Barnbiljett för åldrarna 6-15 år
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Kunskap har alltid varit makt, vilket är anledningen till att spioner har funnits lika länge som den mänskliga civilisationen. I det gamla Egypten kallades spioner för "faraos ögon", i Persien kallade kung Cyrus dem för sina många "ögon och öron" och till och med general Sun Tzu ägnade ett helt kapitel åt spioner i sin berömda "The Art of War".
Under det kalla kriget var det i Berlin som öst mötte väst, ingen annanstans hade Sovjet- och Nato-makterna så nära kontakt med varandra. Därför är Berlin den bästa platsen för att lära sig allt om spionernas värld. Du kan besöka det Tyska Spionmuseet på den tidigare gränsen, själva dödsremsan av Berlinmuren.
När du besöker det Tyska Spionmuseet får du inte bara lära dig allt om spionernas värld, utan du kan också testa ditt eget spionspel. Från att hitta buggar till att avkryptera kodmeddelanden, skriva hemliga meddelanden med försvinnande bläck. Att skicka morsekodsmeddelanden, klara en lögndetektor och knäcka ett kassaskåp är några av de saker som en spion måste kunna göra och som du kan pröva.
På det Tyska Spionmuseet kan du till och med försöka dig på att ta dig igenom en laserlabyrint. Du har två minuter på dig att försöka ta dig igenom på vilket sätt du än kan. Oavsett om du hoppar, hukar eller kryper måste du bara se till att du inte rör vid laserstrålarna.
Om du är redo att lära dig allt om spionernas värld och ta reda på om du har vad som krävs för att bli en spion, kan du skaffa biljetter till det Tyska Spionmuseet här. Här kan du köpa en flexibel biljett, så att du kan komma in på museet när som helst under öppettiderna. Du hittar det Tyska Spionmuseet i hjärtat av Berlin nära Potsdamer Platz.
125 Reviews
Oj oj oj, spännande med ett sådant museum! Laserhinderbanan var bra, men också de olika utmaningarna man skulle göra. Enda minuset var att det var för mycket kö till de roligaste sakerna.
Både jag och mina barnbarn 9 och 11 år hade stor behållning av museet. Barnen är duktiga på engelska och klarade de flesta instruktionerna.
Jag besökte museet med tre barn (5, 11 och 12 år). Alla uppskattade besöket. En del kö till vissa aktiviteter, särskilt laserbanan, men på det stora hela ett bra museum som är värt att besöka. Ett minus var bemötandet av personalen vid entrén. Vi hade förköpta biljetter. Det skulle inte kosta något för 5-åringen att gå in och jag hade därför inte köpt biljett till henne. Väl på plats visade det sig att vi ändå behövde en biljett till 5-åringen för att vi allihop skulle kunna passera slussen i entrén. Det fick vi information om efter att jag hade släppt in barnen och själv inte kunde passera slussen, eftersom 5-åringen då tydligen gått in med min biljett. Barnen var alltså redan insläppta i museet och jag blev av personalen hänvisad att ställa mig längst bak i kön för dem som inte hade förköpt biljetter. Dåligt!
+Sehr gute Räumlichkeiten +Sehr viele Spionage Sachen alte und Neue vorhanden. +Sehr gut Erreichbar mit der S-Bahn. +Der Ticketpreis auch sehr gut.
War super! Sehr informativ und unterhaltsam und eine extrem nette Crew an der Kasse! Danke nochmals für die Hilfe an der Münz Presse! VG Doris
Great fun museum as a mix up with the more serious ones in Berlin. Teens loved all activities- especially the laser room. Lots of information that was really interesting. We booked for 10.45 time slot and was busy on way in but no problem then with having a go at all interactive elements- only short wait for laser room so kids had a couple of go’s. Imagine it gets much busier later on.
Voici un beau musée riche en objets, documents et activités interactives. Il plaira aux petits et aux grands. Pour ceux qui veulent visiter sérieusement, évitez le dimanche matin, ça grouille de monde et en particulier d'enfants et on ne peut pas vraiment profiter de la visite et des vitrines. Les informations sont données en anglais et en allemand uniquement.
This is a great look back at all the James Bond gadgets for the Cold War, real cameras in shoes hand bags and secret messages, Wouldn’t go during the school holidays, to many kids, book on line to hold a date and time , will also save a 10’er. There are lockers for a euro, just so you are not karting all your stuff around, The coffee shop at the end is a welcome sit down.
It is cheaper to buy tickets in the internet and if you are interested in German history, you can also buy a cheaper combination ticket (Spy and Deutschland museum). the Deutschland museum which is just located next door. They do have a time slot and when I was there, it was very crowded so I would recommend you to buy the tickets on line. The museum is quite big with lots of interactive exhibitions and covers a lot of things about spy. It is good fun and educational. I spend 2 hours there and it is a museum for adults and children alike. Highly recommended.
This museum is good for all ages. Very interesting artifacts, actually "spy" equipment. I particularly enjoyed seeing the Enigma machine. If you have seen the film "the imitation game" this is the machine that features in the story of the film. Very good section of James Bond film props from the movies. It's not a large museum, we was in there an hour. Have to pre book tickets to a time slot online. You scan bar code on e tickets, then go into a security check scanner before allowing entry. The shop at the end had a good selection of spy toys to take home, keep the kids entertained for hours. And not too expensive.
Amazing experience! I was late because I got lost (we were directed by google maps to a nonexistent bus station) and the lady at the reception was so understanding so I was able to still get in (thank you so much!) There are a lot of activities while you learn about espionage.. I just wish I had more time (had to cram my tour within 2 days). Saw a family enjoy the whole thing, I also wish I had my family with me to enjoy this (no budget yet haha!) definitely will come back! 👏✅ 5⭐
We had fun. Personally I was more interested in people's stories than all the hardware on display. Worth a visit if you've got time to spare in Berlin. Advanced booking recommended.
The layout is well designed. From ancient pottery to Enigma to passwords to encryption the history of espionage is shown From gun that killed Archduke Ferdinand to umbrella that killed Georgi Markov Grom codes on ancient ceramics to to Enigma passwords and ultimate encryption It’s all here in format that patents and children will find absorbing
Enjoyed visiting this museum, plenty to do and plenty to read. Enjoyed the Lazer beam course which just added to the fun. Allow at least a couple of hours especially if you read and try your hand at everything.
Very detailed museum, with lots of interaction. Laser room was the best bit, and more difficult than you think! We went in a Monday and booked in advance, but this probably wasn’t necessary as it wasn’t busy. However I can imagine it gets busy on weekends.
Sehr schönes Museum und super aufbereitet. Bei unseren Kids zwischen 8 und 14 kam keine Langeweile auf. Besonders viele Stationen luden zum mitmachen und ausprobieren ein.
Brilliant piece of spy history. Lots of exhibits and information videos. With some great interaction as well. We spent 4 hours going around the site and probably still missed some stuff.
Tolles , sehr informatives und abwechslungsreiches Museum. Es bietet für alle Altersgruppen etwas. Wir kommen wieder
Eine sehr interessante Zusammenstellung der (offiiellen) Mittel der Geheimdienste aus Ost und West. Durch verschiedene Aktionsplätze können auch Kinder unterschiedliche leichte Möglichkeiten selbst ausprobieren.
Good visit. A fun look at the history of espionage. It was getting a bit busy when we visited so we had to wait a little for some exhibits but not too bad. I’d say time a visit carefully as this will be better when quiet. We enjoyed.
I am a school teacher who has bloodied the Spy Museum twice: once on a forms trip with high-schoolers, then today with my own family. The interactive and unique museum was a hit with everyone. We spent about 2.5 hours.
My family and I spent a couple of hours here and enjoyed ourselves. The museum is modern and informative. There are some fun interactive activities mixed in with lots of information. A decent way to spend a couple of hours in Berlin.
Sehr informatives Museum mit Geschichten zu Spionen und Agenten schon vor Christus Bus hin zur Gegenwart. Diese zeitliche Spanne hätte ich nicht erwartet. Die interaktiven Mitmachmöglichkeiten (u.a. Lügendetektor, Tresor knacken, Laserparcours, Verschlüsselte Wöter enträtseln) sind für Jung und Alt sehr gut und unterhaltsam.
My wife and I toured the Espionage Museum while visiting Berlin recently. This place was incredible! I really loved seeing the advancements in ‘spy tech’ and many real examples of tools used to spy on others and a country’s own citizens. Some of the hands on stations were really interesting…code breaking and finding listening devices in a room were fun. Technology has screamed forward from the examples we saw in the museum and we carry the most invasive and intrusive devices in the form of our mobile phones. They are listening…
The museum was just amazing. There was so much to do and learn. Our 16 year old granddaughter loved it too. It was interactive and the explanations were in English as well as German. You need at least 2 hours. We would have spent longer but the cafe was outside.
My wife and I used the Daytrip service multiple times during our vacation in Germany. The drivers or dispatcher were in touch with us about the pickup time with real-time tracking of the driver's location. We greatly appreciated that they arranged for a taxi to get us to the airport after the scheduled driver had a medical emergency. We will certainly use their service again during future trips.
Il Museo dello Spionaggio di Berlino è un’esperienza imperdibile per le famiglie. I bambini si sono divertiti moltissimo nel labirinto laser e nelle numerose postazioni interattive che rendono la storia accessibile e coinvolgente. Oltre alle attività ludiche, il museo espone reperti storici affascinanti, tra cui la celebre macchina Enigma, offrendo uno sguardo approfondito sul mondo dello spionaggio durante la Guerra Fredda. Perfetto per trascorrere una giornata all'insegna del divertimento e dell’apprendimento!
An interesting museum. It is aimed at families, as there are interactive sections for kids. It took us around an hour to get around it.
I am delighted with the service, good communication, and lovely staff. I am going to visit again and bring my friends with me.
Do not go on the weekend, it was PACKED. Still able to see most of the exhibits and some of the interactive pieces but was very difficult with the amount of people.
Lots of interesting info on espionage right from ancient times up to wireless gadgets, via the Cold War and recent scandals. Many of the exhibits were interactive and good fun for kids and adults. We marvelled that items we’d seen James Bond use on film were actually real things we could see with our own eyes!
Great place to visit. Many displays , very professional. You could spend days looking through this place. Very high tech with all the latest info and tech. Highly recommended
This is a really fun museum. We found it slightly by accident and then looked it up, read a few reviews and decided to visit on the last morning of our trip. Very pleased we did! It's a really interesting tour through espionage in general and Berlin's history of it, with some fun things like lie detectors and the laser maze too. Quite a lot of interactive exhibits too.
Lots to see and read, plenty of interactive exhibits, great for all the family, some tiny cameras and facts about double agents
The spy museum is amazing! It is a fascinating dive into the world of espionage and there is a wonderful mix of educational exhibits and hands on activities to keep kids engaged and entertained. My son especially loved the laser maze. It's well worth a visit.
Ein unglaublich gut recherchiertes und höchst ansprechend präsentiertes Museum, das nicht nur Fakten zur Spionage vermittelt, sondern gleichzeitig Wissen zur deutsch-deutschen Geschichte, zum Kalten Krieg und diversen politischen Themen auffrischt. Die Vielzahl an originalen Exponaten ist erstaunlich; ein mentaler Overload wird durch eine Reihe von kurzweiligen Hands-on-Experimenten vermieden. Kinder < 12 Jahren dürften sich mit der Masse an theoretischem Wissen noch schwertun. Interessierte Jugendliche und Erwachsene können hier jedoch locker > 4 h verbringen und haben noch immer nicht alles gesehen/gehört/gelesen. Der im Anschluss zuhause gemeinsam gesehene Film "The Imitation Game" mit Benedict Cumberbatch bekam eine neue Bedeutung: Man möchte gleich noch einmal ins Museum gehen, um die echte "Enigma"-Dechiffriermaschine im Detail zu betrachten. Schade, dass es (noch) kein umfassendes Buch zur Ausstellung gibt. Die Reservierung der Karten via App lohnt sich - je später man diese kauft, desto teurer wird der Eintritt. Zudem existieren vergünstigte Kombi-Tickets für das Deutschland-Museum gleich nebenan. Unbedingt viel Zeit einplanen!
Great if your interested in the black arts of spy craft and esponaige - has a decent 007 M Bond - James Bond if you don't mind exhibit. Also some fun things for kids to do including a laser maize. Plenty of historical and adult info and items to keep most interested. Worth a visit in easy to find location.
Great place! Lots of very interesting objects and you also have several games to play there. Lots and lots of amazing things.
Just sitting in the cafe after having our mind blown by the array of items on display. We spent nearly two hours going around the various displays and still feel like we rushed it - there is a lot to read and interact with as well as look at the various displays. Definitely worth a visit
Il museo in sé per sé è carino, ci sono numerose cose interattive e vengono mostrati numerosi oggetti che venivano usati dalle spie. Il percorso è molto carino e divertente da seguire, è perfetto se si vuole visitare qualcosa di leggero e in “breve” tempo (circa un’ora). Nonostante ció, abbiamo pagato il biglietto alla cassa 15€ scontato, grazie alla Berlin Welcome Card (altrimenti avremmo pagato 20€ circa) peró il costo non vale l’esperienza secondo me. Sicuramente avremmo risparmiato a farlo online in anticipo quindi se ne avete la possibilità fatelo, ma dopo averlo visitato posso dire che quel prezzo non ha senso.
Leuk, heel goed bedacht en uitgedokterd en leuke spellen en interacties, zowel voor kinderen, tieners als ouders een leuke activiteit. Leerzaam ook, alleen was het iets te druk waardoor voor sommige activiteiten een wachtrij stond. Maar zeker de moeite!
A well balanced look at how spying happened throughout the ages, and in the Cold War particularly. Both sides contrasted!
Good little museum. Plenty to see on an adult level but also loads for small children to get hands on with. Covers the art of espionage through the ages, it's use in the wars and cold war era and in TV and film.
An absolutely amazing place to visit for all ages. We have 3 children ranging from 9-14 and we could have all stayed there the whole day. Nearly everything has an interactive element, whether that is cracking a code to writing in morse code, through to the laser challenge. In addition to the interactive elements there are lots of stories of spies and the methods they used throughout history up to today. We had to drag the children (and my wife me) away in the end. With children this is a must do if you’re visiting Berlin.
Went to you yesterday. Got tickets but had to wait an hour as staggered access. Well worth the weight! Spent a couple of hours in here but could’ve stayed an awful lot longer. Even though it was August it was air-conditioned and felt quite spacious! Really good really interesting and would love to go back.
The German Spy Museum does a good job of catering both to children and to adults interested in the history and gadgetry of espionage or who, like Brosnan's James Bond, "never grew up". You can search for microdots on the cover of Playboy, search a desk for bugs, attempt to navigate a cinematic laser maze, reassemble shredded documents, try your hand at safecracking, and so on. There's some great information about 20th century spycraft and also a spectacular collection of now-obsolete spy equipment – some replicas, many originals – and a few props from James Bond movies. I was a little disappointed by the lack of exploding pens in the gift shop, but that was also full of stuff that I would have adored as a kid. 007/10.
Das Museum ist toll aufgezogen. Es gibt viele interaktive Möglichkeiten, doch aufgrund der hohen Auslastung mit teilweise hoher Wartezeit verbunden. Interessante Fakten und Ausstellungsstücke. Absolut Sehenswert. Verbrachten zwei tolle Stunden dort.
Great interactive museum with a lot of information on espionage since the early ages. Great and detailed overview of the times of the cold war and about different spies and counter spying. You can also take quizzes, take photos pretending to be a spy, do a Laser Parcours and much more. In the end the museum takes you into challenges of today’s cyber world. It is really worth the money.!
Well worth it got in for free with Berlin welcome card and did have to wait about 30 mins as to make sure it doesn’t get crowded they have time slots that you need to book even with the welcome card. Lots of easy to read info, cool spy gadgets to see and several interactive things to use such as the laser challenge and how good are you at reading lips. Gift shop and mini cafe next door to spend the time.
rich and very inclusive museum with many interesting items that take you all the way back to the history of spying. we enjoyed very much.