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- Bus RED Sightseeing Copenhagen + Giardini di Tivoli
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Biglietto per bambini dai 3 ai 7 anni
Gratuito per bambini fino a 2 anni di età se accompagnati da un adulto pagante (massimo 2 bambini per adulto)
Orari di attività bus
Lunedì - domenica: 9.00 - 17.30
Ultima partenza dalla fermata 1 alle 16.00
Partenze frequenti
Orari di apertura Tivoli
Lunedì - venerdì: 11.00 - 22.00
Sabato e domenica: 11.00 - 23.00
Clicchi qui per la mappa o trovare la posizione delle fermate nell'app Red Sightseeing
Informazioni sul biglietto
Biglietto bus valido per 24 ore
Il biglietto Tivoli dà accesso al parco per l'intera giornata
È possibile rientrare nel parco durante tutto il giorno; per fare ciò, è necessario un timbro di rientro da richiedere al custode del Tivoli presso la Tivoli Food Hall
Il biglietto per il Tivoli non dà accesso alle giostre, le corse sulle giostre possono essere acquistate separatamente nel parco o nell'app Tivoli
Biglietto direttamente disponibile sullo smartphone
La data dei biglietti può essere modificata fino a 24 ore prima, i biglietti non possono essere annullati
Ulteriori informazioni
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Tivoli Gardens
Trasporto Pubblico
La fermata più vicina è la stazione centrale di Copenaghen (treno e autobus). Oppure puoi scendere alla fermata 1 Central Station/Tivoli Gardens.
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Scopri Copenaghen su un autobus hop-on hop-off
Sali a bordo dell'illimitato tour in autobus Hop-on Hop-off di RED Sightseeing e scopri tutti i segreti della capitale danese. Con diverse fermate in giro per la città, l'autobus si ferma vicino a tutte le attrazioni e i punti d'interesse imperdibili di Copenaghen. Dal secondo parco divertimenti più antico del mondo, Tivoli, alla residenza invernale della famiglia reale, il Palazzo di Amalienborg, e molte altre attrazioni.
Gli autobus sono a due piani e, nelle giornate calde, il tetto del piano superiore viene aperto. In questo modo, avrai una vista panoramica della città. È inclusa anche un'audioguida in più lingue che ti fornirà informazioni interessanti sui punti di riferimento della città.
Parco giardino di Tivoli
L'attrazione più popolare di Copenaghen sono senza dubbio i Giardini di Tivoli. L'ingresso ai Giardini di Tivoli si trova appena fuori dalla stazione centrale di Copenaghen, vicino alla prima fermata dell'autobus hop-on hop-off di RED Sightseeing. Il Tivoli, il secondo parco a tema più antico del mondo, offre molto di più oltre alle giostre opzionali, poiché contiene numerosi giardini di diversi tipi per coinvolgere tutti i tuoi sensi.
L'Orangerie ricorda i giardini botanici classici, semplici, esotici e nostalgici. Le bolle delle fontane di Nimb ti invitano ad apprezzare splendidi fiori e paesaggi in compagnia, occasionalmente, di un pavone. E ai Giardini della Pergola potrai esplorare il mondo delle piante commestibili sentendone sia la fragranza che i sapori.
In tutto il verde dei giardini di Tivoli, troverai molte opportunità per provare cibi diversi provenienti da tutto il mondo. E poi, naturalmente, ci sono circa 30 giostre da provare. Ci sono giostre per tutte le età, come il classico carosello e la ruota panoramica, per i visitatori più giovani, e le montagne russe Demon e la Golden Tower per chi è alla ricerca di emozioni forti.
Visita tutte le migliori attrazioni di Copenaghen
L'autobus Hop-on Hop-off ti porterà a tutte i principali luoghi d'interesse e attrazioni della città e potrai scendere e salire ogni volta che vorrai durante il giorno. Quindi, siediti, rilassati e lasciati guidare alla scoperta di Copenaghen. I biglietti d'ingresso ai Giardini di Tivoli permettono di saltare la fila all'ingresso del parco. I biglietti per le giostre possono essere acquistati separatamente nel parco o nell'app Tivoli. Con questo biglietto combinato hai la certezza di passare una giornata fantastica a Copenaghen.
249 Reviews
Punteggio Medio su
and Tripadvisor
Aline Kurt
Great advice. Really friendly. Would come again. The description of the start of the tour could be better.
Apr 4, 2024Karl heinz Schmitz
Sehr gute Beratung
Oct 26, 2023Aly Hassan
Got the bus and the boat rides, I like the sightseeing rides and do it in all the cities I visit
Oct 21, 2023Voicemail (LDCRF)
Excellent overview of the city we had two delightful drivers, unfortunately, we don’t know both their names, only the one from Norway. The other Man was a former basketball player. We were fortunate to sit right up front great views, and they really helped make the trip fun and enjoyable.
Oct 20, 2023Laith Murasil
Really nice city-tour with great high level of Service from costumer service ( a girl named Aga) she is really professional and Hospitable!
Oct 4, 2023Silvia Tappe
Red Sightseeing ist echt super, wir hatten für 72 Stunden und so konnten wir alle Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen. Wir hatten eben keinen Stress. Die Fahrer waren alle super nett und freundlich.
Sep 28, 2023Marco Pielhoff
Völlig unkompliziert! Der Bus fährt im 15 min Takt und hält an neuralgischen Punkten. Es gibt kostenlos Kopfhörer die am Sitzplatz angeschlossen werden. In 6 verschiedenen Sprachen wird man durch Kopenhagen geleitet.
Aug 25, 2023Zishan Shaikh
The bus service was good... frequency was excellent...very good option for the people who wants to explore the city in short time or not able to walk much. The only negative thing will get monotonous as you have to go through same route again and again to reach any destination
Aug 23, 2023DarioL1997
Affascinante raccomando
Parco divertimenti veramente affascinante. A livello di attrazzioni (giochi) Gardland è sicuramente migliore, tuttavvia l'armosfera mi è piaciuta molto di più qua a Tivoli. Il biglietto è disponibile in diverse forme: Entrata semplice (nessun accesso a giochi, se non pagando ulteriormente) Entrata completa (con accesso a piu/tutti i giochi)
Sep 23, 2024SimoWeb caro
Parco bellissimo, paradiso dei bambini, ci sono un sacco di giostre per tutte le età (anche se la maggior parte sono montagne russe). Posti per bere, ristoranti, prati per rilassarsi...non do 5 stelle solo per il prezzo esorbitante. Noi avevamo la copenhagen card e quindi non abbiamo pagato l'ingresso ma ad esempio due biglietti su una giostra tipo montagne russe pagati 26 euro...due birre medie 18 euro...
Aug 31, 2024Mastrolindo1
Parco divertimento classico ma piacevole
Parco divertimento con classiche attrazioni, nel complesso molto caro. È comunque da visitare perché anche se non si amano i giochi da luna park perché l'atmosfera, le luci e il verde curato sono davvero un piacere. All'interno ci sono anche locali dove mangiare.
Aug 24, 2024322alessandror
Ottimo in tutto
Giusto compromesso tra spazi verdi (con ambiente classico) e divertimento. File per le attrazioni, corte rispetto ai parchi italiani, considerando il periodo estivo di altissima stagione ( per l’Italia). Ampia la scelta di ristoranti. Attrazioni divertenti per tutte le età
Aug 22, 2024M2670UNmanuelaa
Parco incantato
Abbiamo passato una piacevole serata all'interno del parco di Tivoli. Cenato con un burger piccante al Gasoline grill e girato tra le giostre illuminate.
Aug 20, 2024flowerofsun
Un parco meraviglioso nel centro cittadino. Non si può tralasciarlo se si passa qualche giorno a Copenaghen. Si discosta molto dai parchi italiani dove in ogni angolo trovi gadget e mascotte ma si respira un ambiente retrò ricco di fascino. Possibilità di prendere i biglietti senza fare giostre ( e pagare le singole attrazioni) o col pass illimitato. Noi siamo entrati nel primo pomeriggio e ci siamo trattenuti fino a chiusura quando il parco con le luci accese e’ un incanto.
Jul 30, 2024alenicotrvlr
Da vedere se si è a Copenaghen
Parco divertimenti carino in cui passare una mezza giornata, secondo me da vedere almeno una volta se si và a Copenaghen. Un po' caro con il biglietto standard che prevede solo l'ingresso in quanto poi ogni attrazione va pagata a parte e si aggirano intorno agli 8 euro l'una...
Jun 19, 2024Voyager54580542749
Da vedere se si è a Copenaghen
Parco divertimenti carino in cui passare una mezza giornata, secondo me da vedere almeno una volta se si và a Copenaghen. Un po' caro con il biglietto standard che prevede solo l'ingresso in quanto poi ogni attrazione va pagata a parte e si aggirano intorno agli 8 euro l'una...
Jun 19, 2024alessandropZ5291HQ
Molto bello e particolare
Parco molto particolare e ben allestito. Le giostre sono sia moderne che anche più antiche. Ce ne sono per tutti i gusti e non ci sono nemmeno code lunghissime. Forse un po' costoso l'ingresso
Jun 13, 2024arminb941
Spettacolare, parco a tema vecchio stile che incarna a pieno la storia del posto attrazioni vecchie e moderne si mescolano alla perfezione
Jun 10, 2024andydoccc
Molto bello
Un parco veramente bello, ben tenuto, ordinato e pulito, servizi efficienti, attrazioni per tutti i gusti, si può passare una giornata intera senza annoiarsi, la sera poi le illuminazioni lo rendono fiabesco. Il prezzo vale assolutamente la visita, consiglio il ride pass completo.
May 27, 2024Cigana1982
Un luogo magico
Un luogo magico! Personalmente, lo preferisco milioni di volte ad Eurodisney. Parco divertimenti che sa di festa, di luna park di un tempo, di gioia, di allegria, di magia. Uno spettacolo per la vista, luogo incantevole, profumo di fiori in ogni angolo, colori incantevoli e luci magiche. Ci siamo divertiti tanto, genitori e figli. Siamo stati “solo” 4 ore, ma saremmo stati volentieri di più. Stra-consigliato perché non è un parco divertimenti, ma una vera e propria attrazione di Copenaghen.
May 26, 2024bigwid
Fiabesco, consigliatissimo, tutto all’aperto, coprirsi bene, oltre il biglietto d ingresso si paga ogni giostra, caro la zona dei ristoranti(come qualsiasi ristorante in danimarca), dove comunque si trova qualsiasi cibaria, dalle tradizionali danesi all asiatico
Dec 27, 2023JulienRose
Che figata!
Uno dei parchi divertimenti più antichi del mondo, inaugurato il 15 agosto 1843. Ricco di attrazioni e di bellissimi edifici e un teatro di pantomima bellissimo. Abbiamo provato diverse attrazioni tra cui Daemon, Fata Morgana e Star Flyer, tutte adrenaliniche e divertenti. A seconda del periodo, i Giardini Tivoli vengono allestiti secondo il tema del momento, esempio Halloween, Natale ecc. E' presente anche una Food Hall in cui ci sono diversi ristoranti / attività in cui è possibile assaggiare diversi piatti, oltre a quelli tipici danesi. ASSOLUTAMENTE IMPERDIBILE!
Dec 8, 2023X5666CMbarbarad
Posto spettacolare e per l'occasione aprivono con i mercatini di natale più belli di tutta la Scandinavia
Nov 25, 2023Stefyitbenl
Parco Tivoli
Bellissimo parco con una atmosfera natalizia che lo rende magico in questo periodo dell'anno. Adatto a famiglie con bambini
Nov 23, 2023cristobaldo
Storia e divertimento
Entrando si percepisce la storia,parco divertimenti antico ma moderno,amatissimo dalla popolazione locale come dai turisti. In una visita a Copenaghen risulta imperdibile.
Nov 6, 2023colby65
Un parco per tutte le età
Una delle attrazioni più famose della città. e' possibile comprare solo il biglietto d'entrata per visitare il parco e guardare gli spettacoli oppure quello che include anche l'utilizzo delle giostre. All'interno troverete oltre alle giostre per tutte le età, tanti ristoranti e chioschi . Consiglio di andarci di pomeriggio perchè al calar del sole è tutto illuminato e l'atmosfera è decisamente più bella
Oct 20, 2023Raffa768
Bellissimo parco anche solo per un giorno e per i paesaggi e le bellissime piante , giostre spettacolari da molte si vede il panorama di Copenaghen
Sep 18, 2023GianlucaB439
Consiglio di visitarlo di venerdi, nel tardo pomeriggio, visto che ci sono anche dei bei concerti dal vivo (l'elenco dei concerti in foto). Mi è piaciuto tantissimo. Gran bel concerto di MacKlemore che onoestamente neanche conoscevo.... tantissimi ragazzi. Per quanto riguarda il parco, invece, noi abbiamo pagato l'ingresso intorno ai 30€ ma per chi ha la Copenaghen Card l'ingresso è gratuito. Si può scegliere se acquistare a parte un abbonamento per le attrazioni (30€ circa) o pagare le singole giostre singolarmente (COSTOSE) .... a livello di convenienza se si fanno più di due/tre attrazioni in coppia conviene prendere l'abbonamento. Il posto è bello anche solo per passeggiare.... ci sono discoteche all'aperto con musica dal vivo ... aperitivi... tanto verde... tutto molto pulito. Non perdetevi le montagne russe più antiche del mondo.... in legno... All'interno si può anche mangiare.... tornando a Copenaghen io ci tornerei volentieri. Consigliato.
Sep 8, 2023valerioc833
Paese dei balocchi di Pinocchio
Il paese dei balocchi di Pinocchio. Siamo arrivati verso le 18 di sabato. Un continuo wow... Siamo tornati tutto bambini, giostre adrenaliniche e giostre per bambini. Purtroppo non siamo riusciti a fare tutto. Siamo entrati senza pagare in quanto avevamo la Copenaghen card e quindi inclusa l'entrata. Le giostre sono a pagamento. Consiglio di fare un acquisto a pacchetti perché singolarmente costano dalle 60 alle 99 ddk. Ritornerei domani per fare tutte le attrazioni non fatte e rivivere quell'atmosfera meravigliosa
Aug 30, 2023sliveller
un viaggio nel passato
una bellissima giostra retro' di inizi 900 altre le giostre all'interno ci troverete tanto verde e tanti luoghi carini dove mangiare . vi consiglio di fare il biglietto di solo ingresso ( circa € 20) e poi pagare le giostre al momento dell'ingresso . apre alle 11 e chiude alle 23 00 . Piacevolissima esperienza
Aug 24, 2023Tomatich13015
Eeeh mercéé Tivoli 🇩🇰
Une activité à faire !! 2 façon de payer, soit que l'entrée est on paye c'est attractions (6€/8€) ou alors la formule tout compris manège à volonté. Les jardins et l'ensemble a l'intérieur sont magnifiques rien que cela vaut le coup d'y rentrer. Les manèges après c'est chacun ses goûts ,il y a de tout sensation, calme et enfants. On peut manger et boire à l'intérieur énormément de stands. J'y ai passé 3h suffisant pour moi, ça reste un parc d'attractions les minots font mal à la tête 😂
Oct 10, 2024Brittany_11_10
Magical day
What a magical place. We had the best time at Tivoli Gardens, a definite highlight of our time in Copenhagen. We went only for an afternoon (during the week in mid-September), with our toddler, and we went on every toddler ride available at least twice (except for the African animals carousel, which seemed to have only stationary animals)--and we never had to wait in line for more than five minutes. Such a difference from so many amusement parks in the States! We were surprised with how many rides our little one could go on, especially for it being not a massive park. From carousels to The Mine (an interactive boat ride in a "mine," a family favorite) to the Panda, a tower ride for little ones (our kid's favorite), there's a good variety as well. Also, it was so clean, so pretty, and so family-friendly in every way. We left our stroller at the "end" of every ride and felt not one iota of anxiety about this. And the ride operators, the ticket seller at the entrance, and other staff we encountered were all friendly. A tip on ticketing: you have to pay to enter, whether you go on any rides or not, and then you can pay per ride or to have access to all the rides. We didn't know how much our toddler was going to ride, nor did we know the price of, say, the balloon ride (apparently about $20 for adult and child), so we (stupidly) didn't get the all-rides ticket--until after that first balloon ride. Especially because our toddler said, "Again!" as soon as the ride was over (and then said that about every single other ride). For us, it was totally worth it to get the all-rides tickets, which we should have done right from the start. Awesome park. Can't recommend it enough. Our toddler still talks about Mine Ride almost daily.
Oct 8, 2024H3725XRcharlottet
Must go if your in Copenhagen, is a little on the pricey side but was a lovely place to have a walk around especially as the weather was beautiful (we didn't bother paying extra for the rides) they had all kinds of markets there when we visited. Plenty of places to have something to eat and all around beautiful place, the grounds are kept immaculate and the lights are so pretty at night
Oct 6, 2024kpgc
Wonderful Evening Visit.
We visited Tivoli Gardens in the evening on our Copenhagen Card just to see what it was like. With all the lights on as it grew dark, the park became quite a magical place. We stayed for the closing laser/ music illuminations show and we were not disappointed. As a side note, you have to get to the bridge area( best place to see it from) a bit early as it fills up as it gets closer to show time. The show was great and we left very satisfied with our experience.
Oct 4, 2024lesleywL6201PS
A magical experience - beats Disney!
Tivoli is, above all, a whimsical experience. My partner and I were charmed by the "olde worldy" decor, particularly the sweet shop. The queues for rides were long and we weren't aware that tickets for these had to be bought separately (not included in the Copenhagen Card), so it was quite pricey, but you're only there once (probably)! There were attractions for all ages. The food on offer was excellent in terms of quality, location and variety, though of course, typically expensive (still, you've got to eat!) Particularly useful was the aquarium: pay once for entry and return as often as you like during your visit to the park (meaning there's always somewhere less busy to sit down and rest/use the clean and large bathrooms). We were fortunate enough to come on the final day of the summer season, meaning that we were privy to special events such as a youth brigade march with brass band and a fireworks display. A completely magical experience.
Sep 29, 2024Croftboy
Worth visiting !
Very interesting amusement park with all the attractions in close proximity right on the middle of the city and opposite to the Central train station . Nice atmosphere and beautiful gardens !
Sep 24, 2024rosie-lie20
Lovely evening eating ice cream and seeing all the lights
Lovely way to spend an evening, definitely recommend going at night when it’s all lit up, it looks beautiful, we got some great photos. Lots of places to sit and eat a meal or just grab an ice cream or churros. There’s arcade/fun fair games for kids, rides and boats. Plenty of places to just sit and enjoy the sights. It did cost around 35GBP just to get in, without rides but worth doing while in Copenhagen.
Sep 23, 2024207danteh
Magical highlight to any Copenhagen trip 🎄
We’ve been here 3 times and each time, the Gardens have been changed so it’s always a little different which keeps it interesting. We’ve gone when there’s been lots of fake snow and a Swarovski crystal covered pine tree and we’ve gone and there’s been lots of colourful Nordic style decorations. On our 2nd visit, we went on one of the rides, which was enjoyable and gave a good view of the park, but there is so much more to do here than go on the rides. Walking around and seeing the displays and shops is just as enjoyable and there’s often light shows or music performances dotted around. It’s worth seeing a notice board for any special performances on the day as getting across the Gardens can take some time due to its size. Eating and shopping here is very easy to do! There’s lots of comfort foods and delicious drinks (such as Lamumba!) as well as shops for clothing, decorations, trinkets and so on. You can easily spend a day here and visit the large Food Court of restaurants for dinner later on. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed Tivoli on each occasion and the price is reasonable if you’re making a day of it.
Sep 21, 2024268baileyt
Amusement park in the middle of Copenhagen
We visited on a Saturday evening, enjoying free entry as part of the Copenhagen Card. Tivoli is a huge amusement park with rides, foods, gift shops and themed areas. It was definitely worth visiting in the evening as it had a fun and exciting atmosphere. We did not go on any rides as they aren't really our thing but this did not take away from the experience. We did feel it would benefit from maps and signage throughout as it is easy to get lost within areas. There is a main stage area at the main entrance of Tivoli and on Saturday late morning evenings a firework show is displayed.
Sep 21, 2024ajetfenty
Not your typical amusement park!
Easily one of the most unique amusement parks I’ve ever come across. Besides the endless rides, most of which also very size-friendly, the food stands, restaurants or simply even just parks were numerous and stunning. It’s like a city inside a city that you just NEED to visit when in Copenhagen
Sep 20, 2024Ant66BW
Very Enjoyable, both day and night!
Spent a great few hours at Tivoli. Good mix of rides both old and new to meet all needs. Lovely gardens too. Stayed for 3 hours during the day, then returned to enjoy the gardens all lit up for the last hour along with an unexpected light show. Perfect.
Sep 17, 2024russhughes
The Original Theme Park
Apparently Tivoli Gardens is the inspiration for Disney. I have to say that I prefer Tivoli, it feels more authentic and the attractions sit in such a beautiful setting. There are rides to cover everyone, from gentle to heart stopping roller coasters. The food hall is a must visit, the selection of different cuisines and the quality were both above expectation. We loved Tivoli so much we went back three times. A must visit attraction in the hear of Copenhagen.
Sep 16, 2024BearTravelers33
Expensive but very cute
It’s such a cute little park right in the middle of the city. There are a lot of spinning rides though so it depends on what kind of park day you are looking for. I would suggest buying an all day ride pass. Paying individually for two rides is the same price as the all day pass. The Demon is a cute themed looping coaster that is quite smooth and nothing too crazy (and also gives you a cool view of the city) and the hand operated cavern wooden coaster definitely needs to be experienced. The gardens are also beautiful.
Sep 16, 2024SharonR227
Beautiful gardens with gorgeous flowers!
We used our Copenhagen Card to enter the gardens. We enjoyed walking around and seeing the amazing flower displays. The purple orchids at the entrance were gorgeous, and the flowers by the Nimb Hotel had brilliant colors. There were several benches and it was a lovely afternoon to enjoy Tivoli.
Sep 16, 2024K24kt
Muy chulos
Muy chulo, nosotras íbamos con la Copenhague Card y los hicimos al anochecer y vale la pena aunque las atracciones no sean tu fuerte.
Sep 15, 2024969dalec
Tremendous Tivoli
An absolute must visit when in Copenhagen! The gardens are absolutely spectacular and the rides and amusements are great fun. We had one dry day out of 3 on our trip and spent it in Tivoli. Arrived around 11:30, left mid afternoon and came back again in the evening to see the park at night. Would absolutely recommend to anyone.
Sep 12, 2024amparoe293
Merece la pena hacer una visita
Precioso parque de atracciones, creo que el más antiguo de Europa. Está en pleno centro de la ciudad. Tienen entrada de paseo y merece la pensá entrar aunque sólo sea para visitarlo, jardines, vegetación, precioso.
Sep 9, 2024matteolT659UK
Beautiful place.This is a must to see.Very well kept.lovely history.We enjoyed our walk while taking photos.Must come back
Sep 6, 2024philipl596
Entertaining Evening
A very pleasant evening with so much to see, hear and wonder at. Very well laid out with variety of rides to suit all tastes. Having gone early evening, we enjoyed watching the gardens change into a quite magical atmosphere as night fell and it became fully illuminated. There was a very entertaining concert which we enjoyed listening to whilst having our dinner on the veranda of one of the restaurants.
Sep 5, 2024Bucephalus
Mostly great - pick your times carefully.
We (two 53yo Scots) went in late August. Fortunately for us, it was a beautiful evening in the mostly beautiful Copenhagen. It's an amazing place, pretty-much what you'd expect. Classy, litter-free, only a few minutes wait for the busiest rides. For around the £/€50 mark, you gain entry to the park and all the rides. As a sharpshooter (cough!) at targets for free in the all-inclusive hotels in Spainish hotel trips, I'd have liked maybe 1 or 2 tries at some of the 'win a teddy-bear' type shooting galleries included. I'm scared of heights so didn't go on 1/3rd of the rides, so that'd be appreciated to make up the value. We were there in late August which, in Danish terms, seems to be late-Summer. It was light-ish until 8:30/90pm-ish. The only reason I haven't given it a 5-star rating is that we arrived around 6pm, in order that we got to see the place artificially lit at night. It must be said, it's absolutely beautiful. We had no idea that some of the rides terminated at 6:30 (or was it 6:45pm?). Anyway, either way, we thought all the rides stayed open until the park closed. We'd have loved to see the ghost train, VIlla Vendetta. and the Fun House, but they had closed around the times I mentioned above. I'd like to have been either given a slip of paper at entrance which said which time certain rides closed, or clearly seen it on black boards just past the entrance. I'd have visited the closing rides first, rather than miss out on the only time in my life I'll be in Copenhagen. That said, the entrance fee was still value for money, given it's around £/€20 for park entrance and around the £/€8-10 mark per ride. 4 or 5 rides and you've broken even. One point - we went on the Tik-Tak ride. I thought I spent most of the time laughing and enjoying it, but I've been told I spent a *great* deal of being twisted inside-out and upside-down effing, jeffing & cee-ing, for which I must apologise to the people around me. their parents and future children, who mostly seemed to be early-teens. Sorry. For better and funnier Scottish Swearing, see Billy Connolly! =) In short, a fan/funtastic place, but keep an eye on when the rides close and get there early in case.
Sep 5, 2024angew07
great fun place
loved this place, would definitely go back if I get the chance. lots of mixed range rides and amusements, nice gardens and bars/eateries. go on a Friday for Friday Rock, fab atmosphere
Sep 3, 2024R955VJamyp
Wonderful location
Lovely place, lots to see and do. It's also incredibly well kept and tidy. Definitely a must if you're visiting from afar and have half a day to do something fun! The ticket prices were much more than we expected, however we did go on quite a few rides and spent a good deal of time walking around just enjoying the scenery. There's lots of places to eat and drink. The only downside was the queue times are fairly long, an average of 45 minutes on a Thursday which is long when it's very hot and wait times aren't displayed anywhere in advance.
Sep 3, 2024libertybell12345
Good old fashion fun
Loved it. Go at twilight to appreciate the park in day time then the lights at night. Good mix of big and little rides. Setting is so pretty. You need at least 3 hours to take it all in.
Sep 2, 2024673carolinec
Terrific Tivoil
What a marvellous gem in the centre of Copenhagen.The beautiful flowers that adjourned the walked ways,the delicious food and drinks that were on choice and the fountains and waterways created a paradise for visitors.Of course the amazing fun park offered delights to all those brave enough to partake in them-not for me.A must see when in copenhegan!
Aug 26, 2024johnhP6859ZI
Highlight of our Copenhagen Trip 10/10
Wow! Visited Tivoli for the first time around dinner time and we were able to enjoy the daylight and then the evening lights (which are amazing). We used the Copenhagen Card for this and did not ride any rides but the number of beautiful sights in Tivoli gave a full evening of strolling enjoyment. There must be 40+ good restaurants in Tivoli so it was very enjoyable to eat dinner here. We stayed for the evening light show and caught the metro back to our hotel at the Central Train Station next door. One of the most laid- back relaxing, beautiful and romantic places I have been. It is like a high-class old-school carnival in a beautiful setting. This is my #1 recommendation in CPH.
Aug 25, 2024victorsB2616NX
Awesome time despite the 4-5 quick showers
Went on a Wednesday as of 11:30. Little confusing to find which entrance to start-hint…go to Lego store entrance. Hesitant to buy entrance/ride bracelet for all adults but worth it. I wanted to do 4 rides and that cost more if a la carte. I went on total 9 rides, so worth it. 2 adults and kids under 10, all had bracelets. Pros-very clean (except some random smokers), toilets are often unisex so quick turnover, decent prices, great visual mapping of color codes for young-family-adrenaline rides to easier choose what’s good for your family. Employees take pride and secretly enjoy pointing their height stick to measure kids before rides. Good for them. Many food options and one can leave Tivoli to eat at food court that is annexed with Tivoli and outside world. Mexican was the best option imo (tried Mexican-sushi and Italian). -family friendly, easy to walk, App is pretty handy, Rasmus Klump playground was 1/3 highlight per the young visitors, reconnecting my own youth was nostalgic. I loved how 1-4pm there was an activity with ramus for kids, we did hide n seek and got to meet and greet with him. A++ for doing whole interaction in Danish, respecting heritage of the character. Fun house: was much fun and great escape from rain. Warning for small kids…I was not comfortable young kids walking the tall funny stairs, as a high potential fall into hard ground if they looose their grip. Again-that’s my comfort level. I was always behind and underneath while they climbed, just in case. Also, we left once the cool late teens of 6’2 felt it was a great idea to play tag in funny house… Carousel swing was fun, worth it. Galley ship was very fast and kids liked it. We did this one 3x. Fake Mount Rushmore rollercoster was good, but biggest line up. We did not do scary house. Dragon boat was fun, a little bit of Lear ing curve to steer but enjoyable. Bumper cars for lots of fun,,, but be warned if you have smaller kids. Heavy hits, especially from behind against larger visitors. There is a kids version of bumper cars but less fun as only going in a unidirectional loop and little actual bumping. Music carousel was a little boring for 8-10 year old… Milky Way was ok Flying trunk was great. Did it in danish and 2nd time in English (toggle in roof of cart). Many nice homage to HC Andersen stories, a must see at Tivoli. Fatamorgana-bumper cars lame for older kids, family ride with animals was adventurous and fast but quite high up for those scared of heights. camel trail was ok. Miner was much fun, get ready to zap and make sure to note number of your log Before sitting inside to see your score asap once you get off on screen, it flashes quickly only. 5/5, exceeded my expectations and again, this is a heritage site not steroid infused Six flag/disney production. Enjoy it for what it is. We even saw a local crayfish party. Skål! Astronomer was a great hit as one can steer altitude of ones spaceship. Did this 3x Lighthouse ride is for younger kids, but enjoyable. Adjacent to Rasmus klump play ground. FYI-coffee at Rasmus cafe is scalding hot! Be mindful if you drink without lid upstairs in playground and kids whizz by real quick and can easily bump you. There is a weird Chinatown of which I didn’t understand connecting, also one of main stages has Asian vibe. Again, why? Food selection is quite vast and we spent an easy 7 hours that day. Expensive but memories for life. Cons: 9/10 times English is the default spoken language by staff, which is unfortunately imo, but I’ll leave the politics at that. -no free water fountains so must purchase water
Aug 24, 2024nuhaa2023
It was fun with friends and family, suitable for all , for reading, walking, watching, playing, dining, in the center of copenhagen
Aug 23, 2024Adgapa
En pleno centro de Copenhague, al lado del City Hall y con varios estacionamientos cerca, es una visita obligada en la ciudad. Se paga una entrada que te permite recorrer todo el parque y adentro puedes pagar por cada atracción en la que quieras entrar o comprar un pase general para todas las atracciones (unos 35 dólares). El lugar es bastante grande, si vas en plan de montarte en las atracciones necesitas al menos 5-6 horas. Pero también puedes ir solo para disfrutar de sus jardines y vistas o comer en alguno de los muchísimos lugares de comida. También hay atracciones típicas de feria. Cierra a las 10 pm.
Aug 22, 2024
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