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- Musée de la résistance néerlandaise
Le Musée de la Résistance hollandaise vous parle de l'occupation allemande des Pays-Bas pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Pourriez-vous coopérer, rejoindre les Nazi ou résister?
Lire plus
- Remontez le temps jusqu'à Amsterdam dans les années 1940
- Voir, entendre et lire des histoires sur la vie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
- Découvrez comment la guerre a affecté les Pays-Bas
Billets enfants pour les 7-16 ans
Entrée gratuite pour les enfants de 0 à 6 ans accompagnés d'un adulte payant.
Heures d'ouverture
Lundi - Vendredi : 10.00 - 17.00
Samedi - Dimanche : 11.00 - 17.00
La visite audio gratuite est disponible en anglais, en néerlandais et en langue des signes néerlandaise.
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Dutch Resistance Museum
13 minutes Depuis la gare centrale 5 minutes Depuis la gare centrale 20 minutes Depuis la gare centrale
Transports Publics
Les arrêts les plus proches sont Waterlooplein (métro 51, 53 & 54) et Artis (tram 14).
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L'occupation et la résistance
Le musée de la Résistance néerlandaise est consacré au mouvement de résistance aux Pays-Bas pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Juste après le bombardement de Rotterdam par les Allemands en mai 1940, les Néerlandais se sont rendus et les nazis ont envahi les rues du pays. Les gens étaient confrontés à un choix: coopérons-nous et faisons-nous exactement ce que les Allemands disent, rejoignons-nous les nazis et les aidons-nous ou rejoignons-nous le mouvement de résistance?
Cette question est explorée dans le musée. Le Musée de la Résistance néerlandaise contribue à évoquer le climat des années de guerre en montrant la vie de personnes qui ont fait des choix différents, avec un accent particulier sur la résistance. Ce choix, souvent extrêmement dangereux, a rendu les gens très créatifs pour contrecarrer les nazis et aider les Juifs et d'autres groupes de personnes qui étaient pourchassés.
La Hollande dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale
L'exposition permanente du musée ramène les visiteurs dans les années 40, période de l'occupation allemande pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les salles et les murs qui constituent le décor du Musée de la Résistance néerlandaise sont remplis de photos pour aider à évoquer les années de guerre. Une grande partie de la collection est constituée d'artefacts collectés à partir des effets personnels des membres du mouvement de résistance.
L'exposition couvre toutes les formes de résistance: grèves, falsification de documents, aide à la clandestinité, journaux clandestins, itinéraires d'évasion, résistance armée et espionnage. Vous pouvez voir des poussettes dans lesquelles sont cachées des armes à feu, de fausses cartes d'identité, des machines à écrire sur lesquelles étaient tapés des messages codés et des échiquiers avec des compartiments cachés.
En plus de voir les tenants et aboutissants de la vie dans la résistance, vous verrez également à quoi ressemblait la vie quotidienne des personnes qui ont choisi de coopérer. Quelles limites l'occupation leur imposait-elle et pourquoi certains d'entre eux ont-ils décidé de rejoindre la résistance après tout ? Une autre partie importante du musée se concentre sur l'empire colonial néerlandais, les Indes orientales néerlandaises pendant la guerre. Où la population a terriblement souffert sous le régime de terreur japonais.
Obtenez vos billets maintenant!
L'exposition est en anglais et en néerlandais, ce qui la rend accessible à la plupart des visiteurs. Il existe également une visite audio gratuite qui est proposée en néerlandais, anglais, français, allemand, italien, portugais et espagnol. Réservez dès maintenant vos billets pour le Musée de la Résistance néerlandaise et ne manquez pas cette pièce essentielle de l'histoire néerlandaise!
149 Reviews
Note moyenne de
Visite du musée de la résistance
Visite extrêmement interessante, immersif avec des documentaires et des récits, accompagner d’objets historiques. Si vous êtes intéressés par l’histoire prévoir plus de deux heures de visite.
Aug 13, 2024335sylvien
Témoignages poignants
Un très beau musée vraiment très intéressant qui rappelle les heures sombres de la seconde guerre mondiale et présente de manière poignante le témoignage de ceux qui les ont traversées au Pays-Bas. Audioguide disponible et espace pour les enfants (à partir de 9/10 ans) très bien fait mais traduit uniquement en anglais.
Jul 26, 2024lechatdusix
Un musée passionnant, moderne et très bien documenté.
Un musée accessible à tous. Accueil charmant. Des audioguides dans plusieurs langues (dont le français = permettent de suivre la progression dans l'exposition. Les salles sont très riches en documentation, photos, films ( video), objets historiques. Les commentaires sont sobres et très explicatifs. La progression chronologique est très explicite. Un regard sobre, sans concession (on aborde aussi bien les résistants que les collaborateurs). Les femmes résistantes sont mises à l'honneur. La librairie permet d'acheter des ouvrages en néerlandais et en anglais. Je recommande.
Jun 4, 2024SophieB7564
Musée très fourni et pédagogique
Musée très intéressant, très pédagogique grâce notamment à l’audio guide. On apprend énormément de choses sur l’histoire de la résistance néerlandaise. Prévoir 1h30-2h de visite. Je recommande.
May 10, 2024alixquoicoubeh
Hyper intéressant !
Super musée ! C'était une expérience très enrichissante, j'ai appris plein de choses sur la résistance néerlandaise que je ne connaissais pas du tout. Des audios guides sont à disposition (dans beaucoup de langues) et expliquent très bien. Il y a aussi quelques activités qui permettent d'être immergé dans cet univers. Par contre, prévoyez bien 2h30-3h pour faire ce musée qui est assez long (même si le temps est passe très vite quand apprend des choses aussi intéressantes). Un très bon rapport qualité/prix. Je recommande !
Apr 19, 2024337alexiaf
Super musée
Prévoyez au moins 2h mais 3h c’est parfait je pense. On apprend plein de choses sur la résistance et toute l’occupation néerlandaise c’est très intéressant. Musée interactif donc on ne s’ennuie pas du tout
Mar 11, 2024amso0211
Super visite woah
Super expérience, immersive , parcours bien organisé avec des témoignages poignants. Pour tous les amoureux d’histoire et de la seconde guerre mondiale, c’était vraiment l’endroit à aller. La visite a duré 3H en écoutant religieusement l’audio guide. À faire absolument On en apprends beaucoup sur l’histoire des juifs à Amsterdam pendant la période, que la maison d’Anne Franck qui est davantage un complément de cette visite
Jan 5, 2024Ptites-bulles73
Très bien fait
Vraiment très bien fait avec un circuit spécial pour les enfants Très didactique Audioguide gratuit on apprend beaucoup de choses
Dec 29, 2023apollines627
Musée de la résistance en couple
Musée très intéressant et immersif ! Des audio guides en plusieurs langues sont à disposition ! Nous en apprenons plus sur la place des Pays Bas dans la Résistance !
Aug 18, 2023Cerclepin097
Excellent musée à faire pour les fans d’histoires !!
Excellent musée sur la seconde guerre mondiale, le musée est remplis de témoignage a écouté avec le petit lecteur audio donné à l’accueil du musée, prévoir facile 2/3h de visite si on veut bien tout voir et tout écouter Je recommande le musée pour les fans d’histoires Pas trop loin d’un arrêt de tram
Jul 23, 2023E8005JTmichelr
Tres instructif
Attention, prévoir deux à trois heures, mais cela vaut vraiment le coup pour les amateurs ou curieux de cette triste histoire !
Jun 11, 2023Coeurdopale
Particulièrement intéressant! Je recommande.
Excellent musée, on découvre pas mal de choses même en en connaissant déjà un rayon sur cette partie de l’histoire. Si on lit ou écoute toutes les histoires, comptez 1h30/2h.
May 21, 2023clarissebbt
Beau musée et intéressant
Musée intéressant pour connaître l’histoire de la résistance des Pays Bas. Audio guide gratuit dans plusieurs langues différentes. La visite ne dure qu’une heure ou deux.
Jul 6, 2022BillH629
Well done and informative!
If you have any appreciation or interest of European history about WWII, then this is a “must see”. This is not the first resistance museum we’ve toured, so can compare. It’s very well done and tells some moving stories. The audio tour is outstanding and really needed to get the full impact and information. We thought we knew the Netherlands role in the war, but this gave us new perspectives and we appreciate that.
Sep 9, 2024jami7739
Best museum of holiday!
Excellent - our favourite museum of the trip. Audio guides good but trippy when near other scanners. If going with kids, recommend going to junior section early on (entrance is half way round). Ours were flagging a bit by the time we got there. The junior section however was wonderful.
Aug 30, 2024ConnecttheGlobe
Great and engaging museum
This is an outstanding interactive presentation from the perspective of people who lived through it all, and so glad we added this to our schedule while visiting Amsterdam. The use of written stories, photographs, artifacts, audio and easy navigation through sections made for a great visit with our 13 year old. We also went through the Junior section (aimed at 9-14yos, which was very hands on and engaging for all of us. Our visit lasted about 3-hours, and believe this is a must addition to any visit to Amsterdam. We didn't take many photos, as we were too busy and in awe of the museum exhibits and stories, however, I added a few to this review that I took to serve as a reminder of our visit.
Aug 27, 2024ChrisM220692
Fascinating insights on WWII from the perspective of the Netherlands
Fascinating and in depth insights into the complexity of life in the Netherlands during and after WWII. Highly recommended for anyone interested in history!
Aug 25, 2024psychomom715
Must see for those interested in the WW2 resistance
This is such an amazing museum experience, with a unique viewpoint. It is sobering, and thought provoking. Highly recommended for anyone interested in this side of the story.
Aug 19, 2024TobiasWallin
Bring the WW II resistance movement alive
Interesting museum focused on the resistance movement in Netherlands during WW II. It was focused on showing all the good activities performed by different resistence heroes. Not that much general information about the war but more on individual life stories.
Aug 17, 2024FamilyOfTravelers_3
Interesting unique perspective on WWII Resistance in Amsterdam
Really nice museum that explains more about the Resistance movement in Amsterdam during WWII. My husband and I actually read each placard, which we don't usually take the time to do in every museum that we visit. The information was so new to us and interesting that we took the time to really take everything in. It took about 2 hours to go through.
Aug 12, 2024J3055UBrebeccas
So worth it!
I had been wanting to go to this museum because of all the good reviews. I saw a chance to book a narrated trolley ride before going in to see the museum. Glad I did. What a grand vintage trolley it is. There is an English speaker in one of the two cars and he pointed out places of interest to the war. The museum is very well done with an audio handheld speaker. I must have stayed 2 hours in there. So interesting to learn about the ways people resisted the Nazis and many paid with their lives. Very well displayed artifacts and pictures and videos . Excellent museum.
Aug 6, 2024686bjarkej
Et must se museum
Er selv meget interesseret i emnet, men selv min datter blev grebet sf det. Skyldes måden emnet blev formidlet på. Virkelig god brug af lyd, film, foto og opbygget rekvisitter. Meget spændende
Jul 26, 2024G1360DImajal
Rigtig fint museum
Super fint museum om besættelsen af Amsterdam. Det var formidlet på en måde, så alle kunne være med og der var film og lyd, så man ikke kun skulle læse en masse.
Jul 26, 2024mdr91
Must see when in Amsterdam
I discovered this museum when researching on Tripadvisor before leaving for Amsterdam. We are so glad we made time to visit. The museum did an excellent job of taking you through the various stages of the war in Amsterdam and the resulting resistance movement. There were a lot of very personal stories woven throughout the exhibit that really added to the impact of the museum. The museum gives you a listening device that provides an explanation of each display, but there are also cards with much of the same text on the wall. It was very easy to follow along. The only downside of our visit was that there were two school groups who entered shortly after us. Their guide actually asked us to move from one of the displays (while we were in the middle of listening to the audio description) because she wanted to talk about it to her group. We weren't lingering and hadn't jumped ahead of them, so it was confusing as to why she felt it was ok to try to shoo us away. While I think it's great that school groups visit this museum, perhaps it would be better if they have their own dedicated times if the guides are going to try to push other visitors out of the way. Overall I highly recommend visiting if you are in Amsterdam.
Jul 24, 2024fabdog
Good museum
This was an interesting museum focusing on WW2 in the Netherlands. Showed how the resistance formed over time, and that many people didn't take a side. The audio guide is helpful for the many short films that cover different periods of time but in the exhibits just reads what's printed on the placards
Jul 23, 2024malinf78
Very interesting experience, thoughtful stories and displays about the 2nd world war and the resistance in the Netherlands.
Jul 12, 2024903neille
Must do
Excellent and honest analysis of the way the resistance was formed and acted. The audiovisuals were excellent and easy for all ages
Jul 9, 2024r0zebud
Excellent Museum!
This museum was excellently done! Informative and easy to understand. The audio in each language was amazing, very accessible. Would highly recommend! The kids section was perhaps to child like to engage our kids aged 11 & 14, mostly due to the fact the rest of the museum as so well done.
Jul 8, 2024KrokoMakro
Flot præstation gennem personlige beretninger
Historien om besættelsen af Holland og den efterfølgende modstandskamp, bliver formidlet på fornem vis. Museets audioguide fungerer rigtig godt og der findes også enkelte steder med fortællinger på video. Der er gratis entré med City Card.
Jul 8, 2024I1385HHjanet
Amazing museum
Amazing museum! Went with my 16 year old daughter and we spent 3 hrs there. Audio guide and all visual resources were fantastic. The museum covered all different perspectives allowing us to fully grasp the impact of this horrifying event. Would definitely recommend to people of all ages.
Jul 5, 2024rayj710
Well worth the visit.
Not on our radar but recommended by friends. Pleasant 1/2 an hour amble from Amsterdam Centraal (Railway station). Good cafe right out the front where we had lunch before going in. Not overly large museum, well organised chronologically, with film, photos, physical exhibits and written pasteboard stories adding to self guided audio tour from all sides: Dutch, German, Resistance, Collaboraters, Civilians. Well worth it.
Jul 4, 2024travel_junkie1573
Awesome experience
One of the best museums we have been to. My 11 year old loved both the main museum and the kid's area. So interesting and informative. Main museum offers audio tour in many languages. Kid's area is in Dutch or English. Don't miss this one!!
Jul 2, 2024J7419QKtomh
Evocative and Educational
Dutch Resistance Museum – The Museum is a little out of the way and across the street from the zoo. We spent a full two hours here walking through this informative and sober museum, reading and experiencing the exhibits. The individual stories of courage and despair were incredible. There were also some immersive experiences, like the exhibit of an actual homemade radio whose antenna you had to manipulate in order to hear the clandestine daily program offered by the exiled queen herself.
Jul 1, 2024bethfjones
A real highlight of our weekend
Really enjoyed the museum, easily spent 3 hours there. Thought the audio guides were a great touch to break up the reading. I learnt so much and will definitely go again.
Jun 23, 2024rweis1d
Amazing museum
Amazing museum which really details the plight of the Jews, the Dutch and the Resistance in the Netherlands during WWII. Has real good audio program about many individuals that were caught up in the events. This part is incredible
Jun 19, 2024124ginab
Very powerful museum. Spend the time and never forget.
The audio tour takes you through what happened, how the resistance started, who was involved and how it helped. I've read about the resistance and this tour brought it into perspective
Jun 14, 2024BobN06
Nice review of the Dutch resistance in WWII
Museum is a great presentation of Dutch resistance in WWII. Incorporates world history into local events through videos and personal stories. Highly informative and accessible. Only thing we found was that it seemed biased, putting a positive spin on the Dutch and their resistance to the Nazis. Realize that this a museum about the Dutch resistance but this needs to be tempered in your mind that the Dutch population in general focused on survival and over 2/3 of the Jewish population was killed.
Jun 13, 2024Navigate23281424354
Well worth the visit
Visiting this museum is well worth it. Friendly informative staff and free lockers on entry to store your bags etc. The museum was very informative and lots of effort has been put into making the museum easy to navigate with lots of visual pictures and videos. Each person is given a headset and you can move around at your own pace. Takes about an hour but no time restrictions in place.
Jun 11, 2024tmb123_12
Inspiring experience
This is a very good and informative museum. A must do if you are in Amsterdam. We did the Ann Frank walking tour before coming to the museum so we had a lot of background knowledge about the occupation and resistance of the Dutch people. The artifacts collected and research that went into telling these stories was extensive. It was not a boring museum but inspiring.
Jun 8, 2024az2580
Incredible education on the resistance movement during WWII- a must-see
What an incredibly curated museum- telling the story of the brave resistance members in the Netherlands throughout World War II. I felt so emotional knowing there were such brave individuals willing to stand up to the Nazis. Excellent story telling, powerful experience.
Jun 8, 2024catherinegH4628RS
You don't want to miss this museum!
This museum is a "must see" when you are in Amsterdam!! It gives a really good "look" at how the resistance grew and spread over the many years of the war -- and how there were so many different points of view at the beginning. We spent 2 hours in this museum and all of us were so impressed and moved by the many stories it told.
Jun 5, 2024ZacharyWHennessy
Must see WW2 museum!
An absolutely brilliant museum showcausing the history of the Netherlands during World War 2 through a set of stories that connected you to the people that lived through it
Jun 5, 2024momscaasi1
Thank you, Dutch Resistance!
I suggest reading about the Dutch resistance before going, so you understand how important and dangerous their work was. I also recommend you travel with plug in headphones. All museums have handhelds for each museum station, and the “phones” they give you aren’t super comfortable to hold over a long period of time. The headphones that plug in work wonders for comfort.
Jun 2, 2024809titusp
Das Museum, das den Horizont erweitert...
Wir haben das Museum Ende Mai 2o24 besucht. Das Team am Eingang (Kasse/Garderobe) war äußerst freundlich und mit großem Interesse haben wir die Ausstellung angeschaut: Sehr schön, daß es zu den jeweiligen Zeitabschnitten eine Gesamtübersicht gibt, die sich danach in einzelne Blickwinkel aufteilt. Mittels Audio-Guide war es kein Problem, die Videos oder Texte (Engl./Niederl.) auch auf Deutsch zu hören. Besonders hat uns die objektive Darstellung dieser schwierigen Zeit gefallen, gerade wenn man daran denkt, was Deutschland hier den Niederlanden angetan hat. Aber da hat man beim Ausstellungskonzept auch sehr darauf geachtet, hier und da die Deutschen darzustellen, die etwas Humanität gezeigt haben. Dieses Museum mit seiner Ausstellung hat uns sehr überzeugt und können es nur sehr weiterempfehlen. Es erweitert den Horizont und ordnet Anne Frank auch sehr gut in einen Gesamtkontext ein.
May 30, 2024catherinesH134IL
Learn about the history of the resistance in the Netherlands.
Learn about the history of the Netherlands during World War 2 at this resistance museum. Through a series of short films, with an English handset, and a series of exhibits that expand on the films, follow the growth of the Dutch resistance. It takes 1 to 2 hours, depending on how in depth you go.
May 26, 2024mb01061979
Toch wel een aanrader!
Zeer degelijk museum! Een aanrader voor de geïnteresseerden. Niet grootmaar genoeg verhalen om er toch een 2-tal uur rond te struinen.
May 20, 2024stevelundgrenl
A must see
This museum was so informative with an audio tour, videos, and artifacts. It was so informative and extensive. I highly recommend this when visiting Amsterdam especially if you enjoy history.
May 19, 2024amyb129
Amazing museum for all ages
My 20-year-old daughter and I visited the museum on a recommendation and we are so glad we did. We’ve been to many museums internationally and we both agreed this was the best we have been to.. The exhibits are all based on personal experiences during the war, and the stories are so well told. The the best part is the kids area (I don’t care how old you are… this is a must see )which tracks the lives of four children during the war with amazing interactive exhibits and concludes with interviews with them as adults… Extremely powerful . We usually have an hour limit in any museum. We spent over two and probably would go back. Very easy to get to with a short walk from the tram stop in a cute neighborhood. It was complimentary to the Anne Frank house and told a larger story .
May 13, 2024RHES
Definite must see museum
Good museum layout which points out what was happening during different time periods of the invasion, shows how people responded differently to the invasion and makes you ask yourself what you would do. Plan on 2 hours. Good audio tour included.
May 11, 2024MarieliTX
Great underrated museum
This is a great museum. I highly recommend even if you're only somewhat interested in WWII history. Three things kept me from giving it a full 5. 1. It's big and a bit overwhelming toward the end. It's not something to breeze through in 45 minutes. It deserves 90 minutes (you could easily commit to 2+ hours if your interests are deep and you've the time) in order to hear some of the stories/explanations. Otherwise, why go? 2. I wanted to know more about the citizens' reconciliation process regarding collaborators in post-war years. A few personal stories begged a bigger picture. 3. I'd have appreciated an overt tie to Anne Frank House. And visa versa. These two museums are joined at the hip in so many ways it would be natural to cross tie just a bit so that there is a smooth transition between the two. Final thought: if you only have time to do one or the other, I can't blame you choosing Anne Frank. It's a greatest hit sight in Amsterdam. But this is a great companion if you can do both or consolation if you can't get to Anne Frank.
May 11, 2024
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