Autobús cómodo con aire acondicionado
1 hora de paseo guiado por la ciudad
Aproximadamente 4,5 horas de tiempo libre para pasear y hacer compras
Entrada niños 4-13 años
El guía habla español e inglés
Registro 30 minutos antes de la salida en la tienda de Tours & Tickets (haz click aquí para el mapa)
Entrada directamente disponible en el móvil
Las entradas se pueden reprogramar o cancelar 24 horas antes
Puedes cambiar la fecha de tus entradas tú mismo a través de nuestra página de autoreserva hasta con 24 horas de antelación
No es necesario un visado para esta excursión, pero sí un documento de identidad válido.
La excursión incluye aproximadamente 3 horas de conducción en cada sentido
Si tienes preguntas sobre el producto, ponte en contacto con [email protected]
¡Descubre la encantadora ciudad de Brujas con una divertida excursión! Esta ciudad de cuento de hadas es uno de los enclaves más emblemáticos del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. La excursión te llevará a dar un paseo guiado por el encantador centro histórico, con sus hermosos canales, sus antiguas calles empedradas y su impactante arquitectura medieval. Durante el recorrido por Brujas, también tendrás tiempo de disfrutar por tu cuenta y poder irte de compras o probar sus famosas cervezas y chocolates.
Brujas es una de esas ciudades que hay que visitar. La excursión comienza por la mañana en Ruijterkade 34A en la Estación Central. Viajarás a Brujas en autobús, dónde un guía turístico estará esperándote para enseñarte el pintoresco centro histórico. Disfruta de un divertido paseo a través de esta maravillosa ciudad medieval que un día llegó a ser la capital comercial del mundo.
Algunos de los puntos de interés más destacados de este recorrido por Bélgica son el Béguinage, la Basílica de la Santa Sangre, la Catedral de Sint-Salvator, el Campanario de Brujas, del siglo XII, y la Plaza del Mercado. La plaza también alberga un encantador mercado navideño de fama mundial durante las vacaciones de invierno. El tour de Brujas es una excursión de un día completo, durante la cual también tendrás la oportunidad de explorar la ciudad por tu cuenta. Disfruta de una cerveza tradicional belga en un bar, siéntate a comer en uno de los acogedores restaurantes o compra sus famosos chocolates. Este apasionante recorrido por Bélgica tiene una duración aproximada de doce horas, incluyendo el tiempo de viaje.
¿Estás preparado o preparada para una experiencia inolvidable? ¡Compra tus entradas para la excursión a Brujas ahora! Evita las colas y haz la reserva directamente por nuestra página web. Escoge el día que mejor te convenga y prepárate para conocer una de las ciudades más mágicas del mundo. La excursión a Brujas es uno de los mejores planes para hacer en Bélgica, así que ¡asegúrate de no perdértelo!.
15 Reviews
Maria Del Mar G
Genial, nos encanto!!! Volveremos es precioso y muy puntuales en las salidas del transporte. Y los sitios recomendados para comer geniales.
Erick M
Muy buena experiencia, el guía fue muy bueno, puntual, y relata datos históricos del lugar muy interesantes, en general sí recomendaría esta excursión, Brujas es hermoso!
Sergio Gustavo G
Estar en Brujas en trasladarse en el tiempo. Una ciudad hermosísima por donde se la vea. Calles angostas y edificios antiguos que nos transportan a otra época. La ciudad se puede caminar tranquilamente a toda hora. Los chocolates son una exquisitez, como las cervezas.
Sherry D
The trip was amazing. The bus was comfortable and took approximately 3 hours to get there. We had a 1 hour tour of the city and then 3 1/2 hours for sightseeing but it just wasn't enough. There is so much to see and do. The waffles and fries are incredible and bought lots of chocolate...so good.
Kathie D
Long bus ride from Amsterdam to Bruges, but we were a little jet lagged and just enjoyed the view. The guide was friendly and knowledgeable. When we got to Bruges we elected to walk around the town on our own. We had a light lunch and met a local character, then did a canal cruise and checked out the Michaelangelo. We were lucky to have great weather, and we enjoyed this day trip.
This place was very nice and clean. Old European views and reminds me of Mackinaw Island on steroids. Horse-drawn carriages. Bicycles and many people.
Zach R
We were staying in Amsterdam for a few days, but wanted to get exposure to more while there, and heard a lot of good things about Bruges. It was a really neat place to see, and the drive through the Netherlands and Belgium afforded some good sightseeing as well. After the walking tour, there wasn't a ton of time available (~3 hours), so a little more would have been nice to have to explore more, but overall it was really fun. I would recommend for a nice day to see something additional!
Michael S
The best part of the tour was Pedro! He was fun and provided great insight during our trip. The city was absolutely stunning. I highly recommend this trip!
Sarah V
Such a beautiful town we had such an amazing time and trip. Yes the bus ride is 3 hours, but you know that when you sign up. Our tour guide/host Pedro was funny and did a great job making sure we knew where we were going. I wish we had more time, but the town is very stunning. The town was quite busy and we couldn’t do a canal tour, I would try to go when it’s not as busy.
nicky .
Pedro was super funny, charming, and informative. The trip was very enriching and even though we had limited time in the city (~3-4 hours), it was enough to be satisfying. If I want more time, I'll come back on my own! Definitely a small, medieval town that can be seen in one day if you powerwalk. We were told that after 8pm most things close and there's not a lot of activity outside, so I didn't mind just going during the daytime and not staying overnight. For all those complaining about being left behind, our guide specified a meeting time to leave, built in an extra 10-15 min grace period, and even waited an extra 5 mins on top of that! Very reasonable, considering the ride back is 3 hours and it's rude to make a busload of 80 other people wait.
Goran J
Bruges is a very cool old city. Lots of beautiful architecture and history everywhere you turn. This tour, although it felt a little short, was still very enjoyable. Our guide Pedro was a very fun and high energy guy. He knows his stuff and gave us some very helpful tips. The weather served us well and it was a very sunny and warm day. I have seen people complain about the long bus ride, and they're not wrong. This is a solid three hour ride in one direction, so it is not for the feint of heart. I slept through most of it, so it really wasn't a factor for me and Bruges is so awesome that, once you actually enter the city, you forget all about the long bus ride. Like I said, our time in Bruges felt a little short and I would have liked to have at least another hour there, but I get it. They want to get people back to Amsterdam in a reasonable hour so they would still have time to grab some dinner and do stuff in the city. With how little time I actually had in Amsterdam, this actually enabled me to see more of the city. Quick note to my fellow Americans: you do not need your passport to go to Bruges from Amsterdam because both are in the EU. I wasn't sure, so I brought mine and almost ended up losing it. Overall, this was a really cool experience and I'm really happy I got to do it.
Good trip guide was professional and knowledgeable. Kind of felt very rushed because we were worried about finding our way back to the bus. Guide said it’s easy- but for our first time in Bruges it was confusing.
Excellent, friendly guide. Bus was immaculate & very comfortable for the long ride. The guide recommended a restaurant that was good but only accepted cash: just FYI. LOTS to see in this beautiful town. Worth the trip from Amsterdam.
3 hours bus ride to Bruge with a 1 hr tour and you’re on your own for the rest of the time there. The tour guide is absolutely hilarious and super friendly. He gives recommendations on chocolate and mussels which I will say are very great recommendations. The city itself is absolutely breath taking. 10/10 would go again.
Pedro was such a funny and charismatic guide, he made the 3hr ride feel like 30mins. Although Bruges was way busier with tourists than I thought it would be, the charm and beauty if the architecture were undeniable. It just means next time I should stay one night to have an early morning for Bruges all to myself as well as see how magical Bruges would look at night.