it set sail in the Stockholm Harbor in shallow water yet was forgotten about for decades. What was most interesting was that the water was very brackish which means that there is less seawater and more freshwater. This kept the ship very much intact as well as all the artifacts in the ship. Another interesting point was that the people that lost their lives were very much intact as far as their skeletons and the possessions that were with them and on them. It is definitely worth the time to go. We went here after we went to the Abba Museum and I think it might be better to go early afternoon, then first thing in the morning to avoid the crowds.
Sep 28, 2024PaulAKrause
Europe 24 Holiday
This attraction is a must-see attraction. A visually appealing building with a fantastic display of the Vasa ship. The ship is huge and very intricate. Bravo - glad we took the time to visit. Reasonably priced. Staff friendly.
Sep 28, 2024JulienRose
Il museo di Vasa e l'affascinante storia della nave, meritano una visita per diversi motivi. Il principale è che è l'unico museo al mondo in cui è possibile vedere una nave risalente al 16° secolo in ottime condizioni di conservazione, anche grazie ai restauri e alla cura del museo. IMPERDIBILE se venite a Stoccolma!
Sep 26, 2024lara_286
Il vascello Vasa ti lascia senza parole: per la storia, il naufragio, il recupero e la sua maestosità. È una visita imprescindibile e colpisce anche se non si è appassionati di storia. Interessante anche il film che racconta le fasi di recupero e restauro del vascello (disponibile in tante lingue con orari precisi) . Il museo organizza anche mini visite guidate (in diverse lingue, il calendario è all’ingresso). Bravissima la guida italiana che spiega meravigliosamente la storia del Vada. Bellissima anche la mostra temporanea della Lego Brick wrecks dove vengono ricostruite con i mattoncini le più grandi navi naufragate nella storia.
Sep 25, 2024951helene
Fabulous museum
Fabulous museum - lots of interesting information supported by genuine artifacts; the rescue mission and the subsequent preservation activity makes for a fascinating story and the ship has to be seen to be believed. Allow a good couple of hours and start with the video story to properly understand the context. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Sep 25, 2024AaronMandel
Get there early
Yes, this place is very crowded. Yes, buses pull up. That being said, if you get there when they open, it's a fascinating place. This is not just a boat which sank on its maiden voyage, it's a beautifully preserved war ship from the early 17th century; not a "we think this is what they looked like" reconstruction. Cannon, carvings, living quarters, parts of sails, the whole thing. Very cool, especially if you have any interest in history. There were a lot of kids there and they seemed to be having fun.
Sep 24, 2024Tomatich13015
Eeeh Mercééé le Vasa 🇸🇪
Le musée se situe sur l'île où se trouve tout les musées, accessible facilement a 10min a pied en partant du centre ville mais également en tramway. L'intérieur du musée incroyable 😍 seulement une pièce mais on s'y perd et le temps passe une fois a l'intérieur, on y est resté 2h.
Sep 23, 2024Teithiwr
If you`re expecting just an old ship in a dusty museum you`re going to be very disappointed. From the minute you walk in with the Vasa looming right ahead of you, you`ll be enthralled by the whole experience. It`s all there: the stories of its construction; life on board; the sinking and aftermath; the salvage; the restoration; the future. We spent over three and a half hours walking, looking, reading, listening and being completely drawn in to the history of this great vessel. You can view the ship from 6 or 7 levels; from the keel upwards to looking down over the top deck. It is the biggest draw in Stockholm and rightly so.
Sep 22, 2024JB81ontheroad
Worth a visit!
I initially balked when my wife told me we were going to a museum dedicated to a warship that sank almost 400 years ago, pretty much immediately upon its launch because of a series of unfortunate screw-ups. I was WRONG - it was fascinating! We spent several hours there and definitely could have used more time.
Sep 22, 2024voglioandarevia
Consigliato..Da vedere assolutamente
Visita imperdibile se si viene a Stoccolma.Oltre alla nave che è maestosa si possono osservare oggetti, scheletri dell'equipaggio che ha perso la vita durante l'affondamento e il modellino che fa vedere come è stato effettuato il recupero.Possibile vedere la nave su più piani ammirandone i suoi pqarticolari.Favolosa la poppa
Sep 21, 2024AntonellaPasquale
Meglio di quanto mi aspettassi
Una belle esperienza, meglio di quanto mi aspettassi. Sono riusciti a fare di un vascello recuperato una delle attrazioni più interessanti della città. Affascinate la storia illustrata del recupero e del restauro, ci si può girare intorno per ad ogni altezza del vascello per ammirarlo nei particolari. Consigliato
Sep 21, 2024JayBe83
Exceptionnel et incontournable
Il est difficile de croire que ce navire a été construit il y a quatre siècles et a passé presque tout ce temps sous l’eau tellement il a bien été ressuscité ! C’est une expérience unique de pouvoir l’admirer avec les 400 sculptures dont il est orné.
Sep 20, 2024BurningGirl7777
Magnificent Ghost Ship in Stockholm
This place has earned its reputation as one of the top attractions in Stockholm. In 1628, the massive warship Vasa set sail on its maiden voyage in the harbor of Stockholm ....and sank! It was the space shuttle Challenger disaster of its day. More than three centuries later, in the 1960s, ingenious Scandinavian engineers dredged it from the harbor floor and reassembled it nearly intact. This great hulking ghost ship is a marvel to behold. Three pieces of advice: 1). Start with the short movie in the basement level of the building adjacent to the entrance. There are headphones and a nearly invisible channel device ON THE ARM REST of the chair to get English. 2). Take the elevator to the top and walk down the three levels. This is the best way to get all the history and see the ship but no one tells you this. 3). Plan on spending 2-3 hours.
Sep 20, 2024hiscamherbackpack
Must visit in Stockholm
The Vasa was a Swedish warship built in the early 17th century, intended to be one of the most powerful vessels in the Swedish navy. Launched in 1628, the Vasa tragically sank on its maiden voyage in Stockholm Harbor .After lying underwater for over 300 years, the ship was salvaged in 1961 and is now housed in the Vasa Museum Overall we had an excellent trip to Musuem, and is totally a worth a visit. There are many other musuems on this same Djugarden Island, which you can visit. We took tram to reach here from central Stockholm. You can also opt for ferry, that way you could see a different side of Stockholm city. Do spend sometime outside the musuem, we did enjoyed views from the harbour. Usually on ticket counter they ask you to buy combined ticket of VASA and Ship reck musuem, which we also bought. But honestly shipreck musuem has nothing at all, so you can skip it. Save some bucks here, and rather visit some other musuem near by.
Sep 19, 2024aproposltd
Big doomed boat: great museum
Really loved this museum! The star of the show is a doomed Royal relic from the late 1600s. The Vasa was salvaged nearly 300 years later, with great the archaeological care and attention. Over the numerous floors of the museum, visitors can see and experience what life was like on the Royal warships of the period Great mix of children, school groups and tourists: this museum can be a quick visit or a literal deep dive into Swedens rich naval history.
Sep 18, 2024Dreamer16562686902
Really must see in Stockholm
Excellent experience, we enjoyed a lot. One of the most interesting museums ever seen. It’s like you are back in the centuries right now and right there. As long as the whole museum is full of information, we strongly recommend to arrive early to Vasa Museum and reserve time to see the movie first. It will offer you a better understanding. Another tip is to try to plan your visit outside of the peak hours, because, being a quite small museum becomes easily very crowded. And, because of the necessary preservation conditions of the ship is a little bit chill inside so a jacket could be useful.
Sep 18, 2024robertforpresi
Brilliant and fascinating
Brilliant exhibitions and so so many fascinating things to see and learn about. Went with a group of friends and never knew we had this available right in our backyard!
Sep 17, 2024nflacker
Kinda geeky, super interesting!
Very worth while insight into Swedish history, ship design, archeology, and preservation techniques. The ship is impressive and the story of the raising and restoration even more so
Sep 17, 2024lev0yageur75
Musée phare de la capitale suédoise.
Musée fondé sur le Vasa, célèbre bateau suédois du XVIIeme siècle, coulé et retrouvé plus de 300 ans plus tard. La visite, en prenant son temps, dure près de 2h00. Si les explications demeurent intéressantes et disponibles en plusieurs langues, il faut également relever le côté un peu rébarbatif du musée (tout est concentré sur un bateau qui a coulé après 2 min en mer...). Il reste néanmoins un lieu important de la capitale suédoise.
Sep 17, 2024stuartp552
From the ocean depths come living history.
One of the all time great maritime museums. It is a "must see" without a doubt. You will not be disappointed. Walk from the the keel to the top of the aftcastle and wonder at the craftsmanship that went in to this royal ship. More appropriately think of what the King's reaction was as his galleon flipped upside down and sank into the murky depths.
Sep 17, 2024AdelchiLatina_Italia
Un'esperienza unica
Non credo che ci sia nel mondo un museo simile a questo. La descrizione del lavoro effettuato per recuperare e restaurare questo vascello è affascinante e riesce a farci capire quanto lavoro ci sia voluto r c apprezzare ancor di più quello che vediamo. Il vascello è imponente ed è visibile da tutte le angolazioni
Sep 16, 2024WalpoleTed
Historical And Amazing
Well worth the visit. The Vasa is longer than a modern navy destroyer and probably would have been three times the weight of a modern ship. An incredible piece of maritime as well as Swedish history.
Sep 16, 2024enap96
Vasa Museum Trip
I'm not big on museums, but I do like to visit a couple of them when I'm travelling. And the Vasa Museum was a big hit. It's unique and you get to see and learn lots of different things about the ship itself, but also Stockholm and people of the 17th century. I'm definitely coming back!
Sep 16, 2024Honeymonsterontou
340.00 SEK (£25-38 gets a joint entry ticket with the close by Shipwreck Museum. The ship is magnificent - we spent 2 hours here. Catch the 82 ferry to Allmanna Grand from Slussen alight ferry and turn left - about 10 mins walk.
Sep 15, 2024m0lss0n
Värt ett besök
Intressant, lärorikt och värt ett besök. Passar både barn i skolåldern och vuxna. Vi gick runt med audioguide i egna hörlurar vilket var ett bra komplement till skriftlig information.
Sep 15, 2024Safari31151844003
Imperdibile!! Super consigliato
fin dall’entrata si percepisce la maestosità della nave a cui è stato dedicato il museo. Posto bellissimo, ben illuminato, bella storia che e soprattutto molto instagrammabile…. Super consigliato!!! Consiglio: la prenotazione online fa’ saltare l’interminabile fila…
Sep 14, 2024Jet60852485044
Best museum experience ever!
The best museum experience I’ve ever had. From the design of the building, the ‘wow’ factor of seeing the ship, the layout of the artefacts, free film show to the facilities such as the great cafe and toilets.
Sep 12, 2024CherylC139
Impressive to say the least!
Visited this museum with our 20 year old son on a family vacation. We were able to join a guided tour which was enjoyable but hard to hear at times because sure of large groups. The Vasa is amazing! 98% original. No where else is there another vessel of this age in such a unique preserved condition.
Sep 11, 2024Adventure40115953224
Vasa: The Best Perserved 17th Century ship!
I visited the Vasa Museum when I went to Stockholm, Sweden. The museum is located in the Royal National City Park. Great setting to take photos. Upon entering the museum, I saw this massive warship. I was amazed, when our guide told us, that this Swedish Warship was built in 1626-1628 on the orders of King Gusavus Adolphus. Apparently, the king wanted to increase his militay power against Poland, so the Vasa was built. On it's maiden voyage it sank,1400 yards from the dock. It was stated that the ship was unstable because of the weight of the massive canons. However, in 1961, the Vasa was salvaged from the ocean and people were amazed how well perserved the 17th century ship was. I would recommend looking at the movies the museum offers. They are very good and provide you with lots of information. The Vasa Museum is a must see!
Sep 10, 2024Horstl5688653
Ein absolutes Erlebnis
Ein tolles Erebnis und ein absulutes Muss. Eher früh hingehen, da sich die Besuchermengen deutlich setigern. Hat riesig Spass gemacht
Sep 10, 2024kurtc634
Tankevækkende! Originalt skib bevaret fra 1628. Besætning på 445 mand, 64 kanoner og træudskæringer, der skulle få fjenden til at frygte en mægtig konges magt. Datidens organisationsdiagram med kongen agter, og reference til Romerrigets kejser Augustus. Ren propaganda. MEN, MEN, MEN.. Vasa sank på sin første tur: 1,4 km fra Stockholm den 10. August 1628. Hovmod? Du skal se skibet med dine egne øjne!
Sep 9, 2024debsk9
After checking at home (UK) about visiting I took a screenshot for carers ticket entry free. I approached a lady and showed her who at first charged 2 adults, I explained and she then requested a card. I explained we are from the UK and she was happy with my proof. Husband went up the different levels and I was able to sit for some of the time. Queues for the toilets were long and not clean. Overall I'm glad we went, but it's a one off visit.
Sep 9, 2024
Ook leuk voor jou
- Staff favoriet4.7 1256 boekingen 4 uur Skansen - Openluchtmuseum €16.00
- Nieuw4.6 6 boekingen 90 minuten Fotografiska Stockholm €18.50
- Nieuw4.7 57 boekingen 2 uur Nobel Prize Museum €12.00
- Nieuw4.6 3 boekingen 60 minuten Het Koninklijk Arsenaal €13.50
- Nieuw4.7 2 boekingen 3 uur Zweeds Historisch Museum €13.50
- Nieuw4.7 3 boekingen 2 uur Hallwyl Museum €10.75
- Nieuw4.7 4 boekingen 2 uur Prins Eugen's Waldemarsudde €15.00
- Nieuw4.6 24 boekingen 90 minuten Het Vikingmuseum €17.90
- Nieuw4.6 3 boekingen 2 uur Zweeds Nationaal Scheepvaartmuseum €10.50
- Nieuw4.7 3 boekingen 4 uur Museum voor Technologie €14.00
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