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- Pergamon Museum – The Panorama: Utställning av Yadegar Asisi
Följ med på en fascinerande resa genom tiden på Pergamonmuseet - The Panorama: Exhibition by Yadegar Asisi, där panoramamålningar, multimediainstallationer och fängslande utställningar förflyttar dig till den antika världen Pergamon, fördjupar dig i dess storhet och lämnar dig i vördnad för dess historiska betydelse.
Läs mer
- Fördjupa dig i 360° panoramamålningar
- Se arkitekturen, det dagliga livet och de kulturella prestationerna i den antika romerska staden
- Upplev Asisis skapelser när de väcker liv i Pergamons rika historia
Gratis inträde för barn under 18 år i sällskap med en betalande vuxen
Tisdag - söndag: 10.00 - 18.00
Måndag: stängt
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Pergamon Museum – The Panorama: Exhibition by Yadegar Asisi
Närmaste hållplatser är Museumsinsel (tunnelbana U5), Georgenstraße/Am Kupfergraben (buss 12 & M1) och Berlin Friedrichstraße/ Hackescher Markt (spårvagn S5, S7, S9).
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Upptäck Pergamonmuseet - Panorama: Utställning av Yadegar Asisi
Kliv in i den uppslukande världen i Pergamonmuseets utställning The Panorama av Yadegar Asisi. Förbered dig på att förflyttas till en fascinerande värld där konst, historia och teknik möts i en fantastisk utställning.
The Panorama bjuder in dig att utforska den antika staden Pergamon på ett sätt som aldrig tidigare. Genom en kombination av hisnande panoramabilder, multimediainstallationer och minutiöst återskapade arkitektoniska element förflyttas du tillbaka i tiden och får uppleva prakten i denna en gång så storslagna stad. Följ med på en resa genom denna extraordinära utställning som lovar att fängsla dina sinnen och sätta fart på din fantasi.
Uppslukande utforskning: Upptäck den antika världen i Pergamon
Kliv in i en fängslande tidskapsel när du reser tillbaka till år 129 e.Kr. på Pergamonmuseets tillfälliga utställning. Bevittna storheten i den antika staden Pergamon under kejsar Hadrianus regeringstid i det högromerska riket. Den kände arkitekten Yadegar Asisis 360-graders panorama väcker staden till liv med minutiöst rekonstruerade scener.
Fördjupa dig i panoramamålningarna som är större än verkligheten och som visar Pergamons majestätiska tempel, monumentala strukturer och livliga gator. Förundras över det stora altaret och Pergamonbiblioteket, som symboliserar stadens storslagenhet.
Utforska stadens berömda skulpturer, inklusive det vackra huvudet, Herakles monumentala huvud, kungliga porträttskulpturer, den arkaiska dansaren, Prometheus-gruppen och den ikoniska Athena. Utställningen kombinerar sömlöst arkeologisk forskning och moderna konstnärliga visioner och erbjuder en fängslande och lärorik upplevelse för alla.
Få djupare insikter i stadens arkitektur, dagliga liv och konstnärliga prestationer. Panorama by Asisi på Pergamonmuseet är en unik och oförglömlig upplevelse som låter dig ta steget in i det förflutna och bevittna underverken i en antik civilisation.
Köp din biljett nu!
Missa inte chansen att bli en del av denna extraordinära resa och säkra dina biljetter nu. Besök Pergamonmuseet och fördjupa dig i utställningen The Panorama by Yadegar. Låt de fängslande bilderna, de uppslukande installationerna och det rika berättandet ta dig till en svunnen tid och väcka din passion för konst, historia och den mänskliga kreativitetens underverk.
52 Reviews
Genomsnittligt betyg från
Heelt fantastiskt! Såg ”The Wall” tidigare i år (också Asisi Panorama) men detta var ännu bättre. Detaljerna och musiken samspelade med ljuset på ett makalöst sätt.
Feb 7, 2020charlottam2014
Das Panorama är helt fascinerande. Man upptäcker hela tiden nya små detaljer. Musik och ljussättning förstärker den magiska upplevelsen.
Nov 3, 2019marcot293
Ingegnoso, e ben riuscito, espediente
Per gli amanti della civiltà greca (e, più in generale, delle civiltà antiche europee e mediorientali), la lunga chiusura del museo Pergamon, che si protrarrà per chissà quanto tempo - è stata davvero un duro colpo. E lo è stato certamente anche per l'amministrazione dei musei della città di Berlino, che hanno dovuto mettere in conto un drastico calo di entrate e incassi. E' stato probabilmente questo lo stimolo che ha indotto i responsabili ad escogitare una soluzione a suo modo geniale: surrogare il non più visibile pezzo fortissimo del museo, il fregio dell'altare di Pergamo, con una esposizione che raccoglie alcuni altri splendidi pezzi del ricchissimo giacimento archeologico della città della Magna Grecia, ottimamente sistemati e commentati, e li unisce ad un coloratissimo e vivace diorama che riproduce una scena ipotetica di vita di duemila e passa anni fa lì ambientata e si svolge lungo le intere pareti della struttura circolare allestita allo scopo. Il visitatore può così salire per cinque livelli lungo una scala ed ammirare questa ingegnosa opera dell'artista turco Asisi mentre ascolta un piacevole sottofondo musicale e vede salire e scendere le luci che imitano il trascorrere delle ore della giornata. Asisi ha anche, con grande maestria, ricostruito, sulla base di testimonianze storiche e di sue capacità immaginative, il citato fregio, integrandolo là dove l'originale mostra dei vuoti dovuti alla perdita di alcuni dei pezzi che lo costituivano. Il tutto è molto ben riuscito e giustifica la spesa dell'ingresso (14 euro), pari a quella di un muse "vero".
Jan 2, 2025Voyage00157785117
No hay que perder la oportunidad de ver esta muestra de lo que supone el Gran Museo de Pérgamo
Cuando esté abierto el Museo completo será maravilloso, pero ahora la muestra de Das Panorama, también merece la pena su visita. Además, el personal es super amable.
Nov 4, 2024KiolingFan2
Great stand-in during the restoration
I've seen the Pergamon museum before the long restoration caused its multi-year closing. But the panorama is a very adequate substitute. Brilliantly designed, with many original pieces on display, and truly outstanding narrative displays, laying out the history of Pergamon and the story told in the altar. The panorama itself is a 3 story cylinder lines inside with a 360 degree painting showing iterally thousands of figures shown on the day of a visit by the Roman emperor but also the everyday life of ordinary people celebrating the festival and going about their lives. I hope when the museum they keep the panorama.
Oct 19, 2024Jcase4
90 minutes of Greek life on Pergamon. Hard to find but worth it.
A challenge to find but worth it! Solo trip to Berlin, I visited a Sunday morning at 10. It was near empty. Coat check and audio are included in ticket - all sorts of languages. If you are a little type A like me, you will struggle that the tour is not in numerical order nor are there arrows. Don’t let this stop your enjoyment. I started at the top of the Panorama and enjoyed a slow journey down. It cycles through day and night and I enjoyed the sounds. “Ope moment”: I can’t be the only one who didn’t do this. Google the history of Pergamon before you visit.
Sep 29, 2024TonyRedondoApproved
The 360° panorama really delivers
This exposition is amazing. The first part of it may look a bit underwhelming. Although with modern lightning with projectors and good 3D animations it may seem like it’s not enough for a museum. But when you reach the final circular atrium, well, that’s crazy. I couldn't imagine that I could be for almost 1h looking at that massive 360° poster. The music and lightning mimicking different hours of the day add a lot to the atmosphere. I don’t want to imagine how big the Photoshop file for the poster must be. It’s a very ambitious image composition, with many of the elements in it (like the photos of humans) taken exclusively for the project. Talented artist and great display!
Sep 10, 2024farodevida
Hay que ver el panel 360 y dedicarle un buen rato para todos los detalles
La sala en 4d con la representación de la Pergamo antigua es una pasada. Hay que subir a una plataforma de 4 plantas y a medida que se va bajando, con los cambios de luz y de música, se van descubriendo muchísimos detalles del panel 360 grados que hay. Es impactante, a mi hijo pequeño hasta le dio miedo de lo realista que es. El resto del museo tiene piezas de las que suele albergar el Pergamon Museum, que estará cerrado durante unos años, y esta pequeña muestra hace las veces. Es una joyita, se ve rápido y vale la pena. Tiene una cafeteria preciosa con vistas al museo Pergamo, pero demasiado cara para tomar algo.
Aug 12, 2024492fayec
Great summary of the Pergamonmuseum
The Pergamonmuseum is currently closed, so this panorama has the highlights from the museum with audio guides. I’ve never been to the actual museum, but I did enjoy this exhibit. The audio guides: offered in German and English (and probably other languages, not sure) was really good at discussing and describing the artwork. Definitely worth a visit.
Jul 14, 2024Friedrich_MPA
Sehenswert und sehr interessant
Faszinierend und interessant. Ersetzt nicht das Original, gibt aber einen schönen Überblick von Pergamon. Auch die Arbeitsleistung vom Künstler Assisi ist bewundernswert. Am 1. Sonntag um Monat ist kostenloser Eintritt!
Jul 7, 2024J8481JKpeterm
Awe inspring
We were initially a bit disappointed that the main museum was shut, which we should have known, but this panorama is just breathtaking! Very highly recommended!
Jun 19, 2024rfizz
Artistic and technological tour de force
Stunningly amazing museum. Note this is just across the river from Museum Island. It is nowhere near Checkpoint Charlie. The artist responsible for the main part of the museum (the panorama) is a genius. I need to do some research because I cannot imagine how he created this. The size, realism, and perspective by themselves are impressive, but then when you get close and see the faces of the people in the panorama you say Whattttttt?????? You can take pictures, but they cannot possibly convey the experience.
Jun 18, 2024RRombaut
Top .
Hou je van Romeinse geschiedenis dan mag je Das Panorama niet overslaan. Presentatie van de beelden , informatie , top. Het panorama is adembenend . Langs alle zijden knappe beelden. Visueel op en top. Proficiat voor de ontwerper. Een echte aanrader.
Jun 1, 2024Ole_Millarch
Enestående og en ekstra dimension på Pergamon museet
Min forventning var ikke speciel høj, da jeg har besøgt selve Pergamon museet to gange tidligere og min erfaring med midlertidige udstillinger sjældent er gode. Men men, hvor blev jeg positivt overrasket. Først fik vi lov til at starte tidligere end den tid vi havde booket, fin service, og bagefter blev vi mødt af en nøje udvalgt udstilling af væsentlige værker, med fine infotavler. Den helt store overraskelse fik vi dog i multimedie udstillingen, hvor gengivelsen af en dag i Pergamon, gav en ekstra dimension i forståelsen af livet den gang og de udstillede effekter, ja faktisk også det oprindelige museum. Det var smagfuldt og overvældende godt fremstillet, det kunne jeg godt finde på at besøge en gang mere.
May 27, 2024GeysirGal
Holographic sound and light show
I think I enjoyed this more than the Museum itself. Its essentially a holographic sound and light show of what the Pergamon would have looked, sounded and smelt like during its heyday. You can climb right to the top to take in the views at various different angles and there is small exhibition to look at too detailing how it was all made. It was so good that I stayed to see it twice.
May 7, 2024CruseCouple
Die MAUER 360 Panorama
We stumbled on the 360 Panorama of Die MAUER whilst stumbling off the Hop on hop off bus at CheckPoint Charlie It's a big cylinder graffitied all over on the outside but it drew me in The first hall is a museum of photographs of the history of the wall. Pre wall, post wall, on the wall: the awfulness of it all A second room shows a film about the artist Yadegar Asisi - a lovely insightful film with clips from his time in and around the wall The panorama itself is quite quite breathtaking. I walked straight in and up the platform so desperate I was to see from the height I wandered slowly round it listening to the background noise; the voices: the music: the history. Wonderful It was only when I came down the stairs it was only then I realised it was a photograph... Not a painting. Standing next to the figures was amazing So well worth a visit
May 1, 2024Max5365
Un ingegnoso escamotage, degno di apprezzamento
Purtroppo il Pergamom Museum non è accessibile ma per fortuna hanno pensato di offrire un "surrogato" che non faccia rimpiangere troppo l'originale. Ai visitatori si offre in particolare una spettacolare visione multimediale a 360 gradi dell'antica città di Pergamo, particolarmente apprezzabile dall'alto, da un struttura appositamente creata ove salire per godere al meglio la ricostruzione. Il museo offre anche tante bellissime statue dell'altare di Pergamo, meritevoli della nostra attenzione. Avevamo acquistato i biglietti online ma per un disguido ci siamo presentati circa tre ore dopo: ci siamo piacevolmente stupiti che non c' è stato alcun problema....
Apr 29, 2024Daniele_Gorizia
In attesa della ristrutturazione del museo, è presente in zona un'enorme ricostruzione a 360° dell'antica città. Ben fatta e molto interessante.
Mar 30, 2024253alexb253
Vale la pena
Una esperienza globale con reperti archeologici reali ben esposti è un padiglione a 360 gradi che riproduce una ipotetica Pergamo. Il costo è giusto, sotto i 18 anni non si paga. Il Pergamon è chiuso per ristrutturazione e questo è una ottima alternativa
Mar 30, 2024MarcusHurley
Wonderful insight into this grand Hellenistic city
I was hoping to see the Ishtar Gate again on this visit to Berlin but the Pergamon Museum is closed for renovations until 2037! The Panorama of Pergamon is open though and this was a fascinating visit. The city of Pergamon grew to fame as one of the successor states of Alexander the Great that flourished in the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC before being bequeathed to Rome. Under that Attalid rulers the city flourished, rivalling Alexandria and Antioch with spectacular statues and libraries. The main museum houses the Pergamon Altar that was excavated largely intact and transported to Berlin in the late 19th century and reconstructed in the museum. The Panorama aims to put the altar in context within the city as a whole and there is a viewing platform that you climb and watch the sun rise and fall and listen to the hubbub of voices around the city as time passes. Having visited the city itself I found this a great way to put what I'd seen in perspective and to view a Hellenistic city in its original state. As well as the panorama there are a sample of the statues and stone friezes on display, along with extensive information boards about the city and its history.
Feb 4, 2024kathinated
Worth a visit and climb to the top
We did this because we got the full island ticket but we’re glad we did. The main part is a 360 screen which allows an immersive display of ancient Roman city. There are sounds and the light changes from day to night. The best view is a climb up the central tower. When you get close this is a mash of photos of real people and illustrations.
Dec 28, 2023sarahchb
Emozionante, da non perdere
Essendo chiuso per lavori (novembre 2023) il Pergamon museum, all’acquisto della Berlino WelcomeCard Museum Island ci viene detto che l’ingresso al Pergamon Panorama è incluso. Non avevo aspettative particolari non avendone sentito parlare prima, mentre avevo visitato il museo attualmente chiuso. Il panorama a 360 gradi della città di Pergamo nel 129 DC, opera di Asisi, è eccezionale, ricostruito con innumerevoli particolari, luci e suoni. Si può ammirare da diversi livelli e quindi da diverse prospettive. Assolutamente da vedere, ci ha regalato belle emozioni.
Nov 28, 2023gunterf123
Wir sind begeistert von den Asisi-Panoramen und so haben wir auch das Berliner Pergamon-Panorama besucht. Einmalig, wie phantastisch man in eine andere Welt hineinversetzt wird und immer wieder Details bemerkt, den Farbwechsel und die wechselnden akustischen Untermalungen verbindet - jedes mal entsteht damit ein neues Bild. Sehr zu empfehlen und Danke an den Künstler!
Nov 22, 2023JakubJedlinsky
A new Sistine Chaple
I'be been to Pergamon museum twice before, now it is closed. Yet the Panorama is an excellent experience, a new Sistine Chaple! We both loved it. Spent like an hour observing it.
Nov 18, 2023U2738ZLpeterb
A must-see now that the Pergamon Museum is closed
There are two portions to the presentation. The first is a collection of artifacts from, and a big screen overview of, the now-closed Pergamon Altar. The second is the enormous Panorama itself, a 360 degree painting of the ancient city and its altar. It is a remarkable artistic achievement. Ask to use the elevator, then walk down. The views shift with each level and the changing lighting.
Oct 24, 2023lale_dg
Da vedere
Sono entrata un po' scettica, avendo nel biglietto per l'isola dei musei compreso anche questo. Invece mi sono ricreduta, è molto immersivo e si visita con piacere. Non so quanto sia il costo del biglietto singolo ma compreso nell'isola dei musei vale sicuramente la pena.
Sep 1, 2023vladav316
great experience, recomended!
I really suggest seeing the Panorama! I was there just a week ago, with my daughter (21). it is a great experience of history by vision. You take audio guide (included in ticket price of 12E), you listen to explanations and see what's happening around you, you fill yourself seeing historical scenes that are described by the audio guide. Very beautiful, stunning experience. I would recommend you first go to Panorama, as we did. we went there for 10 when it just opens. it took us a full 1 hour, I would plan for 1.5 to allow relaxed experience. then we went for the Pergamon itself. inside I was upset that the Altar is not presented (under construction), but Ishtar Gate and the ancient Market gates are there and are impressive. It took us about 1hour there also, we skipped a part of Islamic art though.
Aug 23, 2023ian1811
A must!
If you are visiting Museum Island, make sure you take time to visit Pergamon Das Panorama. Find out the history about Pergamon in Roman times. The painting detail is absolutely stunning, but as you go up the tower platform the different perspective you get is quite unreal. The more you look, the more you see!
Aug 16, 2023Rayvenger
Niet te missen op de Museuminsel voor een snel bezoek
Fantastisch panorama. Hoewel deels digitaal, is het een beleving op zich. Er is ook een kleine Griekse collectie te zien uit het grote Pergamonmuseum.
Jul 29, 2023Mobile34390580685
Absolutely amazing
Absolutely amazing experience. When we entered we were expecting more of an actual museum, but we were definitely not disappointed to see the Panorama. It’s an immersive experience that is worth its price, especially if you love Roman/Greek mythology. It was amazing to walk into that room and see such an amazing piece of art. In conclusion, 11/10, would recommend.
Jul 25, 2023MarKer55
Excellent museum
We couldn't get into the Pergamon so went to the Panorama. A fascinating way of viewing the ancient history of Pergamon. The panorama itself was beyond wonderful. Highly recommended. Note a little difficult to find but basically if you stand looking at the front of the Pergamon museum just follow the road on the other side of the canal to the left of the museum. It is right at the end of the road.
Jul 18, 2023kwiewiorowski
unique experience. immersion it's called these days?
Some ancient Greek sculptures, part of Pergamon altar have been moved to here while the main Pergamonmusem building undergoes refurbishment. The star of the exhibition however, is the near-holographic 360deg, 15m high panorama of 129 AD Pergamon by Viennese born, Saxony bread artist Yadegar Asisi. It literary takes your breath away and is a must in Berlin.
Jun 12, 2023Novumcomum
Spettacolare completamento di una giornata sull' "Isola"
La visita a questo museo - costo compreso nel biglietto cumulativo che prevede l'ingresso a tutti i musei dell'isola - è vivamente raccomandata. Esposti alcune interessanti sculture dell'altare di Pergamo, la cui sala nell'omonimo museo è ancora attualmente in fase di ristrutturazione (giugno 2023), la visita si incentra su una istantanea della città di Pergamo nell'anno 129 d.C. attraverso una panoramica a 360° visionabile a piŭ livelli e accompagnata da voci e suoni.
Jun 10, 2023claram733
Exposición interactiva
Visita obligada si estás en Berlín. Un museo diferente. Es conveniente comprar las entradas con anticipación.
Jun 4, 2023romanoerrante
bella esperienza...alternativa
certo sarebbe stato meglio poter vedere l'altare di Pergamo dal vero ma debbo dire che l'esperienza visiva sensoriale è stata molto bella e coinvolgente. Forse non l'avrei fatta pagare visto che il museo (senza altare) non ha abbassato i prezzi...
May 10, 2023S4117BNmartinl
Sehr lohnenswert
Sehr gute Ausstellung und adäquater Ersatz für dasnoch geschlossenen Pergamonmuseum. Das Panorama ist sehr imposant, die Ausstellung sehr informativ gemacht. Es gibt auch einen guten Audioguide für Kinder.
Apr 7, 2023Princes_of_travel
Immersion dans Pergame
Das panorama est la seule façon de pouvoir profiter d'une reconstitution de l'autel de Pergame qui n'est pas visible dans le musée de Pergame éponyme. Jusqu'à nouvel ordre, le musée étant en travaux il n'est pas possible de voir le vrai autel. Le musée se découpe en plusieurs parties, une salle d'exposition avec des statues issues de Pergame, une immense salle avec une structure sur laquelle il faut monter pour avoir un point de vue à 360° sur l'autel de Pergame mis en scène par un son et lumière très bien fait. Des reconstitutions des frises qui ornaient l'autel sont reproduites au pied de part et d'autre de la structure. Dans la partie exposition, au fond, une vidéo montre l'actuelle ville de Bergama (en Turquie) avec les vestiges de l'antique cité. Le musée est exceptionnel par ce qu'il représente avec une reconstitution monumentale avec les lumières qui changent en fonction de la période de la journée (le son et lumière représente une journée dans la cité). L'exposition est très bien faite et présente des objets et statues remarquables, tous issus des fouilles menées à Pergame au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. On ne voit donc pas uniquement l'autel mais également tout Pergame. Le panorama se trouve à quelques pas de l'île aux musées toute proche. L'entrée est à 12€ si vous ne visitez que le panorama ou alors 19€ avec les 3 autres musées (Pergame, Altes, Neues). Le musée est ouvert du mardi au dimanche de 10h à 18h. Il est obligatoire de déposer ses sacs et manteaux dans des casiers prévus à cet effet. Le personnel est souriant. Un audioguide très bien fait en français est compris dans le prix. Il donne des informations précises et concises.
Jan 1, 2023garyaugs
Die Panoramen von Adegar Asisi sind immer wieder herausragend dargestellt. Auch hier wieder mit dem Pergamon-Panorama. Zugleich ein guter Ersatz, da zur Zeit der echte Altar nicht zugänglich ist. Im Vorraum gibt es zusätzlich noch eine große Leinwand und einige Ausstellungsstücke zu besichtigen. Großartig gemacht.
Oct 30, 2022Passenger09701078684
Immersion à pergame
Superbe magnifique à voir cette attraction touristique nous permet de nous remettre dans le contexte de l’époque avec une immersion grâce au panorama des explications en français on n’en a eu à peu près pour une heure de visite c’était vraiment très intéressant
Aug 13, 2022abcsssssss
Exceptionnel. Un 360, son et lumière, en plein Pergament antique. À voir absolument. L’audio guide est super bien fait. Petites séquences courtes et très précises
Jul 30, 2022mariusbarta
Très intéressant
Musée très intéressant ! La reconstitution de l'entrée de Babylone est super ! La porte du marché de Milet est impressionnante ! Je recommande ce lieu sans hésiter ! Prévoyez minimum 2h pour le visiter ! Je recommande aussi de prendre le pass museum island il vaut le coup pour une journée de visite
May 15, 2022Bella15k
Tag endelig at besøge dette sted
Man mister næsten pusten når man kommer ind i dette scenarie. Det er utroligt flot og meget detaljereret. Lyseffekter gør det ekstra fascinerende. 102 meter i omkreds og 36 meter højt med farver fra gulv til loft hele vejen rundt. Der var desuden en fin udstilling om tilblivelsen af hele dette område og historien bag det gamle græske rige. Vi har set meget, men kan kun sige at I ikke skal snyde jer for denne oplevelse.
Apr 19, 2022jcvp17
Técnicamente impecable, artísticamente muy bien desarrollado
Ya que no se puede ver el Altar de Zeus en el Museo de Pérgamo, vale la pena acercarse a esta instalación técnico-artística que no defrauda en absoluto. Es hipnótica la vista desde arriba del todo...
Oct 12, 2021mabbet
Pergamon 2.0
Die moderne Form eines Museums. Man wird durch den Audioguides durch die Ausstellung geführt und erreicht dann als Höhepunkt das Panorama. Hier hätte es gerne noch mehr Erklärungen geben. Insgesamt lohnt sich der Besuch. Manche Skulpturen sind vielleicht sogar besser zu sehen als im eigentlichen Museum. Schade das wenn der Pergamonsaal wieder geöffnet das Panorama nicht mehr gezeigt werden kann. Wäre eine tolle Ergänzung gewesen.
Sep 6, 2021stefaniai751
Spettacolare e coinvolgente
Siamo capitati in questo posto per caso ed è stato fantastico! Il prezzo del biglietto è onesto e include l'audioguida. All'interno della mostra c'è un percorso da seguire con statue normalmente situate al Pergamonmuseum, la descrizione dell'audioguida è dettagliata e coinvolgente. L'atmosfera è creata molto bene. Il panorama vero e proprio di Asisi è sorprendente: una vista a 360° della città di Pergamon, con effetti sonori e luci che cambiano per ricreare l'atmosfera di tutte le ore del giorno. Una volta entrato, non vorresti più uscire. Al centro della sala, c'è un palco su più piani su cui salire per osservare l'opera.
Sep 21, 2020thkrat
Das Panorama - ideal für die gesamte Familie
Da das Pergamonmuseum noch geschlossen ist, haben wir das Panorama besucht. Wir haben es nicht bereut. Die gesamte Ausstellung ist sehenswert. Insbesondere die 360° -Darstellung des Künstlers Yadegar Asis war beeindruckend gut gemacht und hat auch unsere beiden Kindern (12 und 10 Jahre) sehr angesprochen. Uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert.
Aug 17, 2020MillanAAP
Exposición temporal mientras dura la restauración del altar de Pérgamo
El altar de Pérgamo es una obra de arte excepcional en la historia de la humanidad y desgraciadamente en este momento está en restauración. Es imposible sustituir al original pero esta exposición recrea y te permite hacer una idea de como era cuando se construyó.
Jul 29, 2020uteboeker
Immer wieder gerne - tolle Ausstellung
Die Ausstellung wurde wirklich sehr schön gemacht. Mit Audioguide sehr informativ. Ich würde jederzeit wieder kommen
Jul 9, 2020miguelcJ5919MF
Pergamonmuseum, das Panorama
Una experiencia increíble de contemplar hermosas piezas de la antigüedad, junto con maravillarse con aquella vista 360 de la ciudad de Pérgamo. Hermoso!!
Jan 20, 2020996sylviak
Muy bonito museo e historico. El Pergamon Panorama no se lo pierdan. El museo esta en obras y la mitad esta cerrado.
Nov 30, 2019
Också trevligt för dig
- Ny4.6 57 bokningar 2 timmar Neues Museum €14.00
- 4.5 2677 bokningar 2 timmar BODY WORLDS Berlin €19.00
- Ny4.7 46 bokningar 45 minuter Lighthouse of Digital Art €16.00
- Ny4.7 6 bokningar 2 horas Neue Nationalgalerie €16.00
- 4.5 253 bokningar 2 timmar DDR-museet €13.50
- 4.7 39 bokningar 2 timmar Tyska Spionmuseet €23.00
- Tillfälligt stängd4.7 14 bokningar 2 timmar Pergamon Museum €12.00
Andra populära saker att göra i berlin