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- Vasa Museum + Vrak - Museum for Vrag
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- Oplev livet om bord på et skib fra det 17. århundrede
- Bliv marinarkæolog for en dag med en VR-oplevelse
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På Vasamuseet skal børn på 12 år og derunder altid være ledsaget af en voksen under hele besøget
Vasa Museum:
September - maj:
Torsdag - tirsdag: 10.00 - 17.00
Onsdag: 10.00 - 20.00
Juni - august:
Mandag - søndag: 8.30 - 18.00
Vrak - Museum for Vrag:
Torsdag - tirsdag: 10.00 - 20.00
Onsdag: 10.00 - 18.00
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Vrak – Museum for Vrag audio guide er tilgængelig på engelsk, svensk, finsk, tysk, polsk og fransk.
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Vasa Museum
Offentlig Transport
De nærmeste stoppesteder er Nordiska museet/Vasamuseet (sporvogn 7) og Djurgårdsbron (bus 69 & 76). De to museer ligger fem minutters gang fra hinanden.
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Vasa: det eneste fuldt intakte skib fra det 17. århundrede
Vasamuseet er det eneste sted i verden, hvor man kan se et næsten helt intakt skib fra det 17. århundrede, som nogensinde er blevet bjærget. Det 64-kanoners krigsskib Vasa sank på sin jomfrurejse i 1628 efter kun at have sejlet omkring 1.300 meter. I slutningen af 1950'erne blev det genopdaget, og 333 år efter det sank, blev Vasa i 1961 bjærget fra havnebunden.
I næsten tredive år var skibet udstillet på et midlertidigt museum. Det var først i 1990, at Vasa fik sit eget permanente museum, specielt designet med stiliserede master på taget, som repræsenterer det oprindelige skibs faktiske højde. Indenfor kan man se skibet fra seks forskellige niveauer, fra kølen til toppen af efterslottet.
Med skibet i centrum af museet er der andre udstillinger, der er sat op omkring skibet i hele museet. Nogle af udstillingerne fokuserer på selve skibet med modeller, der skildrer Vasas konstruktion, forlis, placering og bjærgning. Andre udstillinger viser dig livet om bord på Vasa, som der ville have været 145 sømænd og 300 soldater om bord på.
Gå på opdagelse på bunden af Østersøen på Vrak - Museum for Vrag
Østersøen har flere velbevarede trævrag end noget andet sted i verden. Vrak - Museum for Vrag tager dig med på en rejse for at opdage deres historier. Ved hjælp af digital teknologi kan du blive på overfladen, mens du opdager vragene på havets bund.
Med Virtual Reality (VR) dyk, hologrammer og spil får du en dybere forståelse af de marinarkæologiske undersøgelser, der stadig foregår på havets bund. Du vil se de spor, som opdagelsesrejsende har efterladt sig i Sveriges have, søer og vandløb. Du vil aldrig se på vandet i Østersøen igen uden at huske, hvad der ligger under overfladen.
Billetter til to museer til nedsat pris
Med denne ene billet kan du besøge begge museer, men du behøver ikke at besøge dem på samme dag. Dit besøg på det andet museum skal bare falde inden for 72 timer efter dit besøg på det første museum. Køb din kombinationsbillet i dag for at se et berømt skibsvrag på nært hold og lære mere om de andre skibe, der stadig ligger på bunden af Østersøen.
Både Vasamuseet og Vrak - Museum for Vrag har gratis audioguides, som kan downloades på deres hjemmesider. På Vrak kan du også tage en gratis guidet tur, der er en gratis 20-minutters tur hver dag kl. 12.00 og 15.00 på engelsk og kl. 11.00 og 14.00 på svensk.
397 Reviews
Gennemsnitlig vurdering fra
Fantastisk oplevelse Historie føres konkret.
Jeg besøgte museet kort tid efter det åbnede i 1990. Jeg var begejstret. Her i 2024 fik jeg så muligheden igen. Og denne gang skulle det også går ud over min hustru. Det er bare et fedt sted. Min hustru sagde at museet gør historie konkret igennem Vasa skibet. Og hun har jo ret. Det var dengang og nu i dag et fantastisk sted.
Oct 16, 2024kurtc634
Tankevækkende! Originalt skib bevaret fra 1628. Besætning på 445 mand, 64 kanoner og træudskæringer, der skulle få fjenden til at frygte en mægtig konges magt. Datidens organisationsdiagram med kongen agter, og reference til Romerrigets kejser Augustus. Ren propaganda. MEN, MEN, MEN.. Vasa sank på sin første tur: 1,4 km fra Stockholm den 10. August 1628. Hovmod? Du skal se skibet med dine egne øjne!
Sep 9, 2024S2304DSkurtc
Større end forventet
Fantastisk, uventet stort en oplevelse for livet bus til døren husk at give dig tid til at gå i deres filmfremvisnings sal og få en fantastisk god forklaring på det store arbejde er lagt bag dette flotte museum
Aug 15, 2024tommikkelsen
Et must-see i Stockholm
Et "must see" i Stockholm. Et godt museum, som er bygget meget fint op. Der er flere etager med mange forskellige visninger, og man kan bruge meget tid på se på skibet fra mange forskellige vinkler og etager.
Jun 8, 2024syntese117
Meget stor og tankevækkende oplevelse af historisk skib
Imponerende velbevaret gammelt kæmpestort krigsskib ca. 300 år gammelt . Udstillingen af skibet er utroligt detaljeret omgivet af flere etager (elevator),så man virkelig kan gå rundt om og se skibet fra mange vinkler . Skibet er fyldt med udskårne træfigurer ,som forestiller historiske skikkelser og gl.guder . Farvelagte kopier af figurerne vises på en af etagerne .. Hele skibet har haft strålende farver , kan ses i lille kopi,men fremstår nu med mørkt egetræ. Der vises film på mange sprog om skibets mærkelige skæbne , en interaktiv skærm muliggør man kan dykke ned i detaljer om skibets indretning.Selv nogle af de fundne søfolks skæbne er beskrevet .Gode adgangsforhold med café og shop ved udgangen.Påregn at bruge lang tid på,besøget , det er det værd
Nov 16, 2023G4936RTmaria
Virkeligt imponerende museum
Fantastisk, at der var så mange forskellige måder at formidle på. Først og fremmest det virkelig flotte originale skib. Filmen om Vasas historie, den mindre skibsmodel i farver, alle figurerne med beskrivelser, kopien af dækket, hvor man selv kan få en fornemmelse af de virkelige forhold. Selve museeums bygningen var utrolig flot.
Aug 6, 2023PernilleP208
Lækker historieformidling
Historien om skibet Vasa er utrolig flot formidlet, og man får også indsigt i 1600-tallets liv, og i arbejdet som konservator. Allerbedst syntes jeg om den lille deludstilling om kvindernes rolle dengang og hvordan historien indtil nu i høj grad har overset kvinderne. Ten med minimum to timer til denne udstilling.
Aug 3, 2023Anbrni
Turen værd
Forbilledlig, varieret formidling som gør at man kan gå så meget i detaljer som man vil og fokusere på alverdens aspekter af Vasas konstruktion, dekoration, indretning, forlis, bjergning, bevaring mm. - eller bare suge det imponerende syn ind.
Aug 3, 2023Taagaard
Fantastisk museum
Fantatisk museum. Start med at se filmen om hævningen af skibet, så giver tingene endnu bedre mening. Og filmen er tekstet på engelsk, så skidt med, at du/I vælger denne spanske sprogede version. Fed udstilling, korte præcise tekster til genstandene. Se det!
Aug 2, 2023boletten2017
Must See i Stockholm
Jeg havde høje forventninger, men de blev til fulde indfriet på dette museum. Det er er fantastisk syn, der møder en allerede lige efter indgangen. Herefter er det bare at nyde at gå rundt og blive klogere på historien om forliset, 1600-tallet og hævningen af skibet. Fantastisk bygning, god gratis audioguide, gratis guidede ture, gode små film osv. Masser af plads selvom det var højsæson - ingen nævneværdig kø nogensteder. En af mine bedste museumsoplevelser. Teenagere og ægtefælle enige.
Jul 23, 2023D4887UKmichaelt
Immersive Museum Experience
For anyone who wants to get up close to the old sailing ships, this is a must see. Visitors can see the ship on several levels from the keel up to the main deck. The details of the ship are incredibly well preserved and the museum does an excellent job of telling the ship's story through exhibits around the sides of the ship. It's well worth spending some time here.
Dec 10, 2024zilvinasbal
Worth to visit
Before the visit, I expected to see only a simple ship in this museum. However, inside the museum I discovered a lot of different expositions, attractively presented information, movies and interactive entertainments. It took us 3 hours to explore the entire museum. Thank you for the pleasant entertainment.
Dec 8, 2024SuzanneRyanDublin
Vasa Museum Review, Stockholm
I visited the Vasa Museum in Stockholm on Thursday, October 24th, 2024. The museum, dedicated to the magnificent yet ill-fated warship Vasa, offers a fascinating glimpse into 17th-century naval history. The sheer size and intricate craftsmanship of the Vasa is amazing. I was very interested in seeing the Vasa as it draws some striking parallels to that of the Titanic. Both ships were marvels of their time, celebrated for their cutting-edge design and grandeur. However, both also fell victim to similar project management pitfalls, including issues with design, scope, timelines and leadership. The Vasa was top-heavy and lacked sufficient ballast, leading to its sinking just minutes after setting sail. Similarly, the Titanic's designers and builders, in their ambition to create the largest and most luxurious ship, overlooked critical safety features, contributing to the tragic demise of both ships. The museum presents the Vasa's story in an engaging and accessible way, with very well-curated exhibits. I especially appreciated the attention to detail and the efforts to make history come alive for visitors of all ages. The staff were friendly and knowledgeable and it is quite evident that much work is required to maintain the ship and keep all the artefacts in such excellent condition. Overall, I highly recommend the Vasa Museum to anyone visiting Stockholm. It's a must-see for naval history enthusiasts and casual visitors alike. If the weather permits, a scenic walk back to Gamla Stan can round off the day beautifully.
Dec 5, 2024robbJ5598NI
Simply awesome
When you walk in and see the Vasa loom above you, it takes your breath away. This is a truly incredible experience. Not only is the old warship in great condition, the various viewing platforms provide an excellent view of the ship. The information is concise and excellently written. There are also some interactive aspects and the film is definitely worth watching. This is a truly amazing piece of history.
Dec 5, 2024AUKTourist
What a fantastic ship! Words cannot do justice to how magnificent it is.
Rarely am I stuck for words but seeing The Vassa for the first time takes your breath away. With 98% original The Vassa transports you back to the 1660’s. It is worth travelling to Stockholm just to see it!
Dec 3, 2024jktrock
Tips for your visit
The museum is a short walk from ABBA the museum, you can do both in our day. The museum offers guided tours in English at certain times, that you can join. The tour lasts about 30 min. I would recommend to join the tour if you are short on time while visiting. The guide talks about the ship citing the exhibit info boards, if you don’t have time to read them all, do the tour. If you have time, walk on your own and read all the boards. The one thing that disturbed me particularly is the co-ed bathroom, used by both men and women. If you don’t feel comfortable, there are restrooms before the entrance that are gender separate. I visited the museum solo due to the review that it’s a must while in Stockholm. As impressive as the boat is, I didn’t quite care for it. It might be interesting if you are visiting with kids/family who take interest in history of fortified boats/castle etc.
Dec 2, 2024440c_liaj
The Vasa Museum is absolutely fascinating!
The Vasa Museum is absolutely fascinating! Seeing the beautifully preserved 17th-century ship up close was a truly unique experience. The exhibits are incredibly well-presented, offering detailed insights into the ship's history, its tragic sinking, and the incredible restoration process. A must-visit for history and maritime enthusiasts!
Dec 2, 2024EileenMtShasta
Completely Amazing!
Totally amazing! A must-see. I took the free 25-min tour in English, and also saw the informational movie which was great. The audio guide was a struggle, the numbers were out of order and not well signed on the ship. But informational boards are really good. the ship is SO HUGE! Decorations are mind-boggling. Bathrooms are all combo, men's and women's are not separate!
Nov 30, 2024415veronikav
Einfach nur wunderschön
Es ist ein extrem schönen aufgebautes Museum. Mann kann das Schiff auf mehreren Ebenen betrachten. Für Kinder gibt es eine auf der 2ten Ebene paar interaktive Ausstellungen die sehr schön aufgebaut sind. Bei der kostenlose Führungen erhält man die wichtigsten Daten und Eckinfos zum Bau und Untergang des Schiffes. Die Anzeigetafel mit Informationen wiederholen sich zwar auf der ersten bis zur obersten Ebene immer wieder. Aber in der untersten Ebene gibt es mehr Informationen zur der Bergung und Konservierung de Schiffes ( dazu gibt es auch eine Art Kinosaal in dort wird es auch noch einmal kurz zusammen gefasst). Alles im allem aufjedenfall sehenswürdig und beeindruckend!!!
Nov 29, 2024I8953AGmartino
A fascinating glimpse at life 400 years ago
The Vasa was a warship from the early 17th century that sank on its first voyage. Incredibly it was raised from the seabed 60 years ago. It is preserved in this museum. I liked the whole experience once once it sinks in that you cannot go on the ship itself. The various levels are well set out and give you a snapshot of live centuries ago. I spent around 2 hours there. They are in the process of modernising the way the ship is displayed in time for the 400th anniversary in 2028. I hope to make a return trip!
Nov 27, 2024Solutions123
Vasa ship
One of several battle ships the King commissioned the ship master to build. It never made it. It sank quickly on the first day they took her out. She sat at the bottom of the ocean until she was excavated. It took five years of divers digging tunnels under her so that they could get chains under her. It took around seven large ships to pull her up and out of the water. The restoration is magnificent. She is a beauty. She is the main attraction of this museum. She is worth seeing. While visiting Scandinavia, the museums with Viking ships were closed for renovations and will reopen in 2025. So when I saw this museum was open, I was excited to see it. It did not disappoint. The experience really starts from the ferry ride to the island. Go to Gamla Stan area for the ferry. Use the QR code for your ticket. Get off the first stop. Walk around the island and other museums. Once you get here, it will feel like a reprieve. It was considered winter season so there wasn’t a lot of tourist and it felt like we had the whole place to ourselves.
Nov 24, 2024cintysobero
Pues es un barco antiguo sacado pieza a pieza del mar. Excelente preservación. Si es algo increíble de ver. Te explican su historia. Lo trágico es que salió de Puerto y a los metros se hundió .
Nov 23, 2024kerrys326
Very interesting and informative museum; the boat is huge! If visiting allow at least two hours for the visit as there is a lot to see
Nov 20, 2024528karelr
Vasa Museum
Very good and unique exhibition of ship Vasa sunk on its maiden voyage. Museum is conveniently located in the City centre.
Nov 14, 2024MoveLikeJellyfish
Really interesting museum
Really interesting museum, accompanying film gave all the information you needed and overall we really enjoyed our visit.
Nov 10, 2024turbonerpa
En av de bästa museerna jag varit på
En av de bästa museerna jag varit på, mycket värd ett besök. Skeppet är otroligt fin och det finns gott om intressant förutom skeppet.
Nov 9, 2024Rasmus_Recenserar
Mäktig upplevelse!
Jag köpte en kombibiljett, det vill säga inträde till både Vasamuseet och Museet Vrak för 310kr. Vasamuseet var RIKTIGT häftigt!! Jag gick i cirka 2,5 timmar och då kollade jag och löste nästan alla skyltar på museet. Museet Vrak var inte alls lika häftigt, jag var där i drygt 1 timme. Mest intressant där var att läsa om ubåtar från andra världskriget som sjunkit och Estonia. Om man inte är super intresserad tycker jag en biljett till Vasamuseet räcker. Det fanns en restaurang unna på Vasamuseet och ett café på Museet Vrak men jag åt inte något där.
Nov 6, 2024Capta
Museo muy interesante
Estocolmo no tiene demasiadas excursiones interesantes, y este museo sí es una opción que visitar, el museo es exclusivamente ver el barco, hay diferentes alturas para poder ver el barco desde diferentes alturas, y ángulos.
Nov 3, 2024DmitryCH67
Living History
Stockholm is a city of museums. But Vasamuseet is more than a museum. It is a touch of history in the literal sense. That is why for me this museum is number 1 in Stockholm. There is no point in telling in a review what this museum is. You need to go and see, be inspired by the power of human thought. You can get there by bus or tram route 7 from the T-Centralen stop to the Nordiskmuseet/Vasamuseet stop.
Nov 2, 2024O491CUjasons
Super Impressive to see
By far the number 1 thing to do in Stockholm, the scale of the ship built in the 17th century is amazing, not to mention the engineering feat to raise it from the ocean floor and assemble in the state-of-the-art venue. Musuem itself is easy to get to, and should be a must for all travelers, you can view the ship over several levels, with each level giving more and more detail in the size and design of the vessel. Also around the vessel are interactive areas for the kids to be entertained and learn about early Viking life along with other items of that would have been aboard a Viking ship. I real highlight to my trip just not to Stockholm but Scandinavia
afternoon visit
this is a great place to visit well in stockholm 303 years steep in history well worth a visit VFM for few hours lots to see on all floors
Oct 31, 2024phi_bern
Absolument grandiose
C'est absolument incroyable de pouvoir observer ce navire et la finesse de son architecture … Il faut bien compter 1h30 // 2h00 de visite, mais c'est absolument grandiose.
Oct 27, 2024JannieFarrar
A must-see when visiting Stockholm
Wouldn't have expected this to be my kind of thing but this museum really is for everyone and is a must-see when visiting Stockholm. The structure is so impressive, it's breathtaking. The museum is very well laid out with numbered audio guide points in lots of languages. The frequent short videos in a small cinema about the history of the ship and its renovation were fascinating. Highly recommended.
Oct 26, 2024abrp722
One of the most unique and magnificent museums
Leaving this museum, I regretted only one thing—that I wasn’t 12 years old. I can only imagine the excitement of seeing a real warship miraculously returned from the 17th century! Not only seeing it but being able to examine so many of its details up close, many of which are reproduced in full scale across of a massive building. I could even learn about the people who sailed on it. In terms of museum quality, the Vasa is probably the best I’ve seen and one of the most unique in content.
Oct 26, 2024bryanh297
This is a truly fabulous museum with this huge, incredible ship and the amazing story of its recovery
This was definitely one of the highlights of our Stockholm visit and so unexpected for us as a couple who do not normally visit museums. The ship is huge and in such great condition. We bought tickets at approximately £14 each and wandered around the museum with so many informative and easy to follow displays. Seeing some of the reconstructions helped to really bring the whole thing to life. The time just flew by as we gradually made our way up to the top viewing area. We would highly recommend this as a must do visit and a simple tram ride from the city centre quickly took us there.
Oct 25, 2024kaorit277
Can't miss it!
Wow!!!We were in awe from the moment we walked in. This is an amazing museum. The ship is massive, well designed and very impressive. A highlight of our trip to Stockholm.
Oct 23, 2024swiftymum
Incredible history
I hadn’t really heard about the vasa museum before I came to Sweden but apparently it’s one of the biggest tourist attractions. The scale of the ship is incredible and the museum is designed really well so you can view it from all different levels. I would recommend watching the video first to learn all about the history of the ship and the story of how it was raised and preserved.
Oct 20, 2024giuliacS5273KC
posto entusiasmante e bellissimo. la guida è molto interessante e intuitiva. la barca è qualcosa di spettacolare. essa si puo vedere da tantissimi punti di vista e ci sono tanti reperti della barca interessanti. ha pure tanti punti gioco per i bambini che sono molto carini. ci sono anche 2 o 3 ricreazioni dell’interno della barca. è accessibile a tutti grazie all’ascensore che collega tutti i piani. ovviamente ha uno shop molto attrezzato e carino. cosa molto carina e bella per tutti ma soprattutto per i bambini, il museo presenta un’area con all’interno ricreazioni della barca in lego!! I LOVE IT! se vai a Stoccolma devi assolutamente visitarlo. MIGLIOR MUSEO DI STOCCOLMA!!
Oct 19, 2024Vismo
Museo costruito attorno al relitto recuperato di un maestoso vascello seicentesco. Prezzo non economico ma la visita vale decisamente la pena.
Oct 19, 2024985stanv
Avivid and most excellent historical journey!
Excellent museum with a great interactive audio system for kids to follow a storyline, bringing the history of the birth and demise and everything in between to reality! A MUST!
Oct 18, 2024tab_wl
Popular Museum
I find it pretty remarkable that they were able to rescue this ship from the sea floor and restore it to the condition seen here. This museum was very crowded, and it's clear why it's so popular.
Oct 16, 2024Ruedi65
Das Museum ist ein Highlight und ein Besuchernagnet. Entsprechend voll ist es überall im Haus. Das schwächt die, durch schiere Größe, überwältigende Faszination des Schiffes jedoch keinesfalls. Begleitende Ausstellungsstücke, Nachbildung der Decks und Licht-Installationen runden die Ausstellung ab. Mein Geheimtipp wäre ein Besuch der "Brickworld", bei der junge und alte Kinder aus Lego nachgebildete Schiffe und Katastrophen teils interaktiv erleben dürfen. Nicht verpassen.
Oct 14, 2024OrlandoGator
Don’t Miss
Don’t miss this incredible museum. The story of the Vasa ship is impressive. Seeing the ship in person is something I will never forget. It was very crowded in the late afternoon. Make sure you use the stairs or elevator to view the ship from all levels.
Oct 13, 2024RecherchenUndArchiv
DAS Museum in Stockholm
Ein Must-do in Stockholm über die absolut faszinierende Geschichte von der Vasa und ihrer Jungerfernfahrt. Auch für Familien mit kleineneren Kindern geeignet. Das Kino zeigt den ca. 20 minütigen Film über das Schicksal der Vasa auch auf deutsch. Toll!
Oct 12, 2024SW1954
Fantastic guided tour!
We were guided by Cedric Anthony and were fascinated by this museum! The history, the artifacts, and most of all, the reconstructed ship itself. Exhibits were well chosen, and Cedric added a LOT of details. Well worth the time and money.
Oct 9, 2024CharmaineAtur
Fantastic visit
I really enjoyed my visit here, I think the history, restoration and preservation of the boat is fascinating. There was a lot of see, many places to see the boat up close. It covered history on when the boat was from, when they found it, how they salvaged it and also about people who were on the boat and unfortunately found with the boat. I would recommend this to anyone interested in history to visit.
Oct 9, 2024634berndw
Beeindruckende Ausstellung
Super Ausstellung. Man sollte sich Zeit nehmen die Details anzuschauen. Es war sehr beeindruckend das Schiff zu sehen.
Oct 7, 2024arunanv2020
Must see at Stockholm
Good. A must visit place when you’re at Stockholm. It explains the history of Sweden and really enjoyable. Around 2hours is more than sufficient.
Oct 7, 2024Degustibusromano
suggestivo museo
Certamente è il museo che più mi ha colpito. In una enorme costruzione hangar ospita l'unico vascello realiaazto nel 1628 rimasto quasi intatto nel fondo del mar Baltico per 333 anni proprio di fronte al porto di Stoccolma.Nel 1961 è stato messo asecco con un lavoro straordinario durato anni ed ora si mostra spettacolare agli occhi dei turisti. Molto suggestivo girare attorno a diverse altezze al vascello la cui parte posteriore è ornata con statue lignee e stemmi dell'epoca. Belle anche le vele ricostruite . Completano le numerose bacheche dove ci sono i reperti ed i filmati. Costo 19 euro che li vale tutti. Consigliabile
Oct 5, 2024pezzo_da_90
Beh si, imperdibile.. 18€ circa l’ingresso li vale tutti, attenzione chiude alle 17 e bisogna dedicargli almeno 15 minuti , le riproduzioni delle aeree interne sono fantastiche, vedi foto allegate
Oct 4, 2024
Også rart for dig
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- Ny4.6 10 reservationer 90 minutter Fotografiska Stockholm €18.50
- Ny4.7 64 reservationer 2 timer Nobel Prize Museum €12.00
- Ny4.6 3 reservationer 60 minutter Det Kongelige Livrustkammer €13.50
- Ny4.7 2 reservationer 3 timer Sveriges Historiske Museum €13.50
- Ny4.7 3 reservationer 2 timer Hallwyl-museet €10.75
- Ny4.7 4 reservationer 2 timer Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde €15.00
- Ny4.6 40 reservationer 90 minutter Vikingemuseet €17.90
- Ny4.6 3 reservationer 2 timer Sveriges Nationale Søfartsmuseum €10.50
- Ny4.7 4 reservationer 4 timer Tekniska Museet €14.00
Andre populære ting at lave i stockholm