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- Copenhague
- Musées de Copenhague
- Palais de Christiansborg
Entrez dans le centre du pouvoir danois, vieux de 800 ans, à Slotsholmen. Découvrez les ruines du château original construit en 1167, ainsi que les pièces utilisées par la famille royale danoise d'aujourd'hui.
Lire plus
- Découvrez 800 ans d'histoire
- Découvrez les salles d'apparat royales
- En savoir plus grâce à une visite guidée
Accès aux salles de réception royales, à la cuisine royale, aux écuries royales et aux ruines
Visites guidées facultatives (en fonction des disponibilités)
Entrée gratuite pour les 0-17 ans sans billet, accompagnés d'un adulte payant
Heures d'ouverture
Salles de réception royales, cuisines royales et ruines :
Lundi - Dimanche : 10.00 - 17.00
Écuries royales :
Lundi - Dimanche : 13.30 - 16.00
Informations sur les billets
Billet directement disponible sur smartphone
Les billets peuvent être reportés ou annulés jusqu'à 48 heures à l'avance
Les chambres du Palais de Christiansborg peuvent être fermées sans préavis dans le cadre de l'utilisation du palais par la famille royale
Plus d'informations
Si des personnes en fauteuil roulant ou avec un déambulateur se trouvent parmi les visiteurs, veuillez en informer l'administration du palais avant la visite
Pour toute question concernant le produit, veuillez contacter hello@toursandtickets.nl
- Accès gratuit aux toilettes
- Accessible en fauteuil roulant
Christiansborg Palace
6 minutes Depuis la gare centrale 9 minutes Depuis la gare centrale 18 minutes Depuis la gare centrale
Transports Publics
L'arrêt le plus proche est Gammel Strand (métro M3 & M4 et bus 2A, 23, 26, 31 & 37).
Ouvrir dans Google maps
Un centre de pouvoir ouvert au public
Le palais de Christiansborg est à la fois un palais royal et un bâtiment gouvernemental. C'est le seul bâtiment au monde à abriter les trois branches du gouvernement d'un pays, l'exécutif, le législatif et le judiciaire (Cour suprême). Plusieurs parties du bâtiment sont encore utilisées par le monarque danois.
Comme il centralise les différents pouvoirs au sein du Danemark, le bâtiment est souvent utilisé comme métonymie du système politique danois. Cependant, les parties du bâtiment utilisées par le gouvernement ne sont pas ouvertes au public. Vous pouvez cependant visiter les salles de réception royales avec le grand hall et les tapisseries de la reine, la cuisine royale, les ruines sous le palais et la chapelle du palais de Christiansborg.
Royauté et ruines
Lors de votre visite du palais de Christiansborg, vous pouvez explorer les salles royales et les ruines par vous-même ou opter pour une visite guidée. Les salles de réception royales sont utilisées par la reine du Danemark pour recevoir les rois, les reines et les présidents étrangers. Le grand hall est le lieu où la reine organise de magnifiques dîners de gala. Ses murs sont décorés de 17 tapisseries colorées qui représentent 1100 ans d'histoire danoise.
Les cuisines royales ont été restaurées à l'image de ce qu'elles étaient sous le règne du roi Christian X. Vous pouvez y suivre les préparatifs d'un dîner de gala organisé à l'occasion du jubilé d'argent du roi, le 15 mai 1937, qui a accueilli 275 invités. La chapelle du palais n'est généralement ouverte que le dimanche, sauf en juillet où elle est ouverte toute la semaine.
Le palais actuel est le troisième bâtiment construit sur ce site et, sous celui-ci, vous pouvez visiter les ruines du château de l'évêque Absalon (1167) et du château de Copenhague (XIVe siècle). La plus grande ruine est le mur d'enceinte du château de l'évêque Absalon, qui protégeait le château des pirates wendish.
Acheter des billets pour visiter le palais de Christiansborg
Le palais de Christiansborg est le centre de Copenhague depuis plus de 800 ans. C'est l'endroit à visiter pour se plonger dans l'histoire danoise. Si vous préférez explorer les différentes parties du palais par vous-même plutôt que d'attendre le début d'une visite guidée, vous pouvez utiliser l'application Useeum.
Elle propose des audioguides gratuits sur les tapisseries, les salles de réception royales, les ruines sous le palais et une visite à l'extérieur du bâtiment. Pour les amateurs d'énigmes, l'application propose également une chasse au trésor gratuite intitulée "Le mystère du musée", qui vous permettra d'empêcher le vol de l'un des trésors inestimables du palais de Christiansborg. L'application est disponible en anglais, danois, allemand, espagnol, français, italien, russe et chinois.
96 Reviews
Note moyenne de
Visite très intéressante
Un palais impressionnant, les salles sont magnifiques. Prenez le temps de tout visiter (le palais, les écuries, les ruines et la cuisine) et comptez au moins 2h. ATTENTION, le palais peut être fermé une journée ou demi-journée sans préavis si le roi y est occupé.
Jun 25, 2024231rvh
Un château d'apparat
Château visité après celui de Rosensborg. Nous n'avons visité que les salles de réception. Les pièces sont souvent immenses et somptueuses, comme on peut en trouver dans de nombreux châteaux. Tout cela est très beau mais nous a semblé bien classique après Rosensborg. Les 10 tapisseries offertes à la Reine valent quand même le détour et cela reste une belle visite sans trop de monde (visité le dimanche à 10h30).
Jun 16, 2024Clem5459
Incontournable !
Un lieu hors du temps , impressionnant de beauté. Les différentes salles coupent le souffle, avec notamment la bibliothèque qui est impressionnante dans son style ancien. Une visite incontournable de Copenhague!
Mar 15, 2024geronimo35400
Grand et beau bâtiment. On a pas pris le temps de visiter l’intérieur, mais l’extérieur vaut le détour. On y est d'ailleurs passé plusieurs fois devant.
Mar 5, 2024vannessechristelle
A visiter
Palais Royal somptueux. N’hésitez pas à visiter les cuisines qui sont très belles aussi. Je n’ai pas pu voir la vue de la tour à mon grand regret.
Sep 27, 2023RemiA_034
Visite intéressante
J'ai fait la visite totale: salles, cuisines, catacombes et écuries. Visite intéressante. Attention cependant, les écuries n'ouvrent que l'après-midi et l'achat de tickets en ligne doit se faire en journée (en soirée ou nuit, ce n'est plus disponible)
Aug 20, 2023713fabienm
Toujours utilisé
Plusieurs choses à faire dans ce château. Vous pourrez visiter les cuisines, les écuries et les vestiges des anciennes fondations.
Aug 2, 2023Plane68
Palais magnifique
Très bel édifice extérieurement et majestueux à l'intérieur. Visite avec carte CPH discover. Explication uniquement en anglais ou danois. Lieu magique.
Jul 12, 2023elsaf686
Super sympa, il y a des activités pour les enfants et beaucoup d’explications ! Je recommande fortement si vous êtes de passage à Copenhague!
Jun 16, 2023388stephanes
Très intéressant, comptez 2h30
Intérieurs et extérieurs superbes, facile d'accès, très proche du centre ville, pas de traduction française, fermeture à 17h.
Apr 14, 2023mmcmsmbm
Don't miss this castle
Visited here on our 16 day tour of Denmark with family and friends. I have been here numerous times but I still enjoy it. The horses were outside that day so that was an interesting change. Our group enjoyed the ruins the best and were amazed at the fascinating history of the castle. The kitchen also is a lot of fun.
Sep 10, 202480r_ni_
Me and some friends visited Christiansborg Slot a few years ago during the cultural night in Copenhagen. The que was miles long, but it was so worth it when we finally entered. It was nice to see the cultural events and to meet the politicians and civil servants that work there.
Sep 10, 2024philipl596
Not to be missed
A palace full of splendour and history which continues to be added to daily as it is used by the Prime Minister for various purposes. A great deal to see and admire but not always as much information provided as I would have liked. Fortunately, I had a guided group passing through whilst I was there and learnt a vast amount of interesting facts that brought the Palace to life for me.
Sep 6, 2024jschaapman
Gratis uitzichtpunt
Wij zijn nergens betaald binnen geweest, alleen rond gelopen en gebruik gemaakt van het gratis viewpoint. Dit is een aanrader! We moesten 20 min wachten maar daarna heb je wel erg leuk uitzicht over de stad.
Aug 27, 2024stefand888
Heel mooi
De Royal Reception Rooms zijn absoluut een bezoek waard : in een klein uur zie veel mooie zalen, met als hoogtepunt de banketzaal.
Aug 18, 2024Myrt0697
Mooi en informatief
Een must-see als je in Kopenhagen bent. Het paleis is erg mooi en informatief om te zien en te ervaren. Ticket gekocht voor de andere drie delen. Deze waren iets minder, maar de moeite waard voor het geld.
Jul 29, 2024V4252XLsteves
Schönes Schloss und einen Besuch wert. Beheimatet das dänische Parlament, das Oberste Gericht und ist Dienstsitz des Ministerpräsidenten. Somit ist es weltweit der einzige Representationsbau der alle drei Gewalten unter einem Dach vereint.
Jul 28, 2024alienwang2012
My Visit
This is an great looking palace. The statue and the the building are both beautiful. We did not visit interior but the exterior looks great.
Jul 27, 2024jensaf2019
Utrolig flotte lokaler og meget interessant. Kan anbefale og tage de gratis guidet ture rundt, det giver bare meget ekstra.
Jul 18, 2024TV2451
The Largest Castle, Found in the Center
This is the huge royal castle in the center of town, a must-see site. It covers a lot of land, and the royal family does spend time here. Big stone plaza in front, come use some trees or shade.
Jul 15, 2024Blues79
We thought the Palace was well worth visiting, we visited with the Copenhagen card so entry was quick and easy. We spent a good few hours there. The reception rooms were beautiful, the information cards are in Danish and English and it was easy to follow from room to room, was not crowded at all. We also visited the Stables (note the horses are away for their summer break), Kitchen and ruins.
Jul 9, 2024GaryandLesleyTravel
This building makes a statement
There is no doubt that the palace is impressive but we really visited to explore the original 1167 ruins & the 1369 ruins of the initial Copenhagen Castle that are underneath the current palace. The ruins contain predominantly the base stones of walls but also interior home walls, drains and plumbing. Whilst here it’s worth visiting the tower (opens at 11am) to get great views over the city and even across to Sweden.
Jul 6, 2024PATO-BETO
Palacio ubicado en el centro de la ciudad. Sede del Parlamento, oficina del primer ministro danés y de la Corte Suprema. Único edificio en el mundo que alberga los tres poderes. Se pueden visitar unas ruinas, subir para ver las vistas panorámicas de Copenhague que es una actividad gratuita o ingresar al museo.
Jul 4, 2024emilygI6675IT
Worth a Visit.
Very much recommend. Very impressive palace, and was in time for the tour of the state rooms in English. Guide was very knowledgeable, and allowed us to take our time / ask questions. Lots to see on display both historical & modern. All well displayed & maintained. Also can see the view from the tower / ruins beneath & kitchens which are worth a look.
Jul 4, 2024maapar
Must see in Copenhagen
Visited here and got to see royal reception rooms which were incredibly elaborate.. My favorite part was the royal kitchen and the ruins which told the history of the castle. Did not get to see stables or Parliament or the chapel.
Jul 1, 2024Travellingonwheels
Not to be missed
This is the first thing I’ve done so far in Copenhagen which I feel has been worth the money. Your ticket gives you access to 4 different areas in the complex including the beautifully decorated state rooms and the underground ruins of the earlier buildings. Allow lots of time if you want to see everything - particularly if you manage to get lost in the ruins as I did. They have gone to a lot of trouble to make these areas wheelchair accessible so this Slot should be on everyone’s visit list.
Jun 27, 2024Faithfultravelerrev
Christianborg Palace was amazing day walking in history
A visit to Christianborg Palace is a great way to spend the day. The grounds are lovely and the horses can often be seen in the penned area in front of the palace entrance. Once home to kings and queens, the Palace now houses the Danish Parliament, the Supreme Court, and the Ministry of State.
Jun 25, 2024JvH48
Christianborg Castle (Royal Reception Rooms) worth a visit after Rosenborg castle, but preferrably not on the same day
We visited the Christiansborg Castle one day after the Rosenborg Castle. There are many similarities in the sense of splendor, richly decorated rooms, and more along that line, all of it collected over many centuries. Obviously intended to impress guests, to demonstrate that the kingdom of Denmark is solid and going strong. Common consideration is that you keep wondering who has paid for all this. And also, what has been obtained legally and what is robbed from far-away countries in past centuries when colonialism was not frowned upon like we do nowadays. The main difference with Rosenborg is that it takes less longer to see the Royal Reception Rooms, numbered 1 to 19. Following a map that is handed out at the entrance, everything you need to know can be read and is explained briefly but clearly. We see only a small part of the castle, as the remainder is not open to the public, probably also not offering such beautiful sights as the Royal Reception Rooms. Separately, we visited the Royal Kitchen as well as the Ruins under Christianborg, both worthy of your attention but covered in a separate review. We did not visit the Royal Stables, as it was closed at the time we were in the vicinity. Our Copenhagen Discover Card was accepted without any hassle and allowed us free access. There were no waiting times for a free time slot when we were there. Plastic slippers are available (mandatory footwear, fitting around your shoes) to protect the floors. Given our free access, I cannot comment on the value-for-money aspect.
Jun 17, 2024Z7952YQrobynh
An absolute must whilst in Copenhagen!
We visited this slot (palace) as part of an Insight Vacations 'Northern Capitals of Europe' tour. Absolutely stunning - well worth the visit! So much to take in - the tapestries in the 'Great Hall' are amazing works of art.
Jun 16, 2024548scottg
Large complex worth visiting
There are different parts that you can tour. We visited the ruins, the official reception rooms and the kitchen. If you can see only one of those, the reception rooms will not disappoint you. The interior rooms are lovely and impressive: bring your camera, of course. The staff is hospitable. We visited on a Sunday when it was free to step inside the chapel and see it, also quite nice.
Jun 13, 2024481Epicurean
Another great palace to visit in Copenhagen
Copenhagen has a number of great palaces to visit and this is a very special one to visit. It gives great insight into the history of the Danish royal family, past and present and there are also visits to the royal kitchen, royal stables and to some ruins under the castle that you can include in your visit.
Jun 13, 2024alessandropZ5291HQ
Molto bello e ben decorato
Molto belle le sale con decorazioni e lampadari molto ricchi. Anche i tappeti e gli arazzi sono veramente interessanti. Il prezzo è un po' alto rispetto ad altri palazzi del genere in Europa.
Jun 11, 2024EssexBetty64
Lovely insight into Danish royal history
A lovely insight into Danish royal history. The ticket covers several different buildings. We loved the ruins below ground. Unfortunately the church is only open on Sundays. We couldn’t enter the palace until after 2.00 as there was an event on do we returned later. Well worth a visit.
Jun 4, 2024sekerportakalii
An impressive palace
This palace is right in the heart of Copenhagen, and it's a must-visit for tourists. It's still used by royalty for receptions and special occasions. I suggest setting aside at least half a day to explore it. You can buy tickets at the palace or online. I found the Useuum app really helpful for audio guides during my visit, so I recommend downloading it.
May 31, 2024lisbethmu
Beautiful palace
We chose the regular tour so we did not see the royal kitchen, stables etc and it was still worth it! So many amazing rooms with beautiful details.
May 28, 2024u2fan56
Get to see lot of different things
My wife and I did the Christiansborg Slot tour recently while on vacation. We love seeing historical places and this one did not disappoint. We pre-booked ticket on-line and I recommend to do the same. You get to see the royal kitchen, stables and state rooms. The state rooms were closed when we got there due to event going on. They opened up about 2 hours later so we had lunch in between. The state rooms were very impressive. I recommend this one over Rosenburg due to being more modern and opulent.
May 11, 2024ccfierro
Worth the visit!
Amazing palace with so much to see! The rooms were fantastic, the kitchen was very neat (try lifting the pots!) and the tower had the best views! Highly recommend visiting! We didn't make it to the stables but two of the horses were outside when we were there.
May 8, 2024Soko37
For history lovers
Historical site situated on islet combining history and current danish power represented by Supreme Court, parliament and prime minister presence. Gammel strand in the neighbourhood. Many buildings open for excursions with history everywhere from from ground floor till ceiling with paintings 🖼️ chandeliers decorations and sculptures
Apr 21, 2024GuppeC
Nice palace
Very nice and large palace with a variety of sections to visit like the ruines, the royal stables, the royal kitchen and much more.
Apr 17, 2024BirdBrain99
Well worth a visit
We visited the royal reception rooms . They are a great statement of Danish craftsmanship and design. The tapestries are amazing. We spent an hour wandering through these fantastic rooms.
Apr 1, 2024jordisubirana
Parlamento Danés
El palacio de Christiansborg está situado en el islote de Slotsholmen en Copenhague, Dinamarca, y es la sede del Folketing (Parlamento danés), la oficina del primer ministro danés y el Tribunal Supremo danés. Además, varias partes del palacio son utilizadas por la monarquía, incluyendo las salas de recepción Real, la capilla del palacio y las caballerizas reales. El palacio es la casa de los tres poderes supremos de Dinamarca: el poder ejecutivo, poder legislativo y el poder judicial.[1] Es el único edificio del mundo que alberga las tres ramas de gobierno de un país. El palacio de Christiansborg es propiedad del Estado danés y está dirigido por la Agencia de Palaus i Propiedades. Se le conoce coloquialmente como Borgen. Opinión escrita en castellano por imperativo de las normas de Tripadvisor (NO Admitido EL CATALÁN) .Desde aquí reivindico que sea el Catalán, una lengua reconocida por Tripadvisor
Mar 29, 2024Holzfrog
Beautiful palace
Stunning palace with lovely grounds. It was a treat to see the horses being exercised too. Well worth a visit if you’re in Copenhagen.
Jan 29, 2024jks1894
The best palace in Copenhagen.
My personal favourite attraction in Copenhagen. We visited on a snowy Thursday. It was quiet-ish (still plenty of tourists for a January day) and it was fantastic. Rich with history and the ruins are such a great addition. The staff were friendly and the lockers where you store your bags are perfectly safe. Our one criticism is signage. Like a lot of the other attractions in Copenhagen, signs seems to be a weak point. We didn't know where to go to start or whether there was a "starting point", so we just followed some others.
Jan 22, 2024GOD1234567
Super oplevelse
Så smukt, historisk og bare fantastisk. Super historiefortælling på plancherne inden rundvisning af vort demokratis historie og fin rundvisning. Du kan bestille gratis rundvisning og evt supplere med et besøg i de Kgl. stalde og spise i Tårnet (Meyers) - bestil bord hjemmefra. Man må være lykkelig i sjælen ved at arbejde så smukt et sted.
Jan 6, 2024B1446FNmarkd
Get the package to see the most
We visited the slot on a cold December afternoon. Without crowds it is a bit difficult to find the entrance as it is not clearly marked. Visited the palace, kitchen and ruins. Missed the stables as they close early. I would place this lower on the list below the Art Museum and National Museum.
Dec 30, 2023Tubbytummy
Beautiful castle
We visited used the Copenhagen card, there are two types we got the one with transport. The reception rooms take about 2 to 3 hours. Like most of the museums there are lockers for big bulky coats upon need. Toilets, again another feature we noticed in Copenhagen are first class. We were getting a bit museums out. There are separate buildings as well as stables, if you into horses could be a places for you, but few stuffed one if you are sensitive be aware. There lot of art and skilled decorations in the buildings. Well worth a visit
Dec 26, 2023L_K1509
Interesting visit
Interesting couple of hours. Started in the reception rooms, used the phone app commentary which provided a history of the royal family and a descriptor each room, it did get boring after a while but was good for the overview. The rooms are nice but not stunning. We then visited the kitchen - no more than 15- 30 mins to visit but ok nonetheless. The ruins were ok with the app commentary, without it there were information boards for the history. The stables and carriages were last. We couldn’t get close enough to pat a horse but did get to see several of them in their stables.
Dec 13, 2023drccds
Very nice.
Very nice. Nothing overwhelming, which is fine. What they have is impressive. The tapestry hall is great.
Dec 7, 2023Alessio_Tiberio
Uno dei palazzi in uso alla famiglia reale danese, più piccolo delle altre regge europee ma non di minor pregio. Assolutamente da visitare!
Dec 7, 2023TineC_12
En fantastisk oplevelse. Der var noget for hele familien
En fantastisk oplevelse. Der var noget for hele familien. Repræsentationslokalerne er så smukke, ruinerne er virkelig spændende, festkøkkenet er smukt og staldende imponerende. Det er en god ide at, gå med på en gratis omvisning, eller brug deres audioguide, som også er gratis
Dec 5, 2023
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