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- Skansen - friluftsmuseum
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Världens äldsta friluftsmuseum tar dig med på en tidsresande resa för att se det svenska bygdelivet som det var före industritiden, med alla dess traditioner och seder.
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- Ta en promenad genom svensk historia
- Se skandinaviska tam och vilda djur
- Besök traditionella hantverksverkstäder
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En personlig upplevelse med svensk historia
När du besöker Skansen, som ligger på den vackra ön Djurgården, kan du fly från 2000-talets gränser och utforska ett enklare liv. När du kliver in genom portarna transporteras du till det förindustriella Sverige, där du kommer att befinna dig omgiven av cirka 150 hus och gårdar från alla delar av landet.
Världen förändrades snabbt på 1800-talet och många fruktade att traditionellt liv skulle försvinna. Därför skapades Skansen 1891, för att bevara traditionella seder och sysslor. På detta unika museum i Stockholm kan du fortfarande se hur svenskarna en gång levde efter årstidernas växlingar och lära dig om svunna tiders seder och traditioner, arbete, firande och vardag. Du kan besöka traditionella hantverksverkstäder som smörkärning, vävning, skoframställning och glasblåsning.
Som platsen där svenska traditioner upprätthålls är Skansen också platsen där traditionella högtidstillfällen firas av många som bor i Stockholm, inklusive kungafamiljen. Till påsk, midsommar, lucia, jul, nyårsafton och alla andra svenska högtider kommer människor hit för att fira.
Livet bland de infödda nordiska djuren
Skansen är inte bara hemmets svenska traditioner, det är också hemvist för många vilda nordiska djur, vilket gör Skansen till både ett zoo och ett museum. När du vandrar genom det traditionella svenska livet på landsbygden, kommer du att stå öga mot öga (på säkert avstånd) med brunbjörnar, älgar, vargar, renar och lodjur.
Din biljett till Skansen ger dig även tillgång till Barnens djurpark - Lill Skansen - där du kan introducera dina barn till ett trettiotal olika djurarter på nära håll. Det finns minigrisar, roslagfår, marsvin, kaniner, paddor, ödlor och till och med katter. Här finns även en lekplats och en liten scen för teater, musik och lektioner om djur.
En annan sida du kan besöka med din Skansenbiljett är Östersjöcentret, där du kan upptäcka undervattensvärlden från Stockholms skärgård till öppet hav. Centret har flera akvarier med olika vattensystem och livsmiljöer som visar de olika miljöerna i Östersjön som gör det unikt. Din biljett ger dig inte tillträde till Skansen Akvarium.
Köp dina biljetter till Skansens friluftsmuseum här
Om du vill utforska detta unika ställe, skaffa dina biljetter i förväg. Du kan enkelt tillbringa upp till en halv dag i denna fantastiska attraktion, eftersom det finns flera restauranger och kaféer där du kan köpa en utsökt måltid för att hålla dig igång. Glöm inte att besöka museibutiken på vägen ut för att hitta traditionellt hantverk och svenskt designade föremål.
122 Reviews
Genomsnittligt betyg från
Skansen och många djur
Skansen är en fin djurpark i Stockholms city. Min dotter på 1 1/2 älskade att kolla på alla djur som fanns där. Dock så var det lite dåligt väder men det fanns bra med stället att ta skydd när regnet kom fram. Tycker dock det är lite dyrt att gå in. Vi parkerade bilen precis utanför och det blev nästan dyrare än att gå in så ett tips för de som tar bilen in att parker Innan bron till Skansen. Finns ett litet tivoli vid akvariet som min dotter älskade men tyvärr så är den inte lika stor som när jag var liten.
Jul 18, 2024MsMollan
Trevlig park
Själva djurparken och husen var roliga att gå och titta på. Djuren såg välmående ut och det kändes som att de gjort sitt för att inte låta besökarna störa djuren mer än nödvändigt. Det som drog ner själva besöket var att de extremt slitna karusellerna kostade 30kr per åktur. Både sniket och tråkigt med tanke på att det inte var särskilt billigt att gå in.
Jul 16, 2024Voyager39979919916
Skansen, ja vid bra väder
Skansen är en blandning av djurpark,lekpark,naturreservat,teater,dans,& hembygdspark med skådespelare Så helt klart värt ett besök men vädret spelar stor roll för upplevelsen. Som vanligt vid sådana här inrättningar så är priserna på mat och dyligt något högre men det är helt okej att ha med sig eget om man önskar det
May 11, 2024LEN74
Alltid värt
Skansen är alltid värt ett besök och vi alla uppskattar det. Dock skulle vi uppskatta om de sångaktiviteter som erbjuds också skulle kunna anpassas till lite äldre barn?
Aug 15, 2023233janericn
Bra vid bra väder.
Skansen är trevligt att besöka när vädret är bra. Svårt att få någon riktig upplevelse bland djuren då många inte syns till. Vi lyckades se fjällräven och renarna samt ett pat älgar. Men att se Allsång med årskort är alltid ett plus.
Aug 5, 2023Bjejo
Alltid fint på Skansen
Mycket att titta på både i de historiska miljöerna och bland djuren. Efter lite spaning fick vi syn på både lo och fjällräv. God mat på restaurangen strax innanför entrén. Dyrt.
Aug 5, 2023Jh_photography-visit
Lappugglorna är ett måste!
Älskar Skansen så mycket! Fantastiskt open-air museum med både historia, lek och djur. Själv är jag för för djurparken, jag är en fotograf och deras lappugglor är så vackra! Mycket av mitt arbete är taget på Skansen. Min Instagram är @holmen_jacob om du vill se lite bilder och videor på deras djur. 10/10! Bra och prisvärt❤️
Aug 3, 2023L2233CWmonicam
Vilket fantastiskt ställe! Vilket utbud. Barnens trädgård, alla djuren. Alla som jobbar där. Alla cafeer.
Jul 27, 2023CherylC139
1-2 Hours??? No way!!! Plan to spend 3-5 hours.
We visited Skansen as a family with a 20 year old son. It was September after the summer season, so not all the interpretive areas / shops were open. So we were a little bummed about that. There’s some room for improvement at Skansen. It’s an amazing and unique experience but many of the structures do not have any signs about age or location. For international travelers we don’t know the areas the homes came from so a regional map on signs would be helpful. More information about the conception of the park and its founder would be interesting to learn as well. It would be helpful to highlight the “Do not Miss” buildings so those with shorter time to spend could hit the best structures and not feel like they missed the important things. If you love architecture/ history then this is the place for you. Buildings date from the 13th century forward. It’s laid out geographically and somewhat chronologically. If you have small children they have a kids area, small zoo and science center. The interpreters we talked to were very happy to share their knowledge and pleasant.
Sep 11, 2024GeneralShamu
Family Day VIsit
This place is quite expansive and has many small tours at varying locations throughout the day. Total time here can be half a day or a full day given how much there is to see. There are also a few restaurant options located throughout and at the southern entrance.
Sep 8, 2024matslN4650MB
This is what Sweden looks like!
We went to the open air museum The Skansen and it was lovely! There are so many cute bakeries and small shops, houses, gardens and stuff to do. All staff members are really helpful and authentic. It is like a fairy tale and as back in the old days. We especially loved the huge animal section, representing all the Nordic animals. Impressive!
Sep 7, 2024FlavieMM18
Selon nous notre meilleur visite, grand parc ou l'on peut se promener, avec bâtisse d'époque, tout est calme. Il y a même un parc animalier et un aquarium franchement on a adoré
Sep 6, 2024MichaelBanks
Great visit
Take the tram 7 to get there but be warned it fills up quick especially the later you go. Opens up at 10am but think I got there around 11am and spent all day there. Lots of walking, ups and downs, places to rest and enjoy. Several places have times of fairy tell readings or demonstrations to learn more about that particular era and which area of Sweden it is referring too. There are places to purchase food and drink and bathrooms. Great family atmosphere. I believe I seen a few dogs so they are allowed as well. Credit cards primary choice of payment for nearly all of Stockholm is cashless.
Sep 2, 2024juttasQ9009NW
Skansen lässt einen in das alte Schweden eintauchen. Die alten Häuschen sind meist liebevoll gepflegt und endlich konnten wir eine Elchkuh live erleben. Sogar mit Kälbchen. - Ein großer Kontrast zur sonstigen Stadt.
Aug 30, 2024yigangz2016
First trip to Stockholm, and Ed Sheeran
Open air museum and a zoo, mostly just the zoo. It has reindeer, magical reindeer. And their close relatives, the moose.
Aug 25, 2024skerrane
Great place for kids
Nice amusement park detailing some of the older buildings and experiences of the Swedish people before the world wars. More geared towards children but still a great experience
Aug 23, 2024903lucaf
Per passare una piacevole giornata
Sicuramente adatto a trascorrere alcune ore piacevoli in mezzo al verde. Gli animali sembrano tenuti bene, anche se spero che quelli selvatici vengano periodicamente reinseriti nel loro ambiente.
Aug 23, 2024Monique103
Skansen. Ein Besuch wert
Der Park ist weitläufig. Es gibt viel zu entdecken, wie sie früher gelebt haben und heimische Tiere zu beobachten. Auch fürs leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt. Für kleinere Kinder gibt es noch Karussells. Man kann auch noch das Aquarium besuchen, ist allerdings nicht im Ticketpreis enthalten. Man kommt bequem mit der Tram oder Hop on Bus an.
Aug 23, 2024AustininLondon
Perfect for a whole day out.
Love this place and spend a whole day every time I go to Stockholm. Would recommend as you get to see and live the history of Sweden and meet some really cool people in the museum who are happy to show you around and explain the exhibit. Good places for food s well as entertainment. Plenty to do for kids of all ages.
Aug 21, 2024Global28008165922
Sehr traditionell und originell
Das Freilichtmuseum zeigt verschiedene Handwerkskünste. Ausserdem gibt es verschiedene traditionell eingerichtete Häuser, in denen Mitarbeiter des Parks in Originalkleidern die damalige Zeit erklären. Wir konnten sogar 3 Musikern bei einem kleinen Konzert zuhören. Im nördlichen Teil gibt es noch einen Tierpark mit nordischen Tieren. Die Tiere werden in grossen Gehegen gehalten und haben alles, was sie brauchen. Am Eingang gibt es ein Aquarium, bei welchem der Eintritt jedoch separat bezahlt werden muss.
Aug 20, 2024adrianamarnea
Wonderful day in Skansen
We allocated almost a full day to visiting Skansen and we still didn’t manage to see everything. As adults, we enjoyed the time spent outdoors, the little live portraits of rural Sweden and just the stillness, beauty and peace of it all. The kiddo enjoyed the Nordic animals section and trying to talk to squirrels on the way. All around, it was a nice experience. We weren’t able to visit the aquarium, as you have to pay a separate fee to enter and on the day of our visit there was a technological issue with card payment. You could only pay cash in crowns and there was no exchange office around.
Aug 19, 2024davivi64
Piacevole scoperta
museo all'aperto storico. si trascorre una giornata intera, ideale per i bambini, sono presenti molti animali, un vero e proprio zoo, tante fattoria dell'epoca, centri ricreativi zone picnic e tanto altro. Da non perdere.
Aug 18, 2024Kanelbullar
Love Skansen
We love Skansen, have been so many times, and always see a new bit. This time the bears were awake and swimming. The children love seeing the familiar parts and discovering new parts. Nice to see a wedding going on, too. Enjoyed the funicular.
Aug 17, 2024luigisiviello
Skansen e fuje
Parco naturale in cui vale la pena trascorrere qualche ora se si è nei paraggi perché oltre a diversi tipi di animali (alcuni dei quali purtroppo non si vedevano), è possibile anche vedere le abitazioni tipiche svedesi come per esempio scuole, fattorie etc.
Aug 17, 2024cja54
Musée en plein aire avec des animaux idéal pour les enfants / great for children
Skansen, sous un soleil radieux, est une expérience inoubliable. Ce musée en plein air offre une journée à la fois instructive et divertissante. J’ai eu la chance de voir tous les animaux, qui semblent bien traités malgré le fait qu’il s’agisse d’un zoo. Le cadre naturel et les bonnes conditions de vie des animaux font toute la différence. Entre culture, nature et découverte, Skansen est une visite enrichissante, parfaite pour profiter du plein air tout en apprenant. Skansen, on a sunny day, is an unforgettable experience. This open-air museum offers a day that is both educational and enjoyable. I was lucky enough to see all the animals, which seem well cared for, despite it being a zoo. The natural setting and good living conditions for the animals make all the difference. Between culture, nature, and discovery, Skansen is an enriching visit, perfect for enjoying the outdoors while learning.
Aug 13, 2024sadieb302
I absolutely loved this attraction. It is a cross-over between a zoo, a garden, and a historical village. The replicas of towns and Swedish life from years ago really piqued my interest as a history fan. They had staff dressed in traditional dress giving descriptions of the milk store and houses - these were done very well and very informative. All my questions were answered. The glass-blowing shop was cool to see. The bakery had delish fresh pastries. The zoo has animals specific to the Nordics, which as a visitor was very cool to see. There are also beautiful overlooks of the city and a lovely garden to walk through with statutes. They had artisan pop-up stores where artists sold their work - I picked up a lovely pair of earrings for my mom and I. I was on a school trip and only had 2 hours here, I would definitely recommend spending 3 - 4 hours here.
Aug 9, 2024D4887FLlorenzoc
Un luogo molto interessante
Una giornata in questo museo bisogna farlo se si é in vacanza in Svezia. É presente un acquario, molti animali come orsi, renne… é un po di Svezia con strutture storiche
Aug 7, 2024ccq01999
Imprescindible visitar cuando se viaja a Estocolmo
Es un lugar muy excepcional, con personas que realizan las actividades que se llevaban a cabo en este territorio antes de la industrialización (boticaria, ferretero,metalistería, agricultores..), siglo XVIII y principios del XIX. El cariño con que hablan de estos antiguos oficios y el conocimiento que tienen de estos en esa época impresiona. Muy interesante también la reconstrucción de las cabañas y modos de vida de los grupos Sami, muy perseguidos por los cazadores de renos.
Aug 4, 2024monakL9612QC
Eine Reise in eine andere Welt...liebevoll arrangiert und ausgestattet! Alle Angestellten des Parks waren freundlich und super informiert über "ihr" Haus oder "ihren" Laden. Authentische Kostüme, eine tolle Atmosphäre, es hat uns sehr gefallen!
Jul 27, 2024alexandrecB3782JY
Parque dos mais lindos que já fui - One of the most beautiful parks I've ever been to
Um ambiente enorme, com várias construções antigas,das mais diversas regiões suecas, animais do país (ursos, alces, renas), e muitas outras atrações. Conta com uma simpática área de alimentação, com muitas comidas típicas. Há, inclusive, a opção de subir em um interessante funicular. Lugar que vale demais conhecer, e por ali permanecer por horas e horas. A huge environment, with several old buildings, from the most diverse regions of Sweden, animals from the country (bears, moose, reindeer), and many other attractions. It has a nice food area, with many typical foods. There is even the option of going up on an interesting funicular. A place that is worth visiting, and staying there for hours and hours.
Jul 26, 2024eleanorh452
A lovely day out
Absolutely loads to see. We really enjoyed exploring all day and learning about Swedish history and animals. An excellent place to spend the day.
Jul 25, 2024belindahui23
Great visit- spend 3 hours
Great visit to this large open-air museum — one of the highlights of our trip to Stockholm. The park is filled with many preserved Swedish buildings that you can pop into and there are takes you back in time to see how people used to work and live. There were also many cute Nordic animals inside. A great place to visit to learn about Sweden. It’s huge so expect to spend at least 3 hours inside.
Jul 24, 2024mymeryir
Spend a day here!
Amazing experience, large beautiful place and it has everything you need when you come with a toddler. Restaurant, zoo, playground and other interactive & interesting attractions.
Jul 23, 2024cini80
Schönes Freilichtmuseum. Ein Muss für Familien mit Kindern.
Der Ausflug in dieses Freilichtmuseum ist ein Muss für Familien mit Kindern. Man sieht sehr viel über die Geschichte der Schweden und kann diese auch miterleben. Es hat auch einen kleinen Zoo. Für diesen muss man aber extra bezahlen, beinahe so viel wie der Eintritt ins Museum. In diesem Zoo gibt es dann einen Rundgang und man sieht Skelette und muss diese dem entsprechenden Tier zuordnen. Ist auch für Erwachsene noch spannend. Uns hat vor allem die alten Gebäude und das live sehen einer Glasbläserei, einer Schnitzerei, einer mechanischen Fabrik Eindruck gemacht.
Jul 16, 2024Felice35
Un havre de paix
Un havre de paix dans Stockholm, quel plaisir de partir à sa découverte, mixer un éco musée et un mini zoo est une excellente idée. Acceuil souriant dans les différentes maisons et une envie réelle de nous faire découvrir le mode de vie des Suédois il y a 50 ans et plus. Un incontournable pour une ballade familiale.
Jul 13, 2024KathyG6262
A must see when in Stockholm
Go back in time and learn and see the Swedish culture. Museums, glassblowing, dancing, theatre, animals, gardens, aquarium, etc. Very clean and everyone is so friendly. Five STARS.
Jul 2, 2024Sightsee42857668565
Nordic nostalgia
In 1972 I was fascinated by Scandinavian history. I finally got to live my little girl memories in the delight that is Skansen. Every corner held a new treasure and I cannot wait to go back and explore some more. I love the feeling of being out in the wild, peaceful countryside but in the heart of Stockholm. Very well put together and well kept. Delightful.
Jun 30, 2024Ciaoyoga
Great outdoor museum
Fabulous outdoor museum and kids zoo. We were presented with a paper map and off we went to explore. So much to see. My husband and I enjoyed chatting in the furniture workshop, engineering workshop and the hardware shop. We saw the moose, bison and wild boar. The elevator and funicular railway saved us some uphill walking. Lots of places to eat. Family friendly. The old buildings are beautiful. Well done on a great museum.
Jun 29, 2024olafj478
"Wonderful open-air museum and zoo!
Skansen is both an open-air museum and a zoo, showcasing Swedish history with reconstructed farmsteads and historical buildings. There's also a delightful zoo featuring native Scandinavian animals. The live demonstrations and seasonal activities make it engaging for visitors of all ages. Be prepared for a lot of walking, but it's worth every step.
Jun 29, 2024Roving783447
Da non perdere
Posto incantevole per tutta la famiglia! Consiglio di dedicare un'intera giornata a questo bellissimo parco, gli animali che vedrete sono tutti tenuti benissimo, gli orsi hanno uno spazio davvero immenso! Poi c'è l'area dedicata alle case svedesi, sono tutte originali, smontate e trasferite in quest'area con veri artigiani che fanno lavori di legno, vetro ed altro. Veramente consigliatissima
Jun 27, 2024ShoshanaS35
Midsommar at Skansen
My boyfriend and I went to Slansenon Midsommar and despite it being I’m sure more crowded than usual, it was a fantastic place to explore and spend several hours! The actual raising of the maypole was very crowded but once you moved away from that there was plenty of space to spread out and see all there was to see. Very fun to be outdoors on a beautiful day! We did not take the funicular up or down, or is a short walk up, some steps and manageable incline for a short distance. Also no need to wait for the escalator if there’s a line, it is a very short walk up after entering. Note: we did not eat here and there were several long-ish lines at the food vendors. Many people do bring their own food and picnic there though!
Jun 26, 2024Oldie1958
A great cultural centre.
A very interesting day out at this wonderful heritage and cultural centre - it is difficult to call it a museum. It's worth taking the funicular to the top to start your visit as this makes it easier to see more of the attractions. There is a lot of walking involved and we didn't have the time to see it all, so we may well go back when we next visit Stockholm. There are lots of places within Skansen to get something to eat or drink and there is ample seating all round the "park".
Jun 25, 2024Global65071331156
Uno dei parchi più belli che abbia mai visto
Parco stupendo. Ci vuole la mappa perché è davvero immenso. Si trovano tantissimi animali tra cui alci e orsi. Una giornata da dedicare a Skansen è più che meritata!
Jun 23, 2024StefanieH443
Very nice
We visited Skansen in part to avoid the cruise ship crowds at the other museums, so I didn't have high expectations, but we could honestly have stayed all day if time had permitted! Bus 67 brings you from the city center to the front of Skansen. It was much larger than I anticipated, and we visited the Baltic Sea Science Center plus the nordic animals section, as well as the historical sites. There are a lot of farmstead types of sites which are spread out, as well as the town quarter, gardens with city viewpoints and Sami area, so bring comfortable shoes. There are food vendors out front, and the gift shop is very nice.
Jun 19, 2024JP3000
Sehr empfehlenswert!
Das Skansen Greiluchtmuseum ist ähnlich dem Ballenberg der Schweiz. Mit vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten, Mensvhen in Originalkostümen und einem Tierpark. Es ist eine sehr schöne und gepflegte Anlage.
Jun 19, 2024F1616ANpeterr
If Tom Cruise did customer service…
Just leaving Skansen and wanted to thank the new General Manager: he demonstrated a commitment to customer service that reminded me of Tom Cruise in Top Gun. If everyone gets a fraction of the great service I received- the place will thrive under his leadership!
Jun 18, 2024wee555
Scansen ist jedenfalls einen Besuch wert, sehr informativ und bestens gestaltet, garantiert einen abwechslungsreichen Spaziergang durch "Schweden" auch für Kinder zahlreiche Attraktionen
Jun 15, 2024ravindrav48
Great place for the families
Initially I had very low expectations from this place but this one surprised me as it is not just a zoo but a lot more. As the name suggests it's an open air museum illustrating the old style of living of Swedish people. How the people used to live, how their houses were. The zoo is also interactive for kids. It also has great views and nice walking trails. Overall something for everyone.
Jun 11, 202455djo55
The Nordic Animals bit is amazing
We really enjoyed it here. We hadn't researched it much so had no expectations but were pleasantly surprised. You start by walking through a live historical museum of olde world shops like a glass maker, bakers, iron mungers etc which was pretty interesting and then you move on to the various green spaces, rune stones, and the bit we didn't realise was part of Skansen but loved the most, the Nordic Animals section. We saw 3 very lazy bears, some Lynx, seals and the best bit, some Moose! I'd definitely recommend to anyone young, old, with kids or without.
Jun 9, 2024Barbara1407
If you only visit one place in Stockholm, made it Skansen.
I had high expectations for Skansen but it was still much better than I'd expected. If possible, chose to go when the weather is forecast to be good as apart from the Aquarium it's almost all outdoors. The buildings are fascinating, various types including very old buildings and a village with crafts to watch. The Nordic animals are wonderful - we went around twice. We didn't have time to see the Aquarium, pay extra for it. We arrived by 11am and only left at 6pm because they were closing for the day. Don't take my word, just visit. I've been to several re-enactment villages and this is vastly the best.
Jun 8, 2024
Också trevligt för dig
- Ny4.6 6 bokningar 90 minuter Fotografiska Stockholm €18.50
- Ny4.7 45 bokningar 2 timmar Nobel Prize Museum €12.00
- Ny4.7 2 bokningar 3 timmar Historiska museet €13.50
- Ny4.7 3 bokningar 2 timmar Hallwylska museet €10.75
- Ny4.7 4 bokningar 2 timmar Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde €15.00
- Ny4.6 5 bokningar 90 minuter Vikingamuseet €17.90
- Ny4.6 3 bokningar 2 timmar Nationella Sjöhistoriska Museet €10.50
- Ny4.7 0 bokningar 4 timmar Tekniska Museet €14.00
- Ny4.6 2 bokningar 2,5 timmar Millesgården Museum €14.60
Andra populära saker att göra i stockholm